Flex is the bestseller, super flexible, multi-purpose Joomla template that can fit in any type of website you are building. It is clean, responsive, includes drag & drop Layout and Page Builder and comes packed with powerful options! With stunning animations and eye-catchy layouts, Flex will help you draw attention of visitors at first sight.

Flex is a multi-purpose responsive Joomla template with user-friendly, modern, retina ready, highly customizable and easy to integrate solution to build your custom Joomla 4 or Joomla 3 website.

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Go from Install to Manage, set the type filter to 'template'. The installed template should appear in the list. If it does, the template is properly installed. Now you can assign one of styles to a menuitem or set the style as default.

 For administrator templates make sure you have two windows of the template manager. Activate the new template in one of them and reset it in the other one if something went wrong.

Flex's (template) update should be via Joomla's installer (Extensions > Install), where you have to use "Template only" version (flex_3.9.8_template_only.zip) for update, not (by all means) Quickstart. Again, Quickstart is already Joomla CMS with demo sample data and template cannot be updated with Quickstart. Only way for updating template in already installed Joomla (Quickstart) is via "Template Only" install package in your "Template" folder of your downloaded package from ThemeForest.

Templates can also be installed via FTP without packaging them. Simply select the template folder on your PC and upload it to your server, using your favorite FTP software. Be sure you upload the template folder to the directory: /path_to_joomla/templates/ - where /path_to_joomla/ is the location of your Joomla! installation on the server. This method is mostly used when you have created a template yourself, and do not want to have to package it to install the template, or if you want to upload more than one template at once. You must then go into extension manager and click on Discover in the sub menu. Click on "Discover" in the toolbar if your template doesn't immediately appear. A list of uninstalled items in the FTP should then appear. Click the checkbox to the left of your template and click install.

"Advanced" version, meaning "custom" version, with some features added and developed specially for Flex template. Best example of that is SP Simple Portfolio, which is far more advanced then original version from developer. Custom fields are added, along with "lightbox gallery" feature for lightbox (popup window). Virtuemart has also added feature to show images in Ajax off-canvas cart, so it is also "custom" version, even though it is a matter of few lines of code.

Those social icons are localized in top left corner of template, in that row there can be 14 icons with links to popular social networks serves: Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest, Linkedin, Dribbble, Behance, YouTube, Flickr, VK (VKontakte), WhatsApp, Skype, etc. By default this object is using a "top1" module position.

Layout Manager allowing you to build flexible and beautiful layout based on module positions. Layout Builder is one of the unique features of Helix3 framework which allows anyone to customize the existing template in any shape without having any programming language! In the layout builder we used 6 columns. Those 6 columns covered the whole width of our layout. If you want to create 4 columns then have to use wider blocks for every column.

Mega Menu is an easy to use menu tool for creating beautiful, customized menus for your site, also with modules inside. That also boosts SEO and user engagement. Here in template settings you have access to 4 options only, more advanced settings are "hidden" in Menu Manager inside each menu item - so please check also there.

Typograpy settings allows you to choose font and its settings for popular HTML tags: body, h1, h2, h3, h2, h5, h6 and navigation. Subsets (like Latin Extended, Vietnamese are also no problem - just choose the character sets you want. Of course if they are available for selected font set. All settings are from template settings, so you have got now a simple and efficient way to embed Google fonts of your choosing to your website with a few clicks of your mouse.

Even better solution for "custom" CSS filesis to create custom.css file in templates/flex/css folder on your website, it doesn't exist in "original" Flex package, but you can create one. You can put all custom stylings (CSS) there. This "custom.css" will be loaded automatically (recognized by the template) into the pages and also be safe from overwriting when you update template (Flex template), and it should be last of listed CSSs on your page. Any custom changes need to be done in custom.css file, because they are not "touched" by this LESS Compiler or future updates.

Same thing goes for "custom.js", javascript file which you can also create, if you need "custom" javascript codes. If you create it, it will be loaded automatically into the template.

