Gwanghae, the child of a concubine, becomes the Crown Prince of Joseon. For the next 16 years, the illegitimate prince lives through turbulent times, enduring death threats and possible dethronement. Gwanghae has a contentious relationship with his father King Seonjo, and the two eventually become rivals in politics and love. Using physiognomy as a weapon and means to gain power, Gwanghae enlists a face-reading fortuneteller to help him become the next King.

On August 25, 2014, Jupiter Film, the production company of the 2013 film The Face Reader, filed for an injunction in court for infringement of copyright and unfair competition against KBS, asking that the network not be allowed to air their unauthorized remake. According to Jupiter Film, they own the rights to the original script for The Face Reader with a "one source multi use" clause, for the express purpose of producing a film, a book series, and a television series based on the story about a face-reading fortuneteller who gets caught up in a political battle for the throne. The film sold 9 million tickets in 2013, and two books in the series (backstories for the characters in the film) have been released thus far. Jupiter Film said they approached KBS Media in 2012 about a 24-episode TV drama adaptation of The Face Reader and handed over scripts and outlines, and mentioned War of Money screenwriter Lee Hyang-hee as a good candidate for penning the remake. But KBS Media and Jupiter Film could not agree on terms and negotiations fell through. Jupiter Film alleged that after KBS Media backed out of the deal, the latter took the idea and made their own version, including hiring the screenwriter they'd suggested.[2]

Download The Kings Face


KBS in turn issued the following statement: "The King's Face is a totally different drama in people, era, and setting, with different plot and conflict structure, and mode of expression from The Face Reader." While waiting for the court's final decision, KBS decided to go ahead with the production and made casting announcements.[3] The court ruling in November 2014 was in KBS's favor, stating that there was no plagiarism involved.[4]

The drama follows Prince Gwanghae (Seo In Guk) and his rise to the throne while battling his father, King Seonjo (Lee Sung Jae), and his brothers because of his supposed kingly face. It takes place over 100 years after what happens in The Face Reader, which dealt with a different king.

Even in a fantasy world, the short kings, queens, and monarchs in non-binary finery among us don't get the treatment they deserve. This time, the injustice is taking place in Baldur's Gate 3, and it's perhaps the worst violation yet of the rights and dignity of our comrades of diminished stature: They can't kiss Karlach, the game's resident hot Tiefling girlfriend.

Here is a video of this bug, this error, this crime in action, though be warned Karlach is inexplicably in her underwear for it, so maybe don't play it at work. At least she still shouts "Yay!" afterwards, though. I guess everyone's happy in the end.

I'm playing a wood elf who kind of ended up romancing Shadowheart by default, so I can't test this myself, but I wouldn't be surprised if this issue affected romances with party members besides Karlach. No companion (at least that I've encountered) looks a hair under five foot eight to me, so I think they'd all pose a challenge to an amorous gnome or halfling.

It's a strange oversight in a game otherwise filled with polish, small details, and examples of the devs taking into account all the baffling ideas players will come up with while playing. After all, BG3 is a game with a big emphasis on its romance options (either too much of an emphasis or just the right amount, depending on which PC Gamer staff member you happen to be talking to), and three of its playable races (dwarves, halfings and gnomes) are on the short side. Maybe this is actually just how short people handle romance in D&D, I guess I'm not fully up-to-date with the lore.

One of Josh's first memories is of playing Quake 2 on the family computer when he was much too young to be doing that, and he's been irreparably game-brained ever since. His writing has been featured in Vice, Fanbyte, and the Financial Times. He'll play pretty much anything, and has written far too much on everything from visual novels to Assassin's Creed. His most profound loves are for CRPGs, immersive sims, and any game whose ambition outstrips its budget. He thinks you're all far too mean about Deus Ex: Invisible War."}), " -0-7/js/authorBio.js"); } else { console.error('%c FTE ','background: #9306F9; color: #ffffff','no lazy slice hydration function available'); }Joshua WolensSocial Links NavigationNews WriterOne of Josh's first memories is of playing Quake 2 on the family computer when he was much too young to be doing that, and he's been irreparably game-brained ever since. His writing has been featured in Vice, Fanbyte, and the Financial Times. He'll play pretty much anything, and has written far too much on everything from visual novels to Assassin's Creed. His most profound loves are for CRPGs, immersive sims, and any game whose ambition outstrips its budget. He thinks you're all far too mean about Deus Ex: Invisible War.

phi3nk said: Even with some lack points in this drama, but i really enjoyed it. the last eps seems a bit rushed and easy. actually I hope a looonnnggg fight scene with beautiful moves and actions. But with limited time, they had to make it simple and fast. I think they should learn Hong Kong / Taiwanese movies more. Both are always make beautiful long fight scenes but entertaining.

i kinda feel pity for Ga Hee. she took all the blame for killing Seonjo deliberately. though she did it for her only love Gwh. She is a pity character.

