I was looking for a way/website/API that woold provide me with historical and online data regarding stock market prices but all what I find is historical only with nothing regarding this year. I'd appreciate any help possible ,thank you in advance.

In the era of big data, deep learning for predicting stock market prices and trends has become even more popular than before. We collected 2 years of data from Chinese stock market and proposed a comprehensive customization of feature engineering and deep learning-based model for predicting price trend of stock markets. The proposed solution is comprehensive as it includes pre-processing of the stock market dataset, utilization of multiple feature engineering techniques, combined with a customized deep learning based system for stock market price trend prediction. We conducted comprehensive evaluations on frequently used machine learning models and conclude that our proposed solution outperforms due to the comprehensive feature engineering that we built. The system achieves overall high accuracy for stock market trend prediction. With the detailed design and evaluation of prediction term lengths, feature engineering, and data pre-processing methods, this work contributes to the stock analysis research community both in the financial and technical domains.

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Stock market is one of the major fields that investors are dedicated to, thus stock market price trend prediction is always a hot topic for researchers from both financial and technical domains. In this research, our objective is to build a state-of-art prediction model for price trend prediction, which focuses on short-term price trend prediction.

As concluded by Fama in [26], financial time series prediction is known to be a notoriously difficult task due to the generally accepted, semi-strong form of market efficiency and the high level of noise. Back in 2003, Wang et al. in [44] already applied artificial neural networks on stock market price prediction and focused on volume, as a specific feature of stock market. One of the key findings by them was that the volume was not found to be effective in improving the forecasting performance on the datasets they used, which was S&P 500 and DJI. Ince and Trafalis in [15] targeted short-term forecasting and applied support vector machine (SVM) model on the stock price prediction. Their main contribution is performing a comparison between multi-layer perceptron (MLP) and SVM then found that most of the scenarios SVM outperformed MLP, while the result was also affected by different trading strategies. In the meantime, researchers from financial domains were applying conventional statistical methods and signal processing techniques on analyzing stock market data.

The optimization techniques, such as principal component analysis (PCA) were also applied in short-term stock price prediction [22]. During the years, researchers are not only focused on stock price-related analysis but also tried to analyze stock market transactions such as volume burst risks, which expands the stock market analysis research domain broader and indicates this research domain still has high potential [39]. As the artificial intelligence techniques evolved in recent years, many proposed solutions attempted to combine machine learning and deep learning techniques based on previous approaches, and then proposed new metrics that serve as training features such as Liu and Wang [23]. This type of previous works belongs to the feature engineering domain and can be considered as the inspiration of feature extension ideas in our research. Liu et al. in [24] proposed a convolutional neural network (CNN) as well as a long short-term memory (LSTM) neural network based model to analyze different quantitative strategies in stock markets. The CNN serves for the stock selection strategy, automatically extracts features based on quantitative data, then follows an LSTM to preserve the time-series features for improving profits.

The latest work also proposes a similar hybrid neural network architecture, integrating a convolutional neural network with a bidirectional long short-term memory to predict the stock market index [4]. While the researchers frequently proposed different neural network solution architectures, it brought further discussions about the topic if the high cost of training such models is worth the result or not.

There are three key contributions of our work (1) a new dataset extracted and cleansed (2) a comprehensive feature engineering, and (3) a customized long short-term memory (LSTM) based deep learning model.

We have built the dataset by ourselves from the data source as an open-sourced data API called Tushare [43]. The novelty of our proposed solution is that we proposed a feature engineering along with a fine-tuned system instead of just an LSTM model only. We observe from the previous works and find the gaps and proposed a solution architecture with a comprehensive feature engineering procedure before training the prediction model. With the success of feature extension method collaborating with recursive feature elimination algorithms, it opens doors for many other machine learning algorithms to achieve high accuracy scores for short-term price trend prediction. It proved the effectiveness of our proposed feature extension as feature engineering. We further introduced our customized LSTM model and further improved the prediction scores in all the evaluation metrics. The proposed solution outperformed the machine learning and deep learning-based models in similar previous works.

Kim and Han in [19] built a model as a combination of artificial neural networks (ANN) and genetic algorithms (GAs) with discretization of features for predicting stock price index. The data used in their study include the technical indicators as well as the direction of change in the daily Korea stock price index (KOSPI). They used the data containing samples of 2928 trading days, ranging from January 1989 to December 1998, and give their selected features and formulas. They also applied optimization of feature discretization, as a technique that is similar to dimensionality reduction. The strengths of their work are that they introduced GA to optimize the ANN. First, the amount of input features and processing elements in the hidden layer are 12 and not adjustable. Another limitation is in the learning process of ANN, and the authors only focused on two factors in optimization. While they still believed that GA has great potential for feature discretization optimization. Our initialized feature pool refers to the selected features. Qiu and Song in [34] also presented a solution to predict the direction of the Japanese stock market based on an optimized artificial neural network model. In this work, authors utilize genetic algorithms together with artificial neural network based models, and name it as a hybrid GA-ANN model.

Piramuthu in [33] conducted a thorough evaluation of different feature selection methods for data mining applications. He used for datasets, which were credit approval data, loan defaults data, web traffic data, tam, and kiang data, and compared how different feature selection methods optimized decision tree performance. The feature selection methods he compared included probabilistic distance measure: the Bhattacharyya measure, the Matusita measure, the divergence measure, the Mahalanobis distance measure, and the Patrick-Fisher measure. For inter-class distance measures: the Minkowski distance measure, city block distance measure, Euclidean distance measure, the Chebychev distance measure, and the nonlinear (Parzen and hyper-spherical kernel) distance measure. The strength of this paper is that the author evaluated both probabilistic distance-based and several inter-class feature selection methods. Besides, the author performed the evaluation based on different datasets, which reinforced the strength of this paper. However, the evaluation algorithm was a decision tree only. We cannot conclude if the feature selection methods will still perform the same on a larger dataset or a more complex model.

Hassan and Nath in [9] applied the Hidden Markov Model (HMM) on the stock market forecasting on stock prices of four different Airlines. They reduce states of the model into four states: the opening price, closing price, the highest price, and the lowest price. The strong point of this paper is that the approach does not need expert knowledge to build a prediction model. While this work is limited within the industry of Airlines and evaluated on a very small dataset, it may not lead to a prediction model with generality. One of the approaches in stock market prediction related works could be exploited to do the comparison work. The authors selected a maximum 2 years as the date range of training and testing dataset, which provided us a date range reference for our evaluation part.

Lei in [21] exploited Wavelet Neural Network (WNN) to predict stock price trends. The author also applied Rough Set (RS) for attribute reduction as an optimization. Rough Set was utilized to reduce the stock price trend feature dimensions. It was also used to determine the structure of the Wavelet Neural Network. The dataset of this work consists of five well-known stock market indices, i.e., (1) SSE Composite Index (China), (2) CSI 300 Index (China), (3) All Ordinaries Index (Australian), (4) Nikkei 225 Index (Japan), and (5) Dow Jones Index (USA). Evaluation of the model was based on different stock market indices, and the result was convincing with generality. By using Rough Set for optimizing the feature dimension before processing reduces the computational complexity. However, the author only stressed the parameter adjustment in the discussion part but did not specify the weakness of the model itself. Meanwhile, we also found that the evaluations were performed on indices, the same model may not have the same performance if applied on a specific stock. e24fc04721

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