This checklist can help information security officers and managers determine the state of information security in their organization. Some risks that this template can help you identify are physical threats, data security breaches, and software integrity and vulnerabilities.

A Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG) checklist is used by different technology organizations to ensure and enhance security in their systems and their products. STIG checklists can also help maintain the quality of products and services.

Download Stig Checklist


The primary reason behind using STIG checklists is to ensure cyber safety. Without STIGs and STIG checklists, the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) would find it difficult to standardize their cyber safety efforts, putting the government and military systems of the US at risk of malicious attacks.

Initially, the DISA, which is part of the US Department of Defense (DoD), created STIGs to guard and protect combatant and non-combatant government systems from cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities. Currently, there are over a hundred STIGs in place, and these are updated regularly, depending on when their respective products and services are upgraded or revised. Having STIG checklists, therefore, helps ensure that government agencies are following the standards set by the DISA while eliminating the risk of any cyberattacks.

In the private sector, STIG checklists are used in the same way. As cybersecurity threats evolve and grow more dangerous each day, private Information Technology (IT) products and services that are part of the DoD are now also required to follow STIGs. They are to use the same STIGs as the ones used by the government, which allows for their products and services to also be used by the public sector if needed.

The most commonly used and updated STIGs and STIG checklists are for software, hardware, and processes that are used in both the private and public sectors. The categories with the most STIGs are the following:

However, while STIG checklists aim to ensure legal compliance and cyber safety, they may not be enough to conduct overall maintenance, quality, and safety checks. For this, some organizations prefer to double-check their inspections, creating their own checklists for it. Often based on the STIGs, these checklists are for their own use and are kept for purposes such as keeping a maintenance log or as proof of their compliance.

To help ensure your compliance with STIGs, consider using SafetyCulture. SafetyCulture is a digital checklist app that allows you to create checklists and perform inspections. All your accomplished forms will be stored in the app and can be accessed from all iOS and Android devices, allowing you to work on the go. SafetyCulture offers three ways to use checklists.

Is there a way to automate the STIG checklists with ansible or python, specifically with Cisco IOS-XE? I have a script that does checks and tells me which checks are open or not a finding, but wondering if there is a way to transfer that to the ckl or xml file?

For people who deal with STIGs, have you found a way to automate the process? By this I mean a python script that will compare a config file to the checklist and fill it out for you? Just wondering if there is an easier way to do STIGs than by manually doing checks.

You will need to generate the new checklist and copy/paste any findings/comments back over, keeping an eye open for changed items. Not too difficult if you are lucky enough to do this on a SCAP scan, but that's limited to something like 8 checklists total.

Now if someone was willing to pay me, I could build a new checklist manager that can compare an old+new checklist, create a "combined" checklist with proper formatting & a list of what's new, but it will take about 6 months. I would also need to work it on personal time, so... yeah, never gonna happen.

A STIG checklist is a document that outlines the security measures to be taken for a particular system, application, or environment. They are also used to maintain the quality of products and services. This checklist is essential for businesses or organizations that want to ensure the safety of their data.

A STIG checklist is important because it helps you secure your system against potential threats. Using a STIG checklist, you can ensure that your system complies with security standards and that potential vulnerabilities are fixed before they can be exploited.

STIG checklists aim to ensure and maintain legal compliance and cyber safety. Despite this, they may not be enough to conduct overall system maintenance. Therefore, the use of STIG checklists should be in addition to, not instead of, other security measures.

To help ensure that your business complies with STIG, consider using DATAMYTE and its Digital Clipboard. The DataMyte Digital Clipboard is a comprehensive workflow automation software that allows you to create STIG workflows and checklists that you can use to perform inspections.

As you can see, STIG checklists play an important role in cybersecurity. By creating your STIG checklist, you can assess the risks to your system and take the appropriate measures to mitigate those risks. Additionally, DATAMYTE can help streamline your workflow and improve your compliance. Get started today!

