From my mother. From my father. From a crack in the sidewalk where a flower grew. From the blow job by the river. From the river. From deciding to follow you on this journey. From saying yes to strange proposals.

At the EIP0 unconference, we discussed governance and how it can work at various layers of Ethereum. While layer two solutions, and even layer one solutions can be useful, interesting, and maybe necessary in the long term, when there are bugs or contention in the protocol itself, hard forking is the only option for resolving those issues, and so my focus in this proposal is on smoothing out the process of making hard forks less contentious.

Download Strange Proposal


This proposal would greatly benefit from the client developers taking the time to make it easy for their clients to consume proposals posted to this registry, and expose those fork choices as parameters to their clients, so that clients are more freely in control of their own fork choice rules. If clients implement this one generic feature, they would no longer have overhead of implementing state change hard fork proposals.

This would require a revised version of the wouldSupportIf method that defines the different weight the account would give a dependency if it hard-commits in different ways to that fork proposal. Since there are different ways to hard-commit, this could be a bit complicated to implement, and would benefit from some standardization.

Events of World War II showed a need for fighter escort of bombers near the target area. The 10,000 -mile round trip flown at 330 mph, the mission required 30 hours to complete. The standard practice would have escort fighters along for protection and with aerial refueling still many years away, the range and duration were beyond the capability of fighter aircraft design and pilot performance and the concept of the B-36 internally carrying along a small parasite fighter began. The XF-85 was designed to fit neatly inside a single bomb bay of the B-36. One Air Force proposal stated the possibility of a single B-36 carrying up to three parasite fighters as protection for a fleet of B-36 Peacemakers during a bombing mission. The trapeze assembly was capable of being raised and lowered while the hook assembly and folding wings on the XF-85 mockup were also fully functional.

With its heavy lift capacity, it is not surprising the Air Force and other airframe manufacturers chose the Peacemaker as a mothership for their various parasite proposals. Other fighter aircraft proposed for use with the B-36 included the Douglas F4D Skyray, unmanned F-86 missile, Convair F-102 Delta Dagger and Republic F-105 Thunderchief. All of the competing companies for the hypersonic X-15 test vehicle initially chose the B-36 as their mothership. Convair proposed using the Peacemaker to carry their GEBO II (Generalized Bomber) concept as well as early variations of MX-1626, which evolved into the B-58 Hustler and their triplesonic, manned, reconnaissance aircraft concept, named Fish.

Issue 1 is a true grassroots effort. Hundreds of hardworking volunteers from the Fair Districts = Fair Elections Coalition gathered more than 200,000 signed petitions that pressured the Ohio General Assembly to take action to put a reform proposal on the ballot. Getting the word out to Ohioans about the importance of this issue has been a collaborative, nonpartisan effort that includes the League of Women Voters of Ohio, Common Cause Ohio, the Ohio Environmental Council, Ohio Voice, Innovation Ohio and many other organizations, including Represent Ohio, the local affiliate of my organization.

Issue 1 has united a broad coalition of strange bedfellows, which is difficult to do on any issue, and especially with this issue, because it has a direct affect on those in power. This ballot measure empowers citizens to have a say in the congressional district map drawing process and makes sure that no party has an advantage.

Strange is the chief of psychiatry at Arkham Asylum. He first appears in the episode "Meltdown", falsely proclaiming Ethan Bennett (a.k.a. Clayface) as sane during his court trial; whether he actually thought that or knew he wasn't but just didn't care isn't made clear, but honestly either one is entirely possible. He then appears in the episode "Strange Minds", where he uses a device to go into Joker's mind and try to locate Detective Ellen Yin after she gets kidnapped. By the end of the episode, he develops a strange (ba-dum tss) obsession with learning about Batman after meeting him in Joker's mind.

He's Pure Evil (which would make this my third PE/MB crossover if this proposal were approved) due to reuniting the Ventriloquist and Scarface right after curing the former, creating D.A.V.E. just to test Batman, trying to infect all of Gotham with his fear gas, and affiliating with the Joining just to gain universal knowledge. However, in contrast to someone like Joker, he's motivated by morbid curiosity rather than For the Evulz, and honestly Strange can only be so bad overall since this is a kids show.

