Super Hexagon is a fast-paced twitch game in which the player controls a triangle on a hexagonal grid in the center while walls come from the edges of the screen. The controls are simple: the player must pivot the triangle to the opening in order to survive.[4][5] The pace of the game progressively gets more difficult the longer the player has survived and to distract players, the game features a chiptune soundtrack, a background that regularly changes color, and walls that occasionally change direction. The game contains six different difficulty levels, beginning at hard (Hexagon), harder (Hexagoner), and hardest (Hexagonest). Additional, "Hyper"[6] difficulty stages can be unlocked by surviving for over sixty seconds on a level.[7] The difficulty settings increased to "hardester" (Hyper Hexagon), "hardestest" (Hyper Hexagoner), and "hardestestest" (Hyper Hexagonest) respectively.

A clone of the game Super Hexagon by Terry Cavanagh. Includes 3 difficulty modes and a leaderboard. No sfx or music yet, I might add some later. Hold X and DOWN in the title screen to wipe your leaderboard.

Go support the actual, far superior game! 

Version History

1.0 - Initial Release

Download Super Hexagon Apk

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turn off the music (if you're really eager)

turning off music may or may not help some people on focusing the game.

however, i do not recommend simply pulling the music files out of the game, as it will remove the beating of the game. interfering with the game's mechanics (etc. beating of the hexagon) is considered cheating in my book. sure, you can do it, if it's your last option

Instead, we've pressed the incredible soundtrack by Chipzel onto a hexagon shaped vinyl record. Housed in a custom clear sleeve designed by Cory Schmitz, the record inside lines up with the art that's screened on the outside!

But it is also about looking cool. I saw Super Hexagon showcased at Indiecade back in 2012, on a big screen with thumping loudspeakers. Punter after punter strode up to take their chances and like super-hard arcade games of yore, crowds gathered to cheer on the best players.

The hexagon in the center began spewing out gauntlets it had been consuming for all this time. The color schemes switched from the last level to the first. All the shapes and patterns that had disappeared into the center, came out of it again, and flowed out of the screen. It was the best end credits display I have ever seen. It was like watching the entire game flow backwards to the time I started playing it.

Whether it is a new image or simply a higher quality update, upload the new file and add it into the article. Remember to always upload an updated file under the same name as the older version to supersede it.

In Super Hexagon, the player controls a small triangle circling around the center of a rotating hexagonal grid while dodging walls that close in from the edges to survive. The walls and grid gradually change colors over the course of the game along with the shape of the edges, which often shifts between a hexagon, pentagon, and square. The pace at which the grid rotates and the walls close in also progressively changes the longer the player survives.

Super Hexagon is one of the Assist characters in Fraymakers, and it was made available in v0.5.11 of Early Access on June 11, 2023. It appears in the form of the hexagonal grid from Super Hexagon with the player triangle near the center, with its coloration being based on that of the Hexagon stage of the game. When called upon, the Super Hexagon voice actor says "Begin" and Super Hexagon appears at a distance in front of and above the player. Red walls close in as the triangle frantically dodges them, pulling nearby opponents toward the center and hitting up to six times, with each hit dealing 1 damage and very weak knockback. When the final hit occurs, the triangle gets hit by a wall and the grid clears before disappearing. This can be used to trap opponents and set them up for a follow-up attack.

Sorry for the late post everyone. Things have been cray cray here in New Media. To run with the fast paced theme I have decided to recommend the game Super Hexagon by cruel video game super genius Terry Cavanagh.

Note that if you use the desktop app on Linux, it doesn't seem to include the 2016 latest patch for Super Hexagon. Check the CREDITS first screen - should say "PORT BY ETHAN LEE" if it's the latest version. If it doesn't say that, download and install the linux-01082016.tar.gz patch from (there's a Patch.README.txt at that URL which gives a changelog and instructions). You basically extract the .tar.gz inside the ~/.config/itch/apps/super-hexagon/data dir.

