As it has for more than 75 years, the TEEX Water and Wastewater Program provides basic and advanced technical training solutions to industry professionals across the State of Texas. In addition to providing basic and advanced licensing training, TEEX also delivers federally funded Critical Infrastructure Safety technical training to plant personnel.

This project is to serve as a reminder to water my plant by turning on the green LED when water is need. Then, turning on the red LED when there is enough water. The code complies and uploads, but on my blynk dashboard, using the graph widget, it only shows single digits. These reading are also wrong, as it reflect the same value whether the moisture sensor is in water or out. Please help!! below is my code.

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The scenery around you was spectacular. The afternoon sun was reflecting off the lake and making the water glisten. The birds were chirping along happily as they flew overhead and perched in the trees. The occasional rabbit or deer wandered by the cottage, stopping to look at you. You would wave weakly at them to let them know you meant them no harm.

When you reached the lake, you sat in one of the chairs on the dock. Travis looked over at you and gave a thumbs up before he plunged into the water. After a moment, he surfaced with a grimace on his face.

You felt the dock wobbling and the next thing you knew, Travis had his arms wrapped around you. You squeaked and jolted, which caused you to drop your phone. Travis giggled as he ran you across the dock and jumped into the water, you in his arms.

Treading water and kissing Travis was a lot harder than you anticipated it being. You kept slipping down in the water the longer you kissed him. Travis caught that you were struggling and pulled back after a few moments.

You nodded before you swam toward the ladder and exited the water. As soon as you were on the dock, you started shivering. Travis wrapped you up in his embrace the second he was out of the water. You leaned into him and sighed happily. Both of you crawled into one chair and cuddled together for warmth.

The song "Wash Over Me" by TEEKS explores themes of cleansing, redemption, and finding solace in the transformative power of water. Through the metaphor of a river, the lyrics convey a desire for purification and a longing to be reborn or rejuvenated.

The second verse emphasizes the need for redemption and deliverance from the darkness that may be weighing the narrator down. They hope that by pouring their thoughts into the river, their burdens will be soaked away, leaving them as pure as the waters on their skin.

The chorus functions as a plea or mantra, with the repetition of "Wash over me." It suggests a yearning for the transformative power of water to envelop them completely, providing a sense of release and renewal.

Overall, "Wash Over Me" signifies a longing for spiritual and emotional purification. The river represents a powerful force of transformation, providing a fresh start and a chance to leave behind past mistakes and negative experiences. TEEKS' soulful vocals and evocative lyrics beautifully capture the yearning for inner cleansing and the hope of finding solace in the rejuvenating power of water. 006ab0faaa

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