I also do agree that Do Chi died easily compared to what he has done. And the Queen, mehhh... 

At least, the positive one i'm agree with the message of the writer intended. That the destiny can change depend on your efforts. And the face of ours could changed by our hearts. So let's change our hearts to the positive ways. Thanks to writer for your wise messages.

Thanks for all of your comments and opinions at this thread. See you guys in another forums... =D>

@DelroyB , i think that Seonjo was change eventhough just a bit. He seemed more calm since GH beside him. Example when he caught GH and CP in the library together, he covered it up. He asked Do Chi as if it never happened. The 'old Seonjo' would let his angry blinding him. in the past, his jealousy toward CP unreasonable just look at how he desposed CP before. If there was a chance, Seonjo would to kick CP out of his eyes.

Have relationship with king's women is a crime. It could be a reason to punish CP. But the 'new Seonjo' didn't do that anymore. He just warned GH not to love and having relationship with CP anymore although they were childhood friends. it's purely man jealousy toward his woman.And look how he frustated at Joseon-Ming relationship. How he managed trying to make Ming grant their permission at CP. in the past he even didn't want Gwh became CP. He's changed a bit.

So i think that the real reason why GH made a decision to kill Seonjo was, Seonjo's ill and dying. He didn't have much time. When Seonjo asked CP to rise the throne, CP turned it down. But Joseon needs the king who could rule the country with good health, phisically and mentally. And if Seonjo was still alive, CP didn't want to rise the throne. it could make Joseon in danger.

So the destiny would change if we make an effort on it. And GH took that opportunity (killing Seonjo) to make a change in the Joseon with making CP as the ruler. It's just my opinion.

as you all have said, the biggest regret in this drama was the script. if only the writer made all characters has common senses and reasoning in every things they did and weave the politics and conspiracy more neatly and beautifully, no doubt this could became a fantastic drama! it has so much potential! seeing it being wasted is painful and frustrating!

and the love line oh my... what can i say as it already ended. what the writer did to gwanghae and ga hee love is like throwing a bucket of cold ice water to a flame. the flame just ceased. the love just stop. no more memories. no more anything. i feel like the writer made gwanghae and ga hee kill their own love i've cherished so far. i felt betrayed ... don't know how to get over this feeling... huks...

but then, even with this poor and lack of writing here and there, the casts shines brightly! salute to all casts and crews, great costumes, beautiful places, and looove all the OSTs! greatest salute is def to seo in guk, my forever prince :x so happy that the ratings of last ep went up so high and made in guk being rediscovered and raised him to a higher place in this kpop acting world :x

thanks to you all here, esp @cecilia for your hard work, it's been a wonderful journey >< looking forward to meeting you in other threads, def will always come back to this thread again anticipating any other posts

[spoiler warning - if you have not watched the King's Face and don't want to know how it ends yet please do not read on - this is a review of the drama]

What I will most remember about the King's Face is Seo In Guk's acting. Not just because I am his fan but because to me, his acting in TKF was like watching a dancer or a figure skater. Scott Hamilton once said of Yuna Kim's (the Korean 2012 Olympic Gold Medalist) figure skating that she never has a wasted movement on ice. If you were to take photos of her throughout her performance, every part of her body would be exactly where IT should be on any given moment. Not too much, not too little, just perfectly appropriate at any given point in time in tune with the music and for the movement whether it be a jump, a spiral or a glide across the ice.

That's the same way I felt about SIG's acting in TKF. You can take a photo of him on screen for every second of his appearance and you will say the same about his facial expressions, his body movements from top to bottom. And when you add his voice into those images, he hit the perfect note every time for me. I have gained a new respect for his acting. 

As for the story line....well...I understand we got to the conclusion the writers wanted us to get to at the end. That the face reading is really a reading of the heart. That what's in our hearts is what shows up on our faces. So if we are to believe our fate is expressed in our face, we can determine our own fate by having the 'right' heart. Ok, I get that. I believe that myself in real life.

Another lesson (more like a political lecture) we get from the writers in the final episode is that the King's Face is not that important after all. More important is the peoples' faces and that if you want to know the health of the King's Face, you need to look at the peoples' faces. Ok fine.


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