AcctInfo.dll - Helps you isolate and troubleshoot account lockouts and change a user's password on a domain controller in that user's site. This tool adds new property pages to user objects in the Active Directory Users and Computers Microsoft Management Console (MMC).

LockoutStatus.exe - To help collect the relevant logs, determines all the domain controllers that are involved in a lockout of a user account. LockoutStatus.exe uses the NLParse.exe tool to parse Netlogon logs for specific Netlogon return status codes. This tool directs the output to a comma-separated value (.csv) file that you can sort later.

Download The Account Lockout Status Tools From Microsoft


Microsoft provides an AD account lockout tool to check the lockout status. This tool can be downloaded here. After installing the tool, go to the folder you selected to extract the tool's files. The LockoutStatus.exe tool will help you find the source of an account lockout and resolve it.

Unlike the LockoutStatus tool provided by Microsoft, where you need to jump between multiple systems and consoles to pinpoint the source of lockout, ADAudit Plus allows you to analyze account lockouts in a single click. The who, when, where, and why of every account lockout is detailed in neat reports. These reports are collected in real time and can be exported to formats including CSV, PDF, XML, and HTML.

Get instant alerts when a privileged user is locked out or if the volume of lockouts is too high. These alerts can also be sent straight to the admin's or technician's email or mobile device via SMS from ADAudit Plus. With this AD lockout tool, you can find and resolve account lockouts in less than a few minutes.

1) b. You can also use Get-UserLockoutStatus functionfor troubleshooting persistent account lockout problems. The function searchesall domain controllers for a user in a domain for account lockout status, BadPassword Count, Last bad password time, and When password was set last, you canfind the full code here - -function-for-bc5f8b56 Opens a new window

I had the same requirement in my company where helpdesk was looking for a tool that can show them where the account was getting locked out so I have created a small tool that presents these DC lockout events in a nice GUI.

I really don't know where to look now, I have to source machine where the lockouts are coming from but still cant figure it out. i tried running the process explorer but i had to luck with that as well (maybe i dont know what to look for in that)

I am sure PW uses a SQL database but that is remote to the server which the lockouts are coming from. I will ask him tomorrow about the reports bit. So lets see and yes when his profile was flushed on this server the reg entries were deleted as well.

In Windows Server 2008/2008 R2 the "Unlock account" checkbox will always be available (regardless of the status of the account). You can tell whether the local DC knows if the account is locked out by looking at the label on the checkbox as shown in the screenshots below:

Hopefully this helps explain why the older operating systems behave slightly differently from the newer ones, and will help you the next time you have to deal with an account that is locked out in your environment!

6. LockoutStatus.exe. Determines all the domain controllers that are involved in a lockout of a user in order to assist in gathering the logs. LockoutStatus.exe uses the NLParse.exe tool to parse Netlogon logs for specific Netlogon return status codes. It directs the output to a comma-separated value (.csv) file that you can sort further, if needed.

Displays information about a locked out account by gathering account lockout-specific information from all the domain controllers that are involved in a lockout of a user in order to assist in gathering the logs.

Account lockouts are a headache for system administrators, and they happen a lot in Active Directory (AD). Research shows that account lockouts are the biggest single source of calls to IT support desks.

The most common underlying cause for AD account lockouts, beyond users forgetting their password, is a running application or background service on a device that is authenticating with stale credentials. As users are required to use more devices, this problem is getting worse. For system administrators, solving it requires that they find the app that is running with stale credentials, and then either stopping it or asking the user to update the credentials.

This problem is particularly acute in AD because the way in which account lockouts are handled in the system still reflects the average IT environment of ten years ago, in which most users only used one or two devices. In the days when most Office users logged in using one device, it was easy for them to keep track of their credentials. Now, that is not the case.

Most AD account lockouts are caused by one of two underlying mechanisms. Either a user forgets their password, or they have updated their credentials on a new device and forgotten to update them on an older device.

