While working for Google I created this little green dude as part of the launch campaign. Because the Android Operating System was the first open system of its kind, the idea was to create the open source logo, that was released to the developer community without regular brand guidelines. Not unlike Linux Penguin, the logo helped to establish identity for the new product and generated excitement among engineers. Initially the logo was meant for developer community, but it quickly became consumer facing with millions of people creating their own versions of the logo.

New York Times Article: Who Made That Android Logo?

Just updated my pro 2019 to shield experience 9 today and after installing it my shield rebooted twice, only the second time it's stuck on the fading in/out white android logo and nothing starts. I unplugged it for about 30 minutes, plugged it back in and it's still stuck on android logo.

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The ActionBar will use the android:logo attribute of your manifest, if one is provided. That lets you use separate drawable resources for the icon (Launcher) and the logo (ActionBar, among other things).

setDisplayUseLogoEnabled() Enables the use of an alternative image (a "logo") in the Action Bar, instead of the default application icon. A logo is often a wider, more detailed image that represents the application. When this is enabled, the system uses the logo image defined for the application (or the individual activity) in the manifest file, with the android:logo attribute. The logo will be resized as necessary to fit the height of the Action Bar. (Best practice is to design the logo at the same size as your application icon.)

At its core, the operating system is known as the Android Open Source Project (AOSP)[4] and is free and open-source software (FOSS) primarily licensed under the Apache License. However, most devices run on the proprietary Android version developed by Google, which ships with additional proprietary closed-source software pre-installed,[5] most notably Google Mobile Services (GMS)[6] which includes core apps such as Google Chrome, the digital distribution platform Google Play, and the associated Google Play Services development platform. Firebase Cloud Messaging is used for push notifications. While AOSP is free, the "Android" name and logo are trademarks of Google, which imposes standards to restrict the use of Android branding by "uncertified" devices outside their ecosystem.[7][8]

Android devices boot to the home screen, the primary navigation and information "hub" on Android devices, analogous to the desktop found on personal computers. Android home screens are typically made up of app icons and widgets; app icons launch the associated app, whereas widgets display live, auto-updating content, such as a weather forecast, the user's email inbox, or a news ticker directly on the home screen.[87] A home screen may be made up of several pages, between which the user can swipe back and forth.[88] Third-party apps available on Google Play and other app stores can extensively re-theme the home screen,[89] and even mimic the look of other operating systems, such as Windows Phone.[90] Most manufacturers customize the look and features of their Android devices to differentiate themselves from their competitors.[91]

Android's kernel is based on the Linux kernel's long-term support (LTS) branches. As of 2023[update], Android uses versions 4.14, 4.19, 5.4, 5.10 or 5.15 of the Linux kernel (and since modified Linux kernels are used, kernels are often named like android13-5.15 or android-4.19-stable).[189] The actual kernel depends on the individual device.[190]

The device codename is usually not visible to the end user, but is important for determining compatibility with modified Android versions. It is sometimes also mentioned in articles discussing a device, because it allows to distinguish different hardware variants of a device, even if the manufacturer offers them under the same name. The device codename is available to running applications under android.os.Build.DEVICE.[239]

In 2014, Google also began to require that all Android devices which license the Google Mobile Services software display a prominent "Powered by Android" logo on their boot screens.[115] Google has also enforced preferential bundling and placement of Google Mobile Services on devices, including mandated bundling of the entire main suite of Google applications, mandatory placement of shortcuts to Google Search and the Play Store app on or near the main home screen page in its default configuration,[322] and granting a larger share of search revenue to OEMs who agree to not include third-party app stores on their devices.[323] In March 2018, it was reported that Google had begun to block "uncertified" Android devices from using Google Mobile Services software, and display a warning indicating that "the device manufacturer has preloaded Google apps and services without certification from Google". Users of custom ROMs can register their device ID to their Google account to remove this block.[324]

It was designed by then-Google graphic designer Irina Blok on November 5, 2007, when Android was announced. Contrary to reports that she was tasked with a project to create an icon,[510] Blok confirmed in an interview that she independently developed it and made it open source. The robot design was initially not presented to Google, but it quickly became commonplace in the Android development team, with various variations of it created by the developers there who liked the figure, as it was free under a Creative Commons license.[511][512] Its popularity amongst the development team eventually led to Google adopting it as an official icon as part of the Android logo when it launched to consumers in 2008.

I might have a problem. Since today my Homey app (on Android) lost it;'s performance. It has become very very slow. I restarted Homey, re-installed Homey, restarted my modem, nothing helps. The most curious is that everytime I start Homey I get this green Android logo.

Every app has a logo icon that represents it, and that icon typically appears in multiple places. For example, on iOS the app icon appears on the Home screen and throughout the system, such as in Settings, notifications, and search results, and in the App Store. On Android, the app icon appears as a launcher icon and throughout the system, such as on the action bar, notifications, and in the Google Play Store. On Windows, the app icon appears in the app list in the start menu, the taskbar, the app's tile, and in the Microsoft Store.

To comply with Android resource naming rules, app icon filenames must be lowercase, start and end with a letter character, and contain only alphanumeric characters or underscores. For more information, see App resources overview on developer.android.com.

The icon Android uses is specified in the Android manifest, which is located at Platforms\Android\AndroidManifest.xml. The manifest/application node contains two attributes to define the icon: android:icon and android:roundIcon. The values of these two attributes follow this format: @mipmap/{name} and @mipmap/{name}_round, respectively. The value for {name} is derived from the .NET MAUI project file's item, specifically the file name defined by the Include attribute, without its path or extension.

The transformed name, the resource without the path or extension, is healthapp. The values for android:icon and android:roundIcon would be @mipmap/healthapp and @mipmap/healthapp_round, respectively. The android manifest should be updated to match healthapp as the icon:

This case study offers a comprehensive overview of the design journey, from identifying the initial problem to the final outcome. It explores the critical brand elements that the team needed to consider and the tools used throughout the redesign process. This case study also delves into the various stages of design exploration, highlighting the efforts to create a modern logo while honoring the Android Studio brand's legacy.

The Android Studio logo used between 2020 and 2022 was well-suited for print, but it posed challenges when used as an application icon. Its readability suffered when reduced to smaller sizes, and its similarity to the emulator caused confusion.

The redesign aimed to resolve these concerns by creating a logo that was easy to read, visually distinctive, and followed the OS guidelines when necessary, ensuring accessibility. The new design also maintained a connection with the Android logo family while honoring its legacy.

It all started as a simple brief: redesign the Android Studio logo. We initiated our creative process by brainstorming objects and concepts that evoke a sense of software development - such as pencils, rulers, building blocks, construction sites, tape measures, compasses, and protractors.

During the logo exploration phase, we examined different approaches to incorporating an "A" for Android into the design. One concept highlighted the precision of Android development tools through an "A" ruler, while another featured the original "A" compass from 2014.

Once we had generated a variety of logo concepts through sketching, we then proceeded to add the Android color palette to our designs. This was an important step to ensure that our new logo would not only stand out on its own but also maintain a strong visual connection with the wider Android Developer family branding.

The redesigned Android Studio logo is a fresh take on the original design, featuring the Android head and the iconic A compass. The team initially considered keeping the simplified A used in the 2020- 2022, but ultimately decided that the simplified A was not strong enough of a mark to be the central symbol of the Android Studio brand. The compass's handle and hinge have been reintroduced, while the legs of the compass have been sharpened to points, reflecting the meticulousness and precision that developers bring to their craft. Additionally, the adjustment angle radius has been reinstated, creating the crossbar necessary to form the letter A. ff782bc1db

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