There are people who have learned Arabic and they are comfortable with reading and writing the language. These individuals think that the Quran is also in Arabic so they will be able to read and learning quran with tajweed accordingly. Now, the accent in Arabic determines several things about a word, and reading a sentence with the wrong expression will lead to problems with the meaning and ultimately you may change what that particular verse means. Therefore, the teachings get manipulated and no one will wish to do that as it is a criminal mistake.

So, this is the difference between learning the Holy Quran with and without Tajweed. Whenever you are going to take classes over the internet, make sure you undertake the ones that help you to learning Quran with tajweed Online. Once you know the grammar appropriately and you are fluent with it, you might become able to read the Holy Quran on your own.

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Assalamualaikum, what are some of the best books/pdfs for learning tajweed? I have a quran teacher and she has ijazaa which she is trying to give to me as well but shes new to teaching and needs advice from here students/ suggestions/ feedback. One thing we are struggling with is i feel like she is jumping around from topic to topic and I am not getting a clear understanding of the rules. I think a solution to this is following a book and covering each topic one by one so that we are not jumping around. e24fc04721

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