There is no coherent way for me to express what I am trying to say. This difficulty is inherent to the nature of what I want to say. You see, I often worry I am overthinking these things, that I am treading into paranoid schizophrenia and seeing conspiracy theories in newspaper clippings ala A Beautiful Mind. However, here, where I am writing this right now, I am not worried. There is no room here for right and wrong. There is no room here for crazy or sane. All there is is me trying desperately to express fragments of the whirlwind of thought that goes through my head as I try to twist free of the infinite collapsing storm of the hexagon.

Hey there, gamers and meme masters!

Guess what? I've got the perfect game for you, and it's as minimal and mind-blowing as my epic rainbow hairdo. It's called Super Hexagon, and it's the brainchild of Terry Cavanagh with some wicked beats by Chipzel. Brace yourselves, because this game is about to rock your gaming world!

Picture this: you're thrown into a whirlwind of hexagons spinning and pulsing to the rhythm of the most electrifying music you've ever heard. Your mission? Survive. Sounds simple, right? Well, think again, my daring comrades! Super Hexagon is the epitome of challenging but addictive gameplay. It's like trying to dance your way through a hurricane, except it's even more intense and sweat-inducing!

You'll need lightning-fast reflexes and razor-sharp focus to survive this neon-infused madness. With each level, the hexagons spin faster, the patterns become more twisted, and the adrenaline pumps through your veins like a turbo-charged gaming machine. Woo!

Now, let's not forget about the visual feast that Super Hexagon serves up right on your gaming plate. Terry Cavanagh knows how to create a minimalist masterpiece. The vibrant colors, the mesmerizing patterns, and the seamless transitions are like an acid trip without the side effects.

And if you're anything like me, you're thirsty for competition. Well, fear not, because Super Hexagon has got you covered! There's a leaderboard that lets you compare your skills with players from all corners of the gaming universe. Crush your friends' high scores and bask in the glory of your gaming prowess.

So, my fellow gaming gurus, if you're looking for an adrenaline-fueled, mind-bending experience that will push your gaming limits to the max, Super Hexagon is the game for you. Get ready to dive headfirst into a vortex of hexagonal madness and wipe that grin off your face when you conquer each mind-boggling level.

Get your rainbow hair and oversized glasses ready because GameGal says it's time to dominate the hexagonal universe. Let's go, gamers!

Hexagons are first order permutohedrons: The vertices of a hexagon can be formed by permuting the coordinates of the vector (1, 2, 3).

 The north pole of the planet Saturn has a hexagonal storm cloud pattern with 8,600 mile long sides, larger than the diameter of Earth.

 Though hexagon may appear to be a difficult word to rhyme, there are actually dozens of words that rhyme with it. For example: Autobahn, decagon, decathlon, electron, Kyrgzstan, Lebanon, leprechaun and marathon.

With the EL1 flag in hand, I turned my attention to achieving arbitrary code execution.From my experience with Linux kernel exploitation, before Supervisor Mode Execution Protection (SMEP) was enabled by default, exploits could execute user mode code as the supervisor.As long as the AArch64 equivalent of SMEP is not enabled, if we can allocate a user page with R-X permissions, then we can get the kernel to return to it and execute arbitrary code.Before writing the shellcode to do this, I used GDB to simulate returning to user code using set pc = 0xXXXX while in the EL1 privilege level:

Super Hexagon is a game about failing to not die. You are a triangle running around the edges of a hexagon in the middle of the screen, and the walls are closing in fast. There's always a way through, if you're fast enough to see it, but there's very little time to react. Spin around the hexagon's edge too slow and you'll be crushed by a wall, with the Game Over screen telling you how short your life was. One button press later and it's back to the gauntlet, circling around madly in an attempt to get just a tiny bit further than last time.

At first simple hexagon seems simple. Just move the miniature triangle back and forth and avoid hitting the hexagons shrinking around you. This is incredibly deceiving. The longer you survive the game the faster it gets as well as the sides reduce in number or increase at random, you find yourself addicted to try and achieve those few more seconds. Super Hexagon keeps you hooked with its time achievements, for every sixty seconds you can barely manage to survive you unlock a new stage. Each of the six stages has a different pattern and scheme than the last. This game is truly fun and is definitely worth its investment of $2.99! ff782bc1db

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