A strange group of fossil mammals, heretofore only known in South America, has been discovered on the island of Madagascar and in India. The unexpected discoveries were announced in this week's issue of the journal Nature by an international team of researchers. The team was funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and led by paleontologist David Krause of the State University of New York at Stony Brook.

The U.S. National Science Foundation propels the nation forward by advancing fundamental research in all fields of science and engineering. NSF supports research and people by providing facilities, instruments and funding to support their ingenuity and sustain the U.S. as a global leader in research and innovation. With a fiscal year 2023 budget of $9.5 billion, NSF funds reach all 50 states through grants to nearly 2,000 colleges, universities and institutions. Each year, NSF receives more than 40,000 competitive proposals and makes about 11,000 new awards. Those awards include support for cooperative research with industry, Arctic and Antarctic research and operations, and U.S. participation in international scientific efforts.

The aim of the STRANGE proposal is laudable, and it effectively highlights how sampling biases are a key threat to the reliability and validity of animal behavior research. However, we believe that the STRANGE framework is limited conceptually (Points 1 and 2), and even risks perpetuating some of the very biases it seeks to address (Points 3 and 4).

While attempting to address sampling biases in animal behavior research, the STRANGE proposal misses many of the sampling biases that affect animal behavior research. By focusing on the experimental unit, the STRANGE problems ignore how experiments also sample from populations of settings, treatments, and measurements, too. Sampling biases across these levels also constrain the generalizability and reliability of results (Yarkoni, 2019), and they should be integrated into any frameworks for navigating sampling biases in animal research. This is especially important as experimenters and apparatuses can have large influences on animal behavior, yet often only a single instance of each is sampled in an experiment. There are many angles from which to view the sampling problems: replicability, generalizability, theory testing, experimental design, and pseudoreplication and mixed-effects statistical analysis, and the STRANGE proposal would benefit from incorporating these to be most effective.

A young Chinese man named Feng asked his pregnant girlfriend in proposal with 50 packs of diapers arranged in a heart shape way. Then, Feng put the wedding ring in the diaper packet carried by a drone. His girlfriend finally said yes

Both protons and neutrons are made of quarks. Quarks and their opposites come in six different types known as "flavors," including top and bottom, up and down, and strange and charm. Mesons and antimesons are particles that contain a quark and an antiquark. B mesons are so named because they contain a bottom quark and an antiquark.

Come Nov. 5, these strange bedfellows may pack the one-two punch that defeats the sales tax proposal that Gov. Mark R. Warner (D) and other leaders say is essential to fixing the region's transportation mess.

They may not look alike -- and they'll be attacking the proposal from different angles -- but they share an intensity and a will to win that spell trouble for Warner and his allies who advocate the tax increase.

McSweeney says the proposal is bad public policy and has gone to court to have the referendum declared unconstitutional. (Virginia law does not permit regional referendums that will increase a tax levied by state government, he argues.) Miller, whose group led the charge against the Walt Disney Co.'s plan for a giant theme park in Prince William County in 1993, says the highway projects that would be funded in part by the tax increase would only add to the kind of suburban sprawl that contributed to the traffic mess in the first place.

McSweeney's legal challenge could be the stealth bomb that derails the proposal even before the vote is held. He raises serious constitutional questions about the hastily drawn legislation authorizing the Nov. 5 vote. The delegation of state taxing power to a region-wide referendum -- without the county-by-county approval of local governing boards -- has no precedent in Virginia.

While the substantial transformation test is somewhat subjective, it has been historically favored by the trade. The importing community strongly resisted a proposal by CBP in 2008 to replace the substantial transformation test with tariff-shift rules for all non-preferential purposes. Importers expressed a preference for the subjective test that is flexible in its application.

We present arguments that militate against Weiner's recent proposal that neutral leptonic currents exist, and against the variants of his proposal of strange leptons that involve charged strange leptons. A modified scheme with the addition of only the strange neutrinos, or of only one of them and its antiparticle, is in agreement with the predictions of the Cabibbo theory with the exception of neutrino-induced reactions. ff782bc1db

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