In 1994, after being promoted to his brother's Western Bloc staff, Germn Briceo took over command of the 10th Front, which operates in Arauca Department and along the Venezuelan border. Since then he has also assumed command of the 28th, 38th, 45th, and 56th fronts, operating in the economically and militarily important departments of Arauca, Boyaca, and Casanare. In 1994 he reportedly participated, along with his brother, in the kidnappings and murders of American missionaries Stephen Welsh and Timothy van Dick; the kidnapping of Raymond Rising, an official from the Summer Linguistics Institute; and the kidnappings of industrialist Enrique Mazuera Durn and his son, Mauricio, both of whom have U.S. citizenship. Germn Briceo is also accused of kidnapping British citizen Nigel Breeze, and he is under investigation for the murder of two Colombian Marine Infantry deputy officers and for the kidnappings of Carlos Bastardo, a lieutenant from the Venezuelan navy, as well as about a dozen cattlemen from Venezuela's Apure State. His kidnap victims in Arauca have included the son of Congressman Adalberto Jaimes; and Rubn Dario Lpez, owner of the Arauca convention center, along with his wife. He has also ordered the murders of young women who were the girlfriends of police or military officers.

Pe data de 25 februarie 1994, teroristul evreu a deschis focul cu arma sa automat asupra unor brbai musulmani, n timp ce acetia se aflau la rugciune n moscheea din Grota Patriarhilor din Hebron. Atentatorul era, n calitatea sa de medic, maior n rezerv al armatei israeliene. Dup rafalele de arm automat, atentatorul a fost imobilizat de arabi i linat.

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