The basic mechanics of this kind of lockout are as follows. By default, AD will lock a user out after three failed login attempts. In the vast majority of cases, a user will have been asked to update their AD account credentials and will have done so on their most frequently used device. Any other devices they use may still have their old credentials saved, and will automatically continue to try to access AD using these. They will not be able to, and so AD will lock the account very quickly in order to prevent what looks like a brute force attack.

Because there are so many potential causes of an AD account lockout, system administrators will often have to undertake some significant investigative work in order to address the issue., System administrators should set up a system to track the number of enabled lockout users throughout their AD Forest, so they can to troubleshoot AD lockouts before being overwhelmed with calls from users.

In fact, many administrators will tell you that most, if not all, account lockouts can be remedied by having a more intelligent AD account lockout policy. This school of thought recommends that the admin go into the default GPO for the domain, and change the appropriate lockout parameters to a more reasonable setting.

Ultimately, the approach you choose will depend on your environment, and how many lockout instances you are seeing on a daily basis. You should seek to apply a lockout policy that allows you to manage the number of account reset attempts you receive, whilst still being able to catch genuinely malicious attempts to access your network.

AD account lockouts are such a common occurrence, and such a source of frustration for network administrators, that a few tools have been written specifically to help you deal with them. Some of these are provided by Microsoft, and others are third-party offerings. Here is a round-up of the best of them:

This is the standard set of tools that Microsoft provides for managing AD account lockouts, and consists of a set of individual components. Each will help you to investigate different aspects of your network.

You can, of course, take the most direct approach to investigate the cause of AD account lockouts, and use PowerShell to interrogate your network. This might be a slightly longer and more complex process than using the tools above, but it will also give you more granular information on exactly what is happening in your systems.

This is a bad approach to handling account lockouts. By taking the time to investigate the true causes of frequent account lockouts, you can stop them from occurring so frequently. Equally, changing your AD account lockout policies can be an effective way of separating instances of user error from genuinely malicious attacks on your network.

To add the new property page, you have to copy the acctinfo.dll file to %windir%\system32 and then register the DLL at a command prompt: regsvr32 acctinfo.dll. If you also copy lockoutstatus.exe to %windir%\system32, you can access the LockoutStatus tool from the user's property page.

This simple utility tries to track the origin of Active Directory bad password attempts and lockouts. It can search each domain/domain controller for bad password attempts to access an account. It will then parse any related events on each domain controller and work out where the origin of the lockout came from. After that, it analyzes each machine and outputs and the common causes of account lockouts that are present (e.g., mapped drives, old rdp sessions, scheduled tasks).

You can also use Get-UserLockoutStatus function to troubleshoot persistent account lockout problems. The function searches all domain controllers for a user in a domain for account lockout status: bad password count, last bad password time, and when the password was set last. You can find the full code here.

Account Lockout Status is a tool that provides information about a user account's lockout status. It gathers data from all domain controllers in the domain associated with the user account. The tool has both command-line and graphical interfaces.

This is where the Microsoft Account Lockout and Management Tools will come in handy to help us figure out (i) which device caused the account lockout and (ii) the current lock out state of a given user account.

Microsoft Support found the problem for us. Our domain accounts were locking when a Windows 7 computer was started. The Windows 7 computer had a hidden old password from that domain account. There are passwords that can be stored in the SYSTEM context that can't be seen in the normal Credential Manager view.

Finally i found my problem. SQL Reporting Service was causing my account lockout. Stop and try, after confirm no more passwords bad attempts i should reconfigure reporting services service account ---Not at Service Properties, it is in Reporting Service own config--.

Account lockouts are a common problem experienced by Active Directory users. They arise because of Account Lockout Policies configured in the default domain policy for the Active Directory domain. In this article, we will go through some of the root causes of account lockouts and the way to simplify the troubleshooting process. 006ab0faaa

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