I liked @qwr's answer above, however I wanted to see it in hexdump mode, rather than deflated(compressed) base85 "Git binary patch" format. If I use @peterjc's answer from above, then I get the diff between two hexdumps which is like concat-ing two hexdumps, so not very useful.

This means that you are trying to execute a binary file using your bash script which is not intended to be run as you trying it to be. It is already a binary file and you are trying your $SHELL to parse and run it.

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binary file consists of machine instructions the processor can understand.Your operating system does not mean the same executable will run.move back and forth between the processor instruction set compatible with will usually work well,if they are not compatible CPU will not be able to understand instructions.

The $PATH at the end appends the system default path to whatever you put before. Note that the system searches for binaries in the order of paths given, so if you install a binary in /usr/local or /opt/local that is also installed by default on the system, the versions you install will be found first, which can (though rarely) upset things. It is worth watching out for.

I have been trying to get the su binary included in the /out/.../system/xbin/su after building Android from source. I have the su binary (from Chainfire) as an executable file but I can't seem to get it included in the AOSP build.

What I would like to know is how to include su in the AOSP build when I have the "su binary executable file" only without the need to include the su.c or any of those files? Where should I put the su directory and what is the content of the Android.mk file?

"Su binary" plays a very important role in Android rooting. It is normally placed in the /system partition of your Android and is called when other apps need superuser permission. The binary checks the database maintained by Superuser.apk to determine if you have already granted rights to the requesting app, and if not, su binary will tell Superuser.apk to display a prompt asking for permission. If no su binary found, you have no root, it is the soul of a rooted device.

Kingo SuperUser is the "face" of su binary. It is the app that manages what apps on your rooted device have access to "su binary". Apps that are granted superuser access have the administrator/root permissions to modify system.

My question is similar to this one, except for emacs instead of vim. The issue is that I have a cpp file that I want to open and when I type f[TAB] it autocompletes to foo the binary file foo instead of foo.cpp. Is there a way to turn of autocomplete for files with certain (or no) extension? Or is there a way to prioritize certain extensions?

EDIT:I've found that I can do export FIGNORE=.bin to ignore all files with the .bin extension in Bash autocomplete. The issue with this solution is that this doesn't work for a file with no extension, and also there's no way to make this occur only when there are no .cpp files in the same directory.

I primary mean files like 3d models, acad drawings, and the like, of which I have different versions, saved in different directories, and upon completing, I just want to find which are the newest, and which are different from the newest, and delete every other.

By definition, if you want to compare two 1G files, you're going to have to read both files. There's no magic bullet that will get past that. What if the two files differ by one byte, 99.9% of the way through the file?

...and the shell will report an error, because the first /bin/sh, called by su, is trying to run the program sh as a shell script, with ./runprogram.sh as its argument. But sh itself is not a shell script, it is a binary (whose job it is is to run shell scripts).

So far, most of the information I searched for deals with text files and uses cat & paste which appears to only work with lines of text. I also cant find any data on alternating concatenation for more than two files.

Just 2 cents, try "sudo su" and/or "sudo -i" either should make your sudo user root. Then check which shell root is using. "echo $SHELL". Would reread the Zsh section in Arch wiki. Looks like it's got all the relevant config files and their locations covered etc. Also occurs to me that if you did set Zsh as default shell for root user, might want to find any relevant files left over in roots home. My understanding that uninstalling/removing a package, doesn't generally remove whatever custom config files said package/app-etc installs in home. Though don't off the top even know if any are created in the systems root users /home directory for Zsh. Only a thought.

Also occurs to me that if you did set Zsh as default shell for root user, might want to find any relevant files left over in roots home. My understanding that uninstalling/removing a package, doesn't generally remove whatever custom config files said package/app-etc installs in home.

No package installs files to any home directory, and a user's shell is not defined in any of those files either (unless one does hair-raising things like setting `SHELL` manually or exec-ing another shell or whathever else).

While looking inside a binary file in a text editor, I came across some readable text. I have executed the binary before, and know that the readable text is echoed on screen. Is it possible to remove or change some of the text without corrupting the binary file?

rdiff is a program to compute and apply network deltas. An rdiff delta is a delta between binary files, describing how a basis (or old) file can be automatically edited to produce a result (or new) file.

Unlike most diff programs, librsync does not require access to both of the files when the diff is computed. Computing a delta requires just a short "signature" of the old file and the complete contents of the new file. The signature contains checksums for blocks of the old file. Using these checksums, rdiff finds matching blocks in the new file, and then computes the delta.

rdiff deltas are usually less compact and also slower to produce than xdeltas or regular text diffs. If it is possible to have both the old and new files present when computing the delta, xdelta will generally produce a much smaller file. If the files being compared are plain text, then GNU diff is usually a better choice, as the diffs can be viewed by humans and applied as inexact matches.

rdiff comes into its own when it is not convenient to have both files present at the same time. One example of this is that the two files are on separate machines, and you want to transfer only the differences. Another example is when one of the files has been moved to archive or backup media, leaving only its signature.

I recently found a way to maintain root access on my android device using a dropbear SSH server that I modified to run at boot as root using init.d, a lil scripting magic & some config scripts I made. If you want you can check it out here. Anyways for an experiment I removed the su binary and Superuser.apk from the system. I've managed to get them copied back to the system but I don't know the appropriate permissions for the su binary. If I look in Super User app on another rooted phone and go to update it shows -rwsr -sr-x as the permissions on the binary. How can I set these same permission manually & what do they mean?

SU binary files are essential files that help in rooting an Android device. They play an important role in Android rooting. The SU binaries are generally placed in the /system partition of the Android file system.

When an app requires root permission, SU binaries are the ones that are first called. When the su binaries are called, they check the database maintained by the Superuser.apk or SuperSU.apk to determine if you have already granted rights to the requesting app. If the rights are granted, then there will be no prompt; if the rights are not granted, then su binary will send instructions to Superuser app or SuperSU app to display a prompt asking for permission.

chown changes the owner, it doesn't make the binary run as the file owner. chmod u+s will do that however. chmod g+s will make the binary run with the file group permission on some systems as well (you don't mention what system you're running). These flags have very different effects on other files and especially folders. You should take a good long look at man chmod and man chown before diving in.

Also you should strongly consider using sudo instead of making the binary suid. When a binary is suid, anyone who can access the binary can run it as the file's owner. If you accidentally give a normal user write permissions to the binary, then they could replace it with anything that want and run it as root. sudo solves these security problems at the cost of requiring the user to prepend sudo to commands they want to run as root. You also have to setup the sodoers file with approproiate permissions.

SuperSU Binary ZIP Latest Update Downloads/Installs: The SuperSU binary is a superuser manager app developed by Chainfire, which manages root permissions on rooted Android smartphones. Also, Chainfire created a recovery flashable SuperSU zip file.

I've spent days trying to figure this out.

If I run the command below as standard user, from terminal, it works just fine:

mount_smbfs //username:'password'@server.corp.local/subfolder/another%20sub%20folder /Volumes/SOP/

We have some files that are constantly changing on a windows share. To add to the headache, the path has whitespace within it.

The Macs that need access to it aren't on domain (legacy application hold up).

I'm just trying to provide the users access to the share from the desktops and the script should run on login.

I'm running another script prior to this one, which creates the folder on the volume (/Volumes/SOP) with correct permissions to the folder and it is successful.

Here is the script that throws the error in the subject line of this post: ff782bc1db

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