I had the same problem for years, going all the way back to the 2005 STIG checklists, and for a while I used the same solution as, but that meant a lot of copying and pasting, and it still only automated the T-Sql vulnerabilities. I was complaining to my son--who's finishing up a Cybersecurity degree--that someone should develop a more comprehensive solution when he said, "Why don't you, then?"

Long story short, we built a very comprehensive tool that completes the DISA SQL Server 2016 instance and database STIG checks, scanning not just SQL, but also Active Directory, DNS, Security Policy, WMI, ACLs, and Registry & Certificate Hives and writes the results directly to the checklist. Takes about 4-5 minutes to produce the Instance checklist, then an extra minute or so for each Database checklist.

The Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) is an essential organization that provides information technology and communication support to the United States Department of Defense (DoD). DISA plays a critical role in developing and enforcing security configurations for DoD systems and networks, which is where the Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG) becomes crucial. The DISA STIG Compliance Checklist is a comprehensive document that outlines the necessary steps to secure your IT environment in alignment with DISA and DoD standards. In this article, we will explore the DISA STIG Compliance Checklist in detail, including its different types, significance, benefits, and key components. Additionally, we will discuss how to effectively prepare and review your compliance checklist and continuously enhance your process. Finally, we will examine the best practices to consider when performing a DISA STIG Compliance Checklist.

The DISA STIG Compliance Checklist is a document that contains detailed instructions for securing a wide variety of hardware and software systems. The checklist covers areas such as application security, network infrastructure, operating systems, database management systems, and more. The goal of the DISA STIG Compliance Checklist is to ensure that systems and networks within the DoD are secure and protected against potential threats.

The DISA STIG Compliance Checklist provides several benefits. Firstly, it helps ensure that your systems and networks are secure and protected against potential threats. By following the checklist, you can ensure that your IT environment is configured in accordance with industry best practices and DoD standards.

When conducting a DISA STIG Compliance Checklist, there are several best practices you should follow. Firstly, you should ensure that your DISA STIG Compliance Checklist is comprehensive and up-to-date. This involves regularly reviewing and updating your checklist to reflect the latest DISA STIG standards and technological advancements.

 SRR Scripts  

 For each Security Checklist, there may be one or more Security Readiness Review (SRR) scripts, each of which is intended to help administrators determine if their systems comply with the appropriate STIG. For example, you can download an SRR for SQL Server named When you extract the zip file, you'll find an executable named SQLServer_20090701.exe, a readme file, release notes, and a set of .swp files (such as dbsrr-sql-i9.swp). There's a .swp file for each version of SQL Server. The executable brings up a graphic interface that walks you through targeting a SQL Server instance, then it reads the .swp files, runs some queries, and outputs reports which list checklist items that failed the checks. The reports also include some checklist items that must be checked manually.

The simplest way to complete a DISA Secure Technical Implementation Guide (STIG) review is to start at the beginning of the checklist and work through it, one control item at a time. As you read each control, the information will be broken down into several distinct areas: metadata, content, and findings.

Always remember that your goal is not necessarily to achieve a perfect compliance result. A perfect score is almost impossible with most operational systems. The STIG checklist will help you complete your lockdown to the best of your ability while highlighting areas for additional attention. That attention may be in the form of administrators or developers implementing required fixes, or it could be in the form of management (and by extension Information Assurance) formally accepting the risk of a failed control.

In the event that your system is actually audited by an official inspection team, there are a couple of things to keep in mind. The first is that the inspector will have precisely zero interest in any STIG checklist you have already completed. The inspector will be there to work through any checklists from top to bottom, again. With the inspector, you will be required to run every check script, produce every required document, and answer any question that may come up. If you have already worked through the checklist yourself and have it for a reference, you will be prepared to answer all of their questions, to provide documentation immediately, and generally make life easier both for them and for you. 2351a5e196

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