Be on your guard, citizen, for these scoundrels are the sworn enemies of correct grammar! The Sabotage Squad, also known as grammar mistakes, is a rotten bunch of supervillains who are on an evil mission to destroy all correct sentences.

Each member of the Sabotage Squad is armed with evil powers that can be used to trick, fool, and deceive you into making a grammar mistake, and each one of these outlaws is an expert at wrecking sentences.

Download Super Grammar 6


Or they must be properly joined together by using the combination of a comma with a coordinating conjunction or by using a semicolon, whichever is more appropriate. In this case, a semicolon (;) is the better choice:

Beware, citizen, for this is not really the Comma! This imposter is the Comma Splice, and as a sinister member of the Sabotage Squad, this counterfeit comma is out to fool you into making a classic grammar mistake: splicing together complete sentences.

Complete sentences cannot be correctly joined together by a single comma. In order to be joined correctly, complete sentences must either be: 1) ended with proper sentence-ending punctuation, 2) properly joined together by using the combination of a comma with a coordinating conjunction, or 3) joined together using a semicolon.

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The best learning tools for a young mind are word association, visual aids, and superpowers! In SUPER GRAMMAR, all of the major elements of grammar will be personified with superhero or super villain identities. You won't just learn about the part-of-speech called an adverb. Instead you'll meet the vibrant super heroine The Adverb, and you'll learn about her awesome ability to modify verbs and other adverbs. You won't simply be told that you shouldn't use a double negative in a sentence. Instead you'll actually meet the sinister twin brothers, Double Negative, and you'll learn how to avoid being tricked into falling for their double talk. The book's fun, full-color design looks like a mix between a reference book and a comic book. With SUPER GRAMMAR you'll learn to save yourself!

By day, Rhode is the children's book author and illustrator of the picture books CLOUD BOY and THE HALLOWEEN KID. He also illustrated the Melvin Beederman Superhero series. By night, he is a sculptor and pursuer of ne'er-do-wells. He lives in New York, but you can visit him at

The second aspect that can be deduced from the first line of the grammar is its relationship to other languages. An Xtext grammar can declare another existing grammar to be reused. The mechanism is called grammar mixin.

Xtext parsers create in-memory object graphs while consuming text. Such object-graphs are instances of EMF Ecore models. An Ecore model basically consists of an EPackage containing EClasses, EDataTypes and EEnums (see the section on EMF for more details) and describes the structure of the instantiated objects. Xtext can infer Ecore models from a grammar (see Ecore model inference) but it is also possible to import existing Ecore models. You can even mix both approaches and use multiple existing Ecore models and infer some others from a single grammar. This allows for easy reuse of existing abstractions while still having the advantage of short turnarounds with derived Ecore models.

That statement could actually be read as: generate an EPackage with the name domainmodel and the nsURI " ". Xtext will then add EClasses with EAttributes and EReferences for the different parser rules in your grammar, as described in Ecore model inference.

A URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) provides a simple and extensible means for identifying an abstract or physical resource. It is also possible to import EPackages using resource URIs, but it is strongly recommended to use the namespace URI instead because it is independent from the concrete location in the file system, much more portable across different machines, easier to configure in the workflow, and works better with language mixins. The import via platform URIs or file URIs can be considered deprecated and is only supported for backwards compatibility.

It is also supported to put multiple EPackage imports into one alias. This is no problem as long as there are not any two EClassifiers with the same name. In that case none of them can be referenced. It is even possible to import multiple and generate one Ecore model and declare all of them with the same alias. If you do so, for a reference to an EClassifier first the imported EPackages are scanned before it is assumed that a type needs to be generated into the inferred package.

Note that using the same alias for multiple EPackages is not recommended, because it might cause problems that are hard to track down. For instance, a reference to classA could mistakenly be linked to a newly created EClass instead of an existing EClass ClassA because the latter is written with a capital letter.

