Following a nonlinear narrative, The Haunting of Bly Manor follows the events occurring in the eponymous countryside manor in the United Kingdom, mostly upon the arrival of a young American hired as an au pair for the two children living at Bly, and who is unaware that the manor is haunted. It was released on October 9, 2020, and like its predecessor received positive reviews from critics, who particularly praised the performances of Pedretti and Miller. At the 73rd Primetime Emmy Awards, the series was nominated for Outstanding Sound Editing for a Limited or Anthology Series. At the 1st Critics' Choice Super Awards, it received nominations for Best Horror Series and Best Actress in a Horror Series (Pedretti and Miller). At the 2021 MTV Movie & TV Awards, Pedretti won the award for Most Frightened Performance.

In Northern California, 2007, a woman attends a rehearsal dinner for a wedding. There, she tells the story of an au pair, which dates back to 1987 in London. American native Dani Clayton is hired by Henry Wingrave to look after his niece and nephew in their manor in Bly. Dani arrives with Owen the cook and meets the children, Miles and Flora; the housekeeper, Hannah Grose; and the gardener, Jamie. Flora warns Dani not to leave her room at night, but Dani ignores this. She finds many talismans spread throughout the manor, one of which belongs to the previous au pair, Rebecca Jessel, who allegedly killed herself. Hannah describes the talismans as a protection for Flora. She sees a man on the parapet. When Dani stumbles on The Lady of the Lake's talisman, she is locked in Flora's cupboard by Miles. She sees a spectre she has seen repeatedly in a mirror in the closet. Dani is let out a few hours later and notices muddy footsteps. When she follows them outside, she sees Miles and Flora staring at her from their windows.

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In flashbacks, Dani is engaged to her childhood friend Edmund. One night during a date, Edmund realizes Dani does not want to marry him and the two fight in the car. As Edmund exits the car angrily, a truck runs him over and kills him. A traumatized Dani sees Edmund's spectre for the first time at the hospital and plans to leave the country without telling anyone. Edmund's mother gives Dani Edmund's glasses before she leaves. At Bly Manor, Dani joins the house staff at a bonfire after Owen's mother's funeral. Jamie initiates a traditional remembrance of the deceased, "throwing bones into the fire", but Dani does not participate. Dani and Jamie fall in love. Dani later awakens in a drunken stupor, but Flora notices the faceless doll in her dollhouse. The children prevent her from seeing a white-clad female spirit wandering the manor. After putting the children to bed, Dani burns Edmund's glasses.

Hannah flashes back and forth between events at different points in time, some real and some imaginary: the day she interviewed Owen for the cook position; the night of the bonfire when he offers to take her to Paris; and the time of Rebecca's employment at the manor, when Hannah caught Peter stealing from the Wingraves. One night, Peter is killed by the "Lady in the Lake", the faceless white-clad ghost who tracks mud into the house. Reincarnating as a ghost, he discovers he can possess Miles. Hannah sees Miles speaking to Peter. Peter then possesses Miles and shoves Hannah down the well, killing her. Dani arrives at the manor after, revealing that Hannah was killed right at that moment and has unwittingly been a ghost since Dani's arrival. The episode ends at the bonfire, where Hannah agrees to go to Paris with Owen, only to see him toasting her goodbye as he leaves with Jamie.

Flashbacks reveal that Henry was having an affair with his brother Dominic's wife Charlotte before their deaths and is Flora's biological father. After deducing this, Dominic cuts ties with Henry, reasserting himself as Flora's father and forbidding Henry to contact the family. Dominic and Charlotte travel to India in an attempt to save their marriage, but are killed there in an accident. In the present, Henry drinks heavily and refuses to answer Dani's calls when Flora behaves strangely and sleepwalks. At night, he calls the manor hoping Flora will answer but hangs up when anybody else does. Flora repeatedly "dream hops", flashing back to the past in dreams about Charlotte and a faceless boy ghost in her room. She speaks to Rebecca's ghost, who visits her at night and is the cause of these occurrences. Dani ends up seeing Rebecca and Peter's ghosts. As she tries to flee with Flora, Miles knocks Dani unconscious.

