Very early compasses were made of a magnetized needle attached to a piece of wood or cork that floated freely in a dish of water. As the needle would settle, the marked end would point toward magnetic north.

Historians think China may have been the first civilization to develop a magnetic compass that could be used for navigation. Chinese scientists may have developed navigational compasses as early as the 11th or 12th century. Western Europeans soon followed at the end of the 12th century.

Download The Compass Needle


In their earliest use, compasses were likely used as backups for when the sun, stars, or other landmarks could not be seen. Eventually, as compasses became more reliable and more explorers understood how to read them, the devices became a critical navigational tool.

Other adaptations have been made to magnetic compasses over time, especially for their use in marine navigation. When ships evolved from being made of wood to being made of iron and steel, the magnetism of the ship affected compass readings. This difference is called deviation. Adjustments such as placing soft iron balls (called Kelvin spheres) and bar magnets (called Flinders bars) near the compass helped increase the accuracy of the readings. Deviation must also be taken into account on aircraft using compasses, due to the metal in the construction of an airplane.

Magnetic compasses come in many forms. The most basic are portable compasses for use on casual hikes. Magnetic compasses can have additional features, such as magnifiers for use with maps, a prism or a mirror that allows you to see the landscape as you follow the compass reading, or markings in Braille for the visually impaired. The most complicated compasses are complex devices on ships or planes that can calculate and adjust for motion, variation, and deviation.

Even without a compass card, there are techniques that use the sun as a compass. One method is to make a shadow stick. A shadow stick is a stick placed upright in the ground. Pebbles placed around the stick, and a piece of string to track the shadow of the sun across the sky, help a navigator determine the directions of east and west.

Receivers from the global positioning system (GPS) have begun to take the place of compasses. A GPS receiver coordinates with satellites orbiting the Earth and monitoring stations on Earth to pinpoint the receiver's location. GPS receivers can plot latitude, longitude, and altitude on a map. Unless large objects block signals, readings are usually accurate to within about 15 meters (50 feet).

Spiritual Orienteering

The Chinese first used compasses not for navigation, but for spiritual purposes. They used the magnetic devices to organize buildings and other things according to feng shui, the ancient practice of harmonizing an environment according to the "laws of Heaven."

My photoshop was upgraded and now when I work on my canvas an icon appears and it suddenly rotates or zooms in ans out or moves whitout my doing. I assume I need to turn off some funtion? this has happened before when an upgrade occurrs. Please advise. The icon looks like a compass needle

I recently finished the manga and noticed that compass needle is OP. We know that his compass detects where the opponent will strike and when their vital spots are open. How did akaza lose his blood battle vs douma if akaza has one of the most op techniques? Could akaza keep up vs upper one?

Yep! If you store your compass near objects that have strong magnets in them (such as your car speakers) it can demagnetize over extended periods of time. There are a few other issues your compass can run into that makes it less reliable as well.

Bubbles can form within the compass housing when doing big ascents or changes in weather. There bubbles often go away upon descending or when the weather changes back. However if the bubbles get large enough it can cause some inaccuracies.

Compass needles are often balanced based how much dip a magnetic zone has. This allows the needle to sit level within the housing. The northern hemisphere is lucky to have a similar magnetic zone throughout, but if you travel south with a northern calibrated compass you might run into troubles. The image below shows magnetic zones.

According to the Mountaineering Council of Scotland, reversed polarity in compass needles is becoming a significant source of navigation error. The reason is the increasing range of magnetic fields in our transport, clothing and equipment.

Using the compass too close to a ferrous source, such as walking poles, ice axes, cameras, watch, GPS, metal framed glasses, stove, even a wallet (some coins are ferrous). Everyone knows this but it's an easy mistake to make if you are tired or stressed.

Don't trust your compass blindly. Develop the habit of checking your needle at the start of every trip and also checking that your bearings are consistent with what you're seeing on the ground while you're on the move.

Compass needles are mainly aligned to the horizontal component of the magnetic field, following lines that ultimately lead towards the north magnetic (dip) pole. In our Basic Compass Clinic 104, we discussed the concept of magnetic declination, and how to adjust compasses for accurate readings for your particular location.

In March 2021, we released an updated transit balancing map and table to help ensure that we are balancing our transit needles to meet the most current magnetic field. We mapped the World Magnetic Model 2020 inclination contour lines on top of countries in a Geographic Information System (GIS), and created new balancing zones A through O based on country intersections of every 10 degrees of inclination (Figure 8).