In the first stage called lexing, a sequence of characters (the text input) is transformed into a sequence of so-called tokens. In this context, a token is a sort of a strongly typed part or region of the input sequence. It consists of one or more characters and is matched by a particular terminal rule or keyword and therefore represents an atomic symbol. Terminal rules are also referred to as token rules or lexer rules. There is an informal naming convention that names of terminal rules are all upper-case.

In the domainmodel tutorial there are no explicitly defined terminal rules, since it only uses the ID rule which is inherited from the grammar org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals (see Common Terminals). Therein the ID rule is defined as follows:

It says that a token ID starts with an optional '^' character (caret), followed by a letter ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z') or underscore '_' followed by any number of letters, underscores and numbers ('0'..'9').

Note that the order of the terminal rules is crucial for your grammar, as they may shadow each other. This is especially important for newly introduced rules in connection with imported rules from used grammars.

This means that the terminal rule INT returns instances of ecore::EInt. It is possible to define any kind of data type here, which just needs to be an instance of ecore::EDataType. In order to tell the framework how to convert the parsed string to a value of the declared data type, you need to provide your own implementation of the IValueConverterService (see Value Converter). The value converter is also the service that allows to remove escape sequences or semantically unnecessary characters such as quotes from string literals or the caret symbol '^' from the identifiers.

Terminal rules are described using Extended Backus-Naur Form-like (EBNF) expressions. The different expressions are described in the following. Each of these expressions allows to define a cardinality. There are four different possible cardinalities:

A keyword can have any length, e.g. 'entity', and contain arbitrary characters. The following standard Java notations for special characters are allowed: \n, \r, \t, \b, \f and the quoted unicode character notation, such as \u123.

The EOF (End Of File) token may be used to describe that the end of the input stream is a valid situation at a certain point in a terminal rule. This allows to consume the complete remaining input of a file starting with a special delimiter.

Not all the expressions that are available in terminal rules can be used in parser rules. Character ranges, wildcards, the until token and the negation as well as the EOF token are only available for terminal rules.

The syntactic declaration for datatypes starts with a keyword datatype followed by an assignment: name = ID. The left hand side refers to a feature name of the current object (which has the EClass DataType in this case). The right hand side can be a rule call, a keyword, a cross-reference or an alternative comprised by the former options. The type of the feature needs to be compatible with the type of the expression on the right. As ID returns an EString in this case, the feature name needs to be of type EString as well.

A unique feature of Xtext is the ability to declare cross-references in the grammar. In traditional compiler construction such cross-references are not established during parsing but in a later linking phase. This is the same in Xtext, but we allow to specify cross-reference information in the grammar. This information is used by the linker.

The elements of an unordered group can occur in any order, but each element must appear once. Members of unordered groups are separated by &. The following rule Modifier allows to parse simplified modifiers of the Java language:

Note that if you want an element of an unordered group to appear once or not at all, you have to choose a cardinality of ?. In the example, the visibility is mandatory, while static or final are optional. Elements with a cardinality of * or + have to appear continuously without interruption, i.e.

If you want to enforce the creation of an instance with specific type you can use simple actions. In the following example TypeB must be a subtype of TypeA. An expression A ident should create an instance of TypeA, whereas B ident should instantiate TypeB.

Generally speaking, the instance is created as soon as the parser hits the first assignment. However, actions allow to explicitly instantiate any EObject. The notation {TypeB} will create an instance of TypeB and assign it to the result of the parser rule. This allows to define parser rules without any assignment and to create objects without the need to introduce unnecessary delegate rules.

We previously explained that the EObject to be returned is created lazily when the first assignment occurs or as soon as a simple action is evaluated. There is another concept to find the EObject to be returned, called unassigned rule call. Unassigned rule calls, as the name suggests it, are rule calls to other parser rules which are not used within an assignment. The return value of the called rule becomes the return value of the calling parser rule if it is not assigned to a feature. 152ee80cbc

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