Captions and subtitles are a lot more complex than most people realize. While they may seem interchangeable, understanding the differences between captions and subtitles is an important step in determining the most appropriate option for your video content.

In the accessibility space, timed text files are usually intended to pair the transcription of dialogue and/or sound to media. The timing information allows the text to be synchronized to specific time codes of media. Both captions and subtitles are forms of timed text.

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Subtitles can appear in a variety of styles, but often appear as white or yellow text outlined in black, or with a black dropshadow. It is also common for subtitles to mimic the appearance of captions. Placement varies, but is often centered at the bottom of the screen for readability and ease in translation. When graphics or text appear in the lower third of the video, subtitles are typically placed just above the graphic/text. Subtitles can sometimes be customized by viewers, depending on where media is being viewed.

Forced narrative (FN) subtitles, also known as forced subtitles, clarify pertinent information meant to be understood by the viewer. FN subtitles are overlaid text used to clarify dialogue, burned-in texted graphics, and other information that is not otherwise explained or easily understood by the viewer.

YouTube has the above features (creates rudimentary text subtitles at the correct timings, using speech-to-text). However, I would rather not upload the videos to YouTube just to get my subtitles. Is it possible to do the subtitles efficiently on Ubuntu?

Update: I plan to use the .srt subtitles only, and do not need to hard code them on the videos. My biggest requirement is to have the program automatically find the start/stop for each sentence, so that I write the text in it.

Update #2: There is Speech-to-Text software for Linux, with the CMU Sphinx package. It is possible to use CMU Sphinx with a subtitle program according to this post. In addition, one subtitle tool is aware of this CMU Sphinx feature (web based tool), however there is no reference in the latest source code that they added CMU Sphinx. The quest continues to find a program that uses CMU Sphinx for rudimentary speech to text (which would set the correct timings as well), as YouTube already does.

For the ones who do accept having to temporarily upload the video to YouTube (is mandatory to select video language) to get its subtitle (close caption, lyrics): Is possible to extract/download it with youtube-dl or yt-dlp:

Autosub is a utility for automatic speech recognition and subtitle generation. It takes a video or an audio file as input, performs voice activity detection to find speech regions, makes parallel requests to Google Web Speech API to generate transcriptions for those regions, (optionally) translates them to a different language, and finally saves the resulting subtitles to disk.

Aegisub only creates the subtitles file, e.g an .srt file. To combine the video and the subtitle to create a hard-coded subtitle you still need to use a second program.

On Windows I used VirtualDub, but it is not available for Linux. You can use VLC to do this on Linux:

Edit the profile so the video and audio settings are what you want. Under the subtitle tab, tick the Subtitles box, and use DVB subtitle codec. Make sure you tick 'Overlay subtitles on the video'. Press save.


I don't remember Aegisub having a functionality to automatically set beginning and end of a spoken sentence in the subtitles file. And I don't see a mention of such a function anywhere on the site. It is however with (key-combinations) pretty easy to set those times manually.

Inside Kdenlive video editor, in the top bar > project > subtitles > "Speech recognition" . You must first download the language pack from , in kdenlive go to Settings > configure kdenlive > "Speech To Text".

This section applies to Brazilian Portuguese subtitles created for non-Brazilian Portuguese language content (i.e. interlingual subtitles). For subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing (SDH), please also see Section II.

Use quotation marks at the start of the quotation and after the last line of the quotation, marking the beginning and end of the quotation (rather than the beginning and end of every subtitle within the quotation):

This section builds upon the previous instructions from Section I and applies to subtitles for the Deaf and hard of hearing (SDH) only. For regular subtitles, please see Section I. For SDH subtitles, only refer to Section I in case of omissions in this section. In case of conflicting instructions, the guidelines in this section trump those of Section I when it comes to SDH files.

When a dual speaker subtitle appears in a song, for example when there is a duet, each line of sung text should have a music note at the beginning and end to clearly indicate that both characters are singing.

The SubRip text file format is a very common caption/subtitle format. SubRip files are named with the extension .srt, and are therefore also referred to as SRT files. The file contents are simple and easy to read.

The subtitle text can be divided into one or more lines. The subtitle lines will be shown on the video the same way they are divided in the SRT file. For example, if a subtitle is divided into two lines, with 32 characters on the first line and 36 characters on the second line, it will be shown on the video the same way.

A subtitle or closed caption file contains the text of what is said in the video. It also contains time codes for when each line of text should be displayed. Some files also include position and style info, which is especially useful for deaf or hard of hearing viewers. See what file formats YouTube supports below.

This tool extracts all text from subtitle files, it removes all timestamps and other effects. The output is saved as a plain text file (.txt), this file can be opened by any text editor, such as Notepad or Microsoft Word. 


 This tool is especially useful for language learners, who can easily print out a transcript of a movie or video for studying. For people studying Chinese, it can be used together with the pinyin subtitles tool to create a plain text file with Chinese and pinyin. 


 You can upload multiple files at once. You can also upload a zip file to convert a batch of subtitles at once.

Web Video Text Tracks Format (WebVTT) is a format for displaying timed text tracks (such as subtitles or captions) using the element. The primary purpose of WebVTT files is to add text overlays to a . WebVTT is a text based format, which must be encoded using UTF-8. Where you can use spaces you can also use tabs. There is also a small API available to represent and manage these tracks and the data needed to perform the playback of the text at the correct times.

The payload is where the main information or content is located. In normal usage the payload contains the subtitles to be displayed. The payload text may contain newlines but it cannot contain a blank line, which is equivalent to two consecutive newlines. A blank line signifies the end of a cue.

In other articles we looked at how to build a cross browser video player using the HTMLMediaElement and Window.fullScreen APIs, and also at how to style the player. This article will take the same player and show how to add captions and subtitles to it, using the WebVTT format and the element.

Captions and subtitles are not the same thing: they have significantly different audiences, and convey different information, and it is recommended that you read up on the differences if you are not sure what they are. They are however implemented in the same way technically, so the material in this article will apply to both.

For this article we will refer to the text tracks displayed as subtitles, as their content is aimed at hearing people who have difficulty understanding the language of the film, rather than deaf or hard-of-hearing people.

HTML allows us to specify subtitles for a video using the element. The various attributes of this element allow us to specify such things as the type of content that we're adding, the language it's in, and of course a reference to the text file that contains the actual subtitle information.

The files that contain the actual subtitle data are simple text files that follow a specified format, in this case the Web Video Text Tracks (WebVTT) format. The WebVTT specification is still being worked on, but major parts of it are stable so we can use it today.

Video providers (such as the Blender Foundation) provide captions and subtitles in a text format with their videos, but they're usually in the SubRip Text (SRT) format. These can be easily converted to WebVTT using an online converter.

This section summarizes the modifications made to the previous article's code in order to facilitate the addition of subtitles to the video. If you are not interested in this, and just want to get straight into the JavaScript and more relevant CSS, skip to the Subtitle implementation section. ff782bc1db

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