Centuries ago, the owner of Bly Manor, Willoughby, dies, orphaning his two daughters, Viola and Perdita. Viola marries their distant cousin, Arthur Lloyd, to Perdita's chagrin, who has feelings for Lloyd. After having a daughter Isabel, Viola falls ill with a lung disease. She refuses her last rites, insisting she "will not leave". She becomes bitter and angry as her disease worsens, and she is isolated from the family, frequently searching for her daughter. Perdita, no longer able to tolerate her sister's worsening condition, smothers Viola to death and marries Arthur herself. Viola's spirit is trapped in a chest in the manor, filled with dresses and jewelry she bequeathed to Isabel. Arthur's finances dwindle and, at risk of losing the house, Perdita opens the chest, hoping to sell Isabel's inheritance to keep them afloat. Viola's spirit kills Perdita. Finding Perdita's corpse, Arthur fears the chest is cursed and sinks it into the lake on the property before leaving with Isabel. Viola becomes the Lady in the Lake, searching the manor for her daughter at night, and killing anyone in her path, as well as trapping those who die on the grounds. Her memory fades along with her face over the centuries.

For all the tragedies, psychological trauma, and ghostly hauntings, there's still a bit of playfulness to the making of this anthology series. Part of the marketing campaign for Bly Manor included posting a tongue-in-cheek "official" Zillow listing for the estate, chock-full of sly references for those who have seen the show. (The house is off-market, of course, although the description claims it's been listed for "eternity.") Of particular ominous note: the master wing is "off limits," and the house contains plentiful "markings of its previous residents [that] can be found all over the estate." In other words, the place has ghosts.

With Hill House, there wasn't any question that the haunting was real. But literary scholars and critics have been debating The Turn of the Screw ever since it was first published, because James was deliberately ambiguous as to whether the governess is seeing actual ghosts or simply going mad and imagining them.

Dani and the gang initially believe Quint's alive and calling the house to speak to Rebecca, not realizing she's dead. But really it's Henry, the Wingraves' uncle. Before the Wingrave parents' deaths, Henry was having an affair with his brother's wife, Charlotte Wingrave, and Flora is in fact his daughter. He rings the manor hoping Flora will pick up.

The Lady in the Lake is the ghost of Viola Willoughby, played by Kate Siegel, aka Theo from Hill House. She's the daughter of the owner of Bly Manor, murdered centuries ago by her own sister, Perdita. Viola falls ill with a lung disease, but refuses to let a priest move her spirit on. Eventually, no longer able to endure her worsening state and abuse, Perdita smothers Viola with a pillow. She marries Viola's husband Arthur and looks after her daughter Isabel. On the brink of bankruptcy, Perdita opens up a chest of dresses and jewellery Viola left to Isabel, intending to sell them. Viola's spirit emerges and kills Perdita. Thinking the chest is cursed, Arthur sinks it in the lake. Now, Viola's faceless ghost emerges from the water at night, searching the manor for her daughter and killing anyone in her path, despite no longer having her memories. While her ghost remains there, anyone else who dies on the grounds is caught in her "gravity well," unable to move on.

Who - or what - is doing the haunting? The mansion is locked up tighter than Fort Knox. How could anyone gain access? And why? The mystery searchers deploy their most incredible technology ever in a hunt for the wandering, elusive intruder.

Loosely based on the novella "The Turn of the Screw" by Henry James, "Bly Manor" is about a woman who takes a position as a live-in nanny for two young children at a country estate in England, only to experience strange hauntings.

8. The Romance of Certain Old Clothes

Bly's dark origins come to light. Once the iron-willed lady of the manor, Viola becomes consumed by a monstrous rage, ensnaring all souls around her.

In addition, the inclusion of the narrator (Carla Gugino), eventually revealed to be an older version of Jamie, has its origins in The Turn of the Screw. In the book, the tale of the governess is reshared to a group of guests gathered at a manor for Christmas by someone who had loved the doomed caretaker, much like how Jamie shares the story of Dani to the guests gathered for Flora's wedding.

The reason she has gathered them is that some very strange and horrifying events have taken place around these realms. Mutilated bodies washed up on shore, corpses disappear from abbeys. The brigade reached out to an oracle for aid, a seer named Sarah Benthem, However, her wife informed them through a letter that Sarah is unwell; suffering from an unnatural ailment. Strange and unspeakable things are happening at Benthem manor and she feels powerless to stop them... someone or something has her beloved.

They travel to Benthem manor, which is on an island in the middle of a lake. They are met by Mr. Powell the groundskeeper who takes them on a rowboat to the house. On the way Allister tells them of his ability to commune with ghosts, Rikki casts Goddberry and gives one to each of the party members. Through the fog they see Benthem manor, a dilapidated building, with boarded up windows and doors. At the front door they are met by Mrs. Powell who tends to the house as best as she can. She ushers them into the office to have a word before they head upstairs. The office is kind of drab, there is a painting half hidden by a canvas cloth on the wall. e24fc04721

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