I want to replace the generic JS confirm dialog with a Sweet Alert to get confirmation to proceed with the server event. But nothing I've tried has worked. The alert box works as expected; the problem is control passes to the server event before the user responds to the alert, so I have no way of getting the response to the server event. The code below is copied from the ASPRunner documentation; I only added the setting of the "continue" param, which I expected to be evaulated on the server. But execution appears to fall to the default case as soon as the dialog is generated.

I installed this update set for Sweet Alert2 into by dev instance. I would like to use Sweet Alert2 for generating some alerts on catalog items using catalog client scripts. I tested with a catalog item and it partially works in service catalog view, but does not work at all in service portal view. In service catalog view I say it partially works because the alert loads, but the confirm button and cancel button do not show as coded... However the script with Sweet Alert 2 does not working at all (no alert shows at all) in service portal view -- a "swal is not defined" error shows in browser console. Below is the code snipped I am using in a catalog client script. Can someone tell me if I am using it totally wrong :)? Has anyone else gotten Sweet Alert 2 working with catalog client scripts? Below is the code I am trying out.

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If you look at the demo-code, on line 585 they render {this.state.alert}. Initially this.state.alert is empty, so no alert. When you click one of the buttons, they push a SweetAlert-component to the state( this.setstate({alert: })), which triggers a rerender, now with a alert. And to get rid off the component, they clear the state ( this.setstate({alert:null})

angular, dotnet-core, 6.8.0, .NET 4.6.1Is it possible to modify the abp implementation of sweet alert confirm (abp.message.confirm(...)) ?When a user refreshes a grid (or uses the search functionality in Zero grids) it is possible that the authorization cookie has expired and I want to redirect the user to the sign in page. At the moment there are two buttons, I would like to replace them with a single button: "Ok".My code reads as below:

HI maliming, thanks for your attention but this is hieroglyphics to me. In my .ts file how do refer to sweet alert directly? In the code above you refer to "Swal.", do I have to import this in some way? The sweet alert documentation is not entirely clear, I have read it but I'm not spending hours and hours to fix something that's not a show stopper.

Have you seen the sweet-alert-confirm gem? It does a similar thing, overriding the default confirm dialog, but it does it using the regular Rails method with data-confirm. Any thoughts on which way is best?

I'd still like to look into a solution that integrates/overrides the standard Rails data-confirm so that I can write standard code in my views then choose whether to use an override library like SweetAlert or just leave it as regular Rails alerts.

Hey came across this thread as I was facing the same problem. I tried to stay away from them gems initially and downloaded Sweet Alerts 2 from source. All worked well until I had to the confirmation alert with a POST request callback after confirmation. As Chris mentioned, you will have to write your own Javascript and looking at the rails_ujs source, it required quite a bit of work.

I am looking to allow a user to update a text field on the front end, and use hx-post to send the data to the backend. If the post is successful, basically do nothing on the frontend, but if the post returns an error, I want to display a sweet alert on the page to let the user know there is an error.

Sweet Alert is used to make an alert box more attractive and easier to design. The sweet JS Provide easy methods to design and add a lot of functionality to the alert box of the website by just calling the function of sweet alert (in short SWAL()).

Sweet Alert is a way to customize alerts in your games and websites. It allows you to change from a standard JavaScript button. We can add buttons, change the color text, and even add additional alerts that change depending on user click. We can also put icons with our alerts. We can also use JavaScript setTimeout function to set the time of alert display

Note: The swal() accept title text (it is bold and larger in font Size then simple text), simple text, and icon as default parameter You can use JSON to use Any other Function of Sweetalert. If Only one text is given inside swal() then it will be Simple text. If two text is there then first will be title text and second will be simple text

Unfortunately the underlying sweetalert2 library does not have built-in support for multiple inputs. I would recommend using the progress indicators with sequential popups to request multiple input values.

In this example, i will show you how to use sweet alert for delete confirmation in laravel app. you can also use sweet alert conform box with laravel 6, laravel 7, laravel 8, laravel 9 and laravel 10 version. here, we will display users list and add delete button. when you click on delete button it will confirm using sweet alert.

SweetAlert is a method to customize alerts in your applications, websites and games. It allows the user to change it with a standard JavaScript button. You can add a new button to it, change the background color of the button, change the button's text, and add additional alerts that depend on the user's click. You can also put the icons with your alerts message in it.

SweetAlert is a replacement for the "window.alert()" function of JavaScript that shows wonderful modal popup windows. It is a standalone library with no dependencies and is composed of a JavaScript file plus a CSS file.

Alerts are available for any length of text, as well as an optional close button. For proper styling, use one of the eight required contextual classes (e.g., .alert-success). For inline dismissal, use the alerts JavaScript plugin.

When using an outlined alert with the Snackbar component, background content will be visible and bleed through the alert by default.You can prevent this by adding bgcolor: 'background.paper' to thesx prop on the Alert component.

When the component is dynamically displayed, the content is automatically announced by most screen readers. At this time, screen readers do not inform users of alerts that are present when the page loads.

Hello Artisan, today I'll show you how to implement Sweet Alert on your Laravel project. Sweet Alert is the nice way to interact with user with confirmation or alert. You can find more in the official docs. It'll take only few steps to complete. So, let's start how we can easily integrate Sweet Alert into our Laravel project. e24fc04721

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