Stockfish 13, released February 19, 2021, is the strongest chess engine at the moment I am writing these lines. You can download it for windows, linux, mac os, and also android. Yet at the moment I am writing these lines, the android binaries download link points to Stockfish 12 and not 13. (This happens often with Stockfish, as the android binaries are not the ones people need the most.) As Stockfish is open source (github here), how could we cross-compile Stockfish 13 on a windows 10 computer for an Android phone ? (In my case, a Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra running Android 11.)

We are going to need the source code : git clone -stockfish/Stockfish.git (see the right address at Stockfish's github as this address could change) somewhere on your PC. (You need the command line utilities of Tortois Git for instance.) Let's call StockFishDIr the full path to the StockFish folder (that contains src as subfolder) on the PC.

Download Stockfish For Windows 7

Download File šŸ”„ šŸ”„

Finally, as in Stockfish's source code there is only a Makefile, we are going to need make under windows. Yes. Just get it from GnuWin32 and note MakeDir the installation directory on you PC, the one containg the bin folder containing make.exe. Analyzing the MakeFile linearly show that the cross-compilation boils down to only one command line provided some file is downloaded, and to another "optimizing" command line.

When the preceeding command executes properly it produces the stockfish_13_armv8_xcomp_win10x64 binary inside the StockFishDIr\src folder. This binary is already usuable on you phone (by putting it inside the DroidFish\uci folder of your DroidFish app, for instance) but is not optimal as the size is big and the execution is a little bit slow. Hence we have to "strip" the binary with the following command line, still inside the StockFishDIr\src folder :

In Droidfish, open the left menu, find the Engines management submenu, pick the stockfish_DEV_armv8 binary, and in the configuration menu adjust its UCI parameter settings. Depending on the CPU power of your device and the available memory, you should probably give it more than the default one Thread, and more than the default 16 MB of Hash memory. A good start would be to try 2 Threads, and 512 MB for the Hash tables, and see if you can beat it ?

Zig is a programming language in early development stage that is binary compatible with C. The Zig toolchain, based on LLVM, ships the source code of all the required libraries to easily cross compile Zig/C/C++ code for several CPU Architecture and OS combinations. All the work required is to set as target the proper supported triple (eg x86_64-windows-gnu, aarch64-linux-musl).

- /usr/games/armfish_aarch64 is the (on a 64Bit PC-Linux compiled with fasmg) assembler-version of stockfish which could run twice as fast

Ā seeĀ 

Ā precompiled aarch64-binary as attachment (think about the chmod 755 armfish_aarch64 after the transfer )


I am making a physical board to play chess.

I plan to use Stockfish, but it turns out that the "pc" where I am mounting everything is a raspberry pi zero w ... and the truth is that it is very slow, to reach analyzes of a depth of 20 it takes a long time. From what I thought (at least while doing the tests) put stockfish as a server ... buuuuuuuut, on my most powerful machine I currently have Windows 10 installed ... will you have any information on how to put stockfish as a server in windows 10? (or maybe how run stockfish with better results on a rpi zero.

Greetings and thank you very much.

You did better buy something like a Orange Pi Zero ( a chep QuadCore SBC).

I dont know (az this time) how to setup a Win10-Chess Server, because stockfish for Windows is only a commandline program and I dont know how to connect it externally via TCP or serial.

All Windows GUI Chess programs can use the command-line UCI connection to use stockfish ( )

Thanks for your advices. I decided download stockfish DD source code from here: and extracted into stockfish-dd-src filefolder. When I double clicked it, it opens some files like polyglot.ini,, src and src_c11. I opened readme and there was: ### Compiling it yourself

Although I have been using Xojo for many years, I am trying to do something new (for me) and write a chess GUI interface that uses the open source stockfish engine. This engine is a console app and takes input from the console and returns the best move as a string. What I seek is a way to start this app from within a separate Xojo app, feed in the necessary information and use the best move string that is returned. Can anyone point me to a discussion of how to do this?

Although not important to the above question, the stockfish engine use the UCI protocol, which is string based and very simple. So all input and output is in the form of strings that show up inside a terminal window.

Here is the situation. I have a console app called stockfish-8-64. When I double click on it, it opens a terminal window into which I can type commands and receive the output. How would I start up this console app inside a Xojo app and direct input and collect output from it. In essence I need to setup a terminal like operation inside my app, and i cannot figure out how to do that.

You can test that everything is working by running SshEngine.exe. A window should appear and you should be connected to your remote server and stockfish should be running. If that does not work, you can try running SshEngine.exe from a command prompt/terminal to see what error messages show up.

C:\WinBoard-4.8.0\WinBoard\winboard.exe /zp /ics /icslogon=C:\WinBoard-4.8.0\WinBoard\computer.ini / /icshelper=timestamp /fcp='Stockfish 6' /fcp="stockfish-6-64.exe" -fd "C:\stockfish-6-win\Windows\" -fUCI e24fc04721

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