Out of nowhere I suddenly got a blue screen of death for a split second and my computer came back frozen. I had to restart it and when I started Firefox it acted like it was a fresh install with everything. My theme went to default, all the addons I use acted like they were just installed, all my firefox settings are default I believe, and all my scripts from Tampermonkey are gone.

I'll be honest here, I am trying to figure out how to just get firefox back to how I had it and I don't know how to. I'm tense as all Hell and frustrated. I don't remember what scripts I had for Tampermonkey and it's just one more thing that is greatly irritating. I'm trying to find ways to roll back to how I had firefox set up before this blue screen happened while I'm also trying to work with firefox because everything is topsy tervy.

Download Tampermonkey Firefox

Download File 🔥 https://shoxet.com/2y4Ivw 🔥

The second script I've had problems with is this: -youtube

When installed, there are supposed to be additonal buttons under the youtube vid as well as at the top of page but there are none in my case. I've also installed this extension the old fashion way and it works, so the problem is with the scripts functionality on my firefox.

EDIT: I've been digging into the settings some more tonight, hoping to get this extension set up for myself again.

I think I remember now that I got this extension working for me by configuring my userscript(s) in firefox, exporting via settings and importing via settings in Orion. In any case, if that's how I did it before, this method also no longer works in the newest Orion version.

I was getting that same error earlier but it stopped since i removed violentmonkey and tampermonkey and reinstalled just tampermonkey then the beta for fsh and all seems back to normal on Firefox 57.0 I will keep in touch with this topic and try to keep you up to date on anything i find as i push forward with this new version of FF and FShelper, thank you and please keep up the great work you are doing ..

Just noticed that the preferences are not holding over after browser reload or reloging not having a problem with Chrome setting just Firefox 57.0 and new helper/beta setup with tampermonkey and beta ,just letting you all know whats going on. Thanks

So I ran into this today and switched to Tampermonkey. My scripts did all run with Tampermonkey, but then it seemed like the scripts (not a specific one, tried disabling them one by one) were slowing down the page to a crawl, and got a warning from firefox asking me if I wanted to close the page. Anyone else have this happen to them?

Then, create a new script (tampermonkey has a small icon with a page and a green plus on the top bottom right corner). In the header, the important tag is @match, which tells tampermonkey which pages this script must apply to (in my case, *).

Be sure to add the multi account containers extension to your firefox, which allows you to be logged in to multiple accounts on the same website at the same time in the same window but in different tabs.

Worried that Firefox is going to slow down your computer? In benchmarks, modern versions of chrome and firefox are pretty much the same speed but you can still install the auto tab discard extension ANYWAY so that it will snooze unused tabs in order to keep your computer running faster. Set it to sleep, discard, close, and store tags at your discretion!

And while you're at it: install Firefox as your mobile browser for android and add those extensions to your mobile browser! Mobile adblock is here, baybee, save your data and enjoy a better mobile experience! And install it on iOS! iOS can't add extensions, but at least it's better than safari, and if you want a somewhat more private iOS browsing experience try firefox focus for iOS (which is also available on android but you can accomplish the same thing with extensions). e24fc04721

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