You can compare the earth's near-dipole field to a short magnet with its south magnetic "pole" directed toward the north geographic pole of the earth. The magnetic pole of a compass needle is defined to be the "north-seeking" end, i.e., the end that "seeks" (points generally toward) the north geographic pole.

Small pocket compasses have a magnetic needle pointer balanced on a sharp pivot. In use, the compass case is held in a horizontal plane. In the northern hemisphere, the magnetic field dips downward toward the north (the dip angle), which would cause the north-pointing end of the needle to droop downward. To prevent this, compasses intended for use in the northern hemisphere have the south-pointing end of the needle weighted to balance it. If a north hemisphere compass is used in the southern hemisphere, the south pointing end of its needle would dip a lot more, since that is the weighted end and the field lines dip toward the south. The needle would likely drag on the base of the compass. Simple compasses for use in the southern hemisphere have the north-pointing end of the needle weighted to prevent this. In fact, manufacturers of compasses customize them for five separate geographic zones.

Magnetic compasses used by explorers of the American West were weighted for use in North America. Today one can buy compasses with "global needles" that work equally well in both hemispheres. They have a double system, pivoting the magnets and the needle separately, but coupled. The tilt of the internal magnet doesn't tilt the needle. Since our explorer's compass was so old, it did not have this newer mechanism.

Compasses for determining accurate direction with reference to maps are generally held horizontally, and some have devices for sighting landmarks on the horizon. Had our explorer been more savvy about physics he might have tried holding his compass inclined at an angle until the needle moved freely. Raising it slowly to horizontal, being careful not to rotate it about a vertical axis, he could read the compass bearings correctly. Whether this would work would depend on how the magnetic needle was suspended.

This question arises frequently on the web, often with misleading and wrong answers. People ask, "Will a magnetic compass I use in the USA also work in Australia?" One answer I've seen was "You need one with the needle magnetised the other way round, so it points south instead of north." This may have been a joke. It is true that near the magnetic poles simple magnetic compasses are less sensitive, because the horizontal component of the earth's field is weaker there. In Northern Canada and Southern Australia magnetic compasses perform poorly. But the north-pointing end points northward at mid latitudes in either hemisphere. //

Constructing such a magnetometer they acknowledge, would be challenging. The team believes their needle would be approximately 10 micrometers long, with a radius of 1 micrometer. The trick would be in isolating such a needle from external noise. It would have to be held at a very low temperature, somehow protected from detecting the Earth's magnetic field, and be held without being touched, perhaps levitated by a superconductor. Measuring the precess would be tricky was well, likely requiring a super-conducting quantum interference device, which would likely also be the limiting factor in the final product.

A magnetic compass does not point to the geographic north pole. A magnetic compass points to the earth's magnetic poles, which are not the same as earth's geographic poles. Furthermore, the magnetic pole near earth's geographic north pole is actually the south magnetic pole. When it comes to magnets, opposites attract. This fact means that the north end of a magnet in a compass is attracted to the south magnetic pole, which lies close to the geographic north pole. Magnetic field lines outside of a permanent magnet always run from the north magnetic pole to the south magnetic pole. Therefore, the magnetic field lines of the earth run from the southern geographic hemisphere towards the northern geographic hemisphere.

The geographic north and south poles indicate the points where the earth's rotation axis intercepts earth's surface. Consider holding a tennis ball between your thumb and forefinger and pushing on the side to make it spin. The points where your thumb and finger make contact are the geographic north and south poles of the tennis ball's spin. A person standing on the equator is moving the fastest due to earth's rotation, while a person standing on a geographic pole does not move at all from earth's rotation. Earth's magnetic poles designate the central location of the region where the magnetic fields lines start and finish. Earth's geographic and magnetic poles are not exactly aligned because they arise from different mechanisms. Earth's magnetic field is caused by circulating currents of liquid iron in the outer core. Furthermore, earth's magnetic poles are constantly changing location relative to earth's geographic poles. Currently, the magnetic south pole lies about ten degrees distant from the geographic north pole, and sits in the Arctic Ocean north of Alaska. The north end on a compass therefore currently points roughly towards Alaska and not exactly towards geographic north. ff782bc1db

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