A loved one recorded an audio message on Facebook messenger for me; it looks like the image below. I'm trying to download it, but nearly all of the ways to capture it don't see that the file exists, and the one exception to that downloaded a file that nothing can open.

Access this url via chrome and log in -> Select your message that the audio file is in -> Go to file section -> In chrome there should be a download image on the right side (end of the audio file lin) which should allow you to download it.

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As part of this series on the science and practice of social impact campaigns, this article seeks to help readers better understand how to deploy an effective trusted messenger strategy in four different audience contexts. Drawing from our work in film-based advocacy across a range of social movements, we hope to leave you with actionable insights on how to collaborate with the right kind of messenger, and thus help your idea, innovation, or desired behavior take hold.

The affected: A person the issue has impacted the most, such as a Parkland high-school shooting survivor fighting for common-sense gun reform. They are especially potent messengers, in that their personal testimony can contribute to shaping both knowledge and values around your message.

The guide: a person who has embodied the core values of the target audience for decades, such as a retired US general urging people to wear face masks. They shape and defend the traditions of the target audience, allowing them to imbue your message with moral authority.

Developing effective messages and the right person to share them requires that you understand your audience, including how knowledgeable and receptive they are. (Note: The archetypes featured in this matrix are examples of who you might partner with, but not the only ones to consider.)

This audience is already aware of the issue and receptive to the message, so you need to partner with a messenger who can sustain their engagement and inspire action. In this context, many people already accept the big, foundational ideas behind your message, but they may have issue fatigue.

This is an audience context where you need to prove your case, while also opening up people to information they may innately resist. The more unfamiliar or disruptive an innovation is, the greater the resistance typically is, which is why social change can be so difficult. Focusing on using messengers to transform the credibility and social legitimacy of the message is important.

I am currently working on a Symfony 6 project. Now I have the situation that I want to stop and start a systemd service which is used to consume the messages from the Symfony Messenger message queue.The service is called "[email protected]" and is located under /etc/systemd/system

@DanielTPC - were you able to get things solved by selecting a new test record for a more recent message as Troy suggested?

If not, ensuring that the sender_psid field from the Facebook Messenger trigger has been selected for the Recipient ID field (on the Send Message from Page action) should help to clear the error. Please keep us updated on how you got on with this, looking forward to hearing from you! ?

I've not experienced this problem either, but I generally use Siri to send an original message, and if I'm replying to a message, I can find the message box and double tap it to focus on it and then either type or dictate the message.

Hey! Not having this issue, and hope I didn't just jccx myself. :-) Sorry to hear that some people are having this issue. I've used Messenger I think about 3 times today. All 3 times, it's worked. now, I've gotten the loading message, but, it usually goes away after a minute or 2. So, I think it's just because I have 7 pages of messages with the people that I was messaging with today. lol :-) I will say though. That I have not had to start a new conversation. So, maybe this issue could be isolated to only when starting new conversations. In which case, I hope I don't have to start a new conversation any time soon. At least, until there's another version of Messenger.

Through playing around I found out that if there is no existing message threat with the person you are trying to contact, the app is stuck at the loading screen and won't continue, this also happens if VO is disabled, seams to be a general problem with the App.

If there is an existing message threat, things work out normally.

My current workaround is to type the first message from my computer and do all the other messages from my phone.

Although the messaging part has been removed from the official FB site, you can still write messages by clicking the message button on the profile, you just can't look at your messages anymore.

I have had the same issues with messenger, in which sometimes it gets stuck on the loading screen, and doesn't take you to the window where you can send messages. Not sure what is going on [here exactly, but this needs to be fixed, otherwise we won't be able to send messages. Their are a few times where it has worked, but I think it either depends on the different contacts, or something else. Anyway that has been an issue since the new update.

Messenger provides a message bus with the ability to send messages and thenhandle them immediately in your application or send them through transports(e.g. queues) to be handled later. To learn more deeply about it, read theMessenger component docs.

Messenger centers around two different classes that you'll create: (1) a messageclass that holds data and (2) a handler(s) class that will be called when thatmessage is dispatched. The handler class will read the message class and performone or more tasks.

A message handler is a PHP callable, the recommended way to create it is tocreate a class that has the AsMessageHandlerattribute and has an __invoke() method that's type-hinted with themessage class (or a message interface):

You can also use the #[AsMessageHandler] attribute on individual classmethods. You may use the attribute on as many methods in a single class as youlike, allowing you to group the handling of multiple related types of messages.

Thanks to autoconfiguration and the SmsNotificationtype-hint, Symfony knows that this handler should be called when an SmsNotificationmessage is dispatched. Most of the time, this is all you need to do. But you canalso manually configure message handlers. Tosee all the configured handlers, run:

By default, messages are handled as soon as they are dispatched. If you wantto handle a message asynchronously, you can configure a transport. A transportis capable of sending messages (e.g. to a queueing system) and thenreceiving them via a worker. Messenger supportsmultiple transports.

Thanks to this, the App\Message\SmsNotification will be sent to the asynctransport and its handler(s) will not be called immediately. Any messages notmatched under routing will still be handled immediately, i.e. synchronously.

You may use a partial PHP namespace like 'App\Message\*' to match allthe messages within the matching namespace. The only requirement is that the'*' wildcard has to be placed at the end of the namespace.

You can define and override the transport that a message is using atruntime by using theTransportNamesStamp onthe envelope of the message. This stamp takes an array of transportname as its only argument. For more information about stamps, seeEnvelopes & Stamps.

If you need to pass a Doctrine entity in a message, it's better to pass the entity'sprimary key (or whatever relevant information the handler actually needs, like email,etc.) instead of the object (otherwise you might see errors related to the Entity Manager):

If a message doesn't match any routing rules, it won'tbe sent to any transport and will be handled immediately. In some cases (likewhen binding handlers to different transports),it's easier or more flexible to handle this explicitly: by creating a synctransport and "sending" messages there to be handled immediately:

The first argument is the receiver's name (or service id if you routed to acustom service). By default, the command will run forever: looking for new messageson your transport and handling them. This command is called your "worker".

Sometimes certain types of messages should have a higher priority and be handledbefore others. To make this possible, you can create multiple transports and routedifferent messages to them. For example:

Supervisor is a great tool to guarantee that your worker process(es) isalways running (even if it closes due to failure, hitting a message limitor thanks to messenger:stop-workers). You can install it on Ubuntu, forexample, via:

Supervisor configuration files typically live in a /etc/supervisor/conf.ddirectory. For example, you can create a new messenger-worker.conf filethere to make sure that 2 instances of messenger:consume are running at alltimes:

If you use the Redis Transport, note that each worker needs a unique consumername to avoid the same message being handled by multiple workers. One way toachieve this is to set an environment variable in the Supervisor configurationfile, which you can then refer to in messenger.yaml(see the ref:`Redis section ` below):

Systemd user service configuration files typically live in a ~/.config/systemd/userdirectory. For example, you can create a new messenger-worker.service file. Or amessenger-worker@.service file if you want more instances running at the same time:

On the other hand, it's common for workers to process messages sequentially inlong-running CLI processes which don't finish after processing a single message.Beware about service states to prevent information and/or memory leakage asSymfony will inject the same instance of a service in all messages, preservingthe internal state of the services.

However, certain Symfony services, such as the Monologfingers crossed handler, leak by design.Symfony provides a service reset feature to solve this problem. When resettingthe container automatically between two messages, Symfony looks for any servicesimplementing ResetInterface (including yourown services) and calls their reset() method so they can clean their internal state. e24fc04721

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