Islamic scholars believe that readers of Surah Waqiah and other surahs will be protected in the both World. To become successful we should read these surahs regularly and understand meanings of these surahs also.

Al-Waqi'a[1] (Arabic: ; "The Inevitable"[2] or "The Event"[3]) is the 56th surah (chapter) of the Quran. Muslims believe it was revealed in Mecca (see Meccan surah), specifically around 7 years before the Hijrah (622), the migration of Muhammad to Medina.[4] The total number of verses in this surah is 96. It mainly discusses the afterlife according to Islam, and the different fates people will face in it.

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These days, most people are living a life full of worries and stress. Most of this stress stems from economic factors where people are worried about being able to provide for their families. The Quran is filled with verses and surahs that bring blessings and barakah into our lives by simply reciting them in our everyday lives. Surah Waqiah, in particular, is said to be a blessing for all Muslims because of its vast benefits in your financial life.

The Holy Quran is the sacred book revealed by Allah to His Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). So, every verse of this book has a guideline for human beings. Similarly, this verse also has a positive impact on human life. Once upon a time, the Prophet of Allah also suggested that whoever would recite surah al Waqia at night would never face poverty in his lifetime. (Ibn Sunni 620). Similarly, the Prophet of Allah said that Surah al Waqiah is the Surah of Wealth, so you must recite and teach it to your children. (Ibn Kasir).

On the other hand, an incident occurred in which Ibn Katheer that there was a time when Abdullah ibn Masud suffered from the illness. The Amirul Mumin Usman Ghani R.A visited him and asked what he needed. Abdullah said I need nothing, and then Usman Ghani (RA) asked him if I should provide him the aid so his children could survive after him. So, Abdullah asked whether you think they would ever feel hungry because I have asked them to recite surah al Waqiah every night. Therefore, it is crystal clear here that anyone who loves to stable himself needs to recite surah Waqiah at night time.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said that the best time to recite Surah-Al-Waqiah is before sleeping. It is mentioned in Ibn Sunni 620 that Prophet said whoever goes to recite surah al Waqiah at night time would never encounter poverty. Therefore, we should not waste our time, and recite it daily. It will strengthen our faith in Islam and stabilize our financial position.

Surah Al-Waqiah is a great surah of the Quran. It includes many lessons such as the inevitability of the day of judgment, the different classes of people according to their deeds, the authenticity of the Quran, and many others.

One of the most well-known virtues of reciting Surah Al-Waqiah is its potential to bring financial stability and abundance to those who recite it regularly. Many Muslims believe that reciting this surah with sincerity can open doors to prosperity. e24fc04721

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