Following the latest Reddit mobile app update the bell button seems to be replaced with the double-lined button that lets you sort comments, while the bell button is gone. Does anyone know where it is? How do I follow a post?

Does anyone ever like&subscribe just because the creator asked you to? Personally I skip ahead when the "remember to hit like, subscribe, hit the notification bell" spiel comes. Especially if it's in the beginning before I get to see the content of the video... am I really expected to like, subscribe and activate notifications for every single time you upload if it's the first video I'm seeing from you and I didn't even get the chance to watch the actual video I just clicked on?

Download Subscribe Button And Bell Icon

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If the feature wants to live on in its current location, it seems to me it should at least match other places where you can choose a notification level, with the bell icon which indicates that the button is about notifications. Below is an example from a category. Normal and Muted icons could be copied from here, and ignored could remain with the eyeslash as it is now.

Hiding: To hide the subscription bell after a user subscribes or only show it on certain pages, be sure to return the value false or a Promise that resolves to the value false in the displayPredicate function during initialization. This function is evaluated before the subscription bell is shown. You may return any other value to show the subscription bell.

Whenever we post a question we get a reply to the question in communities page, and the notifications we get are shown in the bell icon on the top of the header page. So I want to integrate the same bell icon in to my personal dev, and I have to show the notifications in the bell icon for the incident table.

I have 2k wired video doorbell placed at my front gate, only about 50% of people that come to the gate realise that it is a door bell and push the button, the other 50% well some wave there hands at the camera some push the lens and some just walk straight through the gate.

It may prove very useful to you to be able to add a subscribe button to not just one video but all of your videos simultaneously. If you produce many videos, this can be a time-saving device that ensures your viewers have the opportunity to find your work again with ease by following you via the subscribe prompt.

I'm not getting notifications for messages (iOS16). Everything SEEMS to be set right, but when I swipe left on a message I didn't get a notification for, there is a slashed bell icon. I understand that this indicated that messages from this person are muted. I can click that slashed bell to unslash it, ideally allowing notification. But, jeez, what is making everyone's messages have a slashed bell icon? Somehow, my system has disallowed notification for everyone. I want EVERYONE to have allowed message notifications.

Ah, now I see. The meaning of that icon is sort of reversed from what one might suppose it to be. If the bell is unslashed, notifications are disabled. So the bell itself sort of means NO notifications.

How to hide subscription bell after user subscribed in wordpress? Users want to unsubscribe, they can unsubscribe from their respected browsers. One signal providing this feature, here not available that feature?? ff782bc1db

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