This section of Flex's settings allows you to reduce size of loaded template files. By speeding up template, you offer a better experience for your customers, improve your page speed (and therefore, possibly, your search engine ranking) and make your CMS appear more stable and professional.

Compile LESS to CSS option - Flex is developed with LESS system built-in. When customize your site, we suggest you to work with LESS files. All your changes in the LESS files will be compiled into the final CSS files, located in your_root/templates/flex/css folder. It will override previous changes.

Your template has customized the module view. I have edited this file name default.php in this location: templates/flex/html/mod_spsimpleportfolio to clear the overrides. Now, it shows right. Please check the site.

Use current 4.0-dev branch with the default Cassiopeia frontent template and have a menu in module position menu which should be shown in horizontal direction, and some other menus in some side position shown in vertical direction.

@dgrammatiko For the navbar-nav class it is right what you say, that it couples the menu to boostrap classes again, so this should maybe be reverted, but I think that removing the flex-column could be a valid change. Maybe @ciar4n can check that, too?

So changing one Bootstrap class (.flex-column) with another (.navbar-nav) means a tighter coupling to Bootstrap? Are we really not going to be allowed to use ANYTHING in the frontend if it has a corresponding selector in the Bootstrap SCSS?

Or, it's purposefully excluded from the menu module because the module can be used in other positions and that class might tie you to use in that position of this particular template's design. I honestly don't know what's going on with the new templates off hand.

@mbabker Then there should be maybe no class at all hard-coded in the module, neither nav nor navbar-nav nor flex-column, and class= is added only if $class_sfx is not empty, i.e. all classes are set with $class_sfx and nothing is hard-coded in default.php?

(Unfortunately even THAT isn't an easy thing, there isn't a good way for a template to "suggest" classes to add to a module so it renders correctly, meaning you get some quirks if you set up a menu module from scratch and forget to copy the right classes into the config, one of those UX things to think about at some point I suppose)

I think this PR is correct in removing the flex-column. I am not so sure about adding navbar-nav as it is more by accident rather than by design that it works in the column styled modules (correct me if I am wrong). Maybe better to apply the row flex-direction in the template CSS for the header module position.

Am not sure if I am the right guy to solve that, since I don't have any idea how it is intended to be and how templates with scss work.

Shall I change this PR so it only removes the flex-column? Or shall I try to find out what to do in scss in addition so the menu looks good in any position? Or shall I close this PR completely and let someone else with more knowledge on all that do it?

@mbabker I should not wrap the ul element into a nav inside modules/mod_menu/tmpl/default.php because there is already a nav element in the Cassiopeia template's index.php which wraps the menu module position.

@brianteeman For the same reason I won't add role="navigation" because the Cassiopeia template's index.php is out of scope of this PR (up to now). And I am not sure if it needs the role="navigation" for a nav element because nav is made for that purpose already, i.e. can be ignored by screen readers per definition.

@ciar4n It seems that the Cassiopeia template needs some work to be done for making horizontal menus and menu classes like nav-pills work. Because you are mentioned as one of the 2 authors of that template I had pinged you here. If you (or anyone else) can give me any idea which way to go, e.g. if the nav element shall stay where it is now in the Cassiopeia template's index.php or if it should be moved to modules/mod_menu/tmpl/default.php, and how the (s)css shall be handled (bootstrap or own styles), then I am willing to do some work and make a better PR. But right now, as long as I have no idea in which direction to go, I will better not do that in order not to mess up things.

If the Joomla template is not fast enough, for example, it will affect the overall loading speed of your website. This leads to higher bounce rates and a lot of missed sales opportunities.

Aplikko, the developer of the template, offers future updates forever and six months support. You can also purchase a 12 month extension for $25.88 on top of the $79 for a Regular license.

Its main benefit is ease of use. This Joomla template features a drag-and-drop editor, which will help you design your website with just a few simple motions. The layouts are attractive and mobile-responsive, and they have smart search, mega menu, and SEO tools available. e24fc04721

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