I got myself a Steam Deck, for that reason I also bought Horizon Zero Dawn on Steam ... the issue is that for my PC I only played GOG version.... so how do I transfer my GOG savedata to my steam account so it will also have cloud save?

I lost a lot of stuff when my hard drive failed, the most devastating of all were my steam game saves, (why I didn't have the backups somewhere else is a story in of itself) I only just found out when I had downloaded a game and (to my surprise) it was just as I had left off in it, that I found out about steam's cloud saves. Though some games such as Terraria did not have any game saves to it after I had re-downloaded it.

Download Steam Cloud Saves

Download Zip 🔥 https://urllio.com/2y2FpO 🔥

So, is there a way to check what games have a steam cloud backup that HAS been backed up, and which haven't without downloading every game just to check? (I know you can check and see what games offer steam cloud, but some games (I.E Terraria) didn't have any game saves with it after re-downloading it)

To do so, locate the game in your Steam library, right-click it, and then select "Properties." Click the "General" tab and ensure the "Keep games saves in the Steam Cloud for Game" option is checked for the game. If this option isn't checked, Steam won't automatically download your cloud saves---or upload any new ones.

If all went well you should now have support for Steam cloud saves! If you have a build uploaded to Steam already, open an close it one time to trigger the first savedata upload, then to test, and you should be able to load the same save data on a different machine too.

I've got a quick question about cloud saves. I have PoE plus the expansions on Steam. I do most of my gaming on a PC, but I'm going to be traveling for a week and have a Mac I'm brining with me. I'd like to continue playing my saves while I'm gone. Googling around and reading some older threads from this forum it looks like Steam cloud saves don't synch automatically between the platforms, but copying the saves manually works fine.

My question is this: all of the descriptions of this process I've seen says you have to turn off the cloud saving. What happens when I get back, move my (now updated with more play time) save back to the PC, and then turn the cloud saves back on? Is this a situation where I will have to leave my cloud saves off permanently, or will I have an option to override what's up on Steam's cloud with the updated data on the PC?

Once you're all set up back on your PC steam should shoot you a message about the saves not matching up to the ones on the cloud. There should be two options at this point: "Download cloud files to this machine", or "Upload files to the steam cloud". By clicking the "Upload files to the steam cloud" option, you'll be able to replace your old cloud saves with your newly progressed saves from your trip.

I sometimes play on my PC and sometimes on my notebook - the computers are in different apartments. Saving to the cloud is a very welcome feature, but it doesn't seem to work properly. Sometimes the game just won't save to the cloud (just on the computer) and then on the other computer I have an older save game. What could be the reason for this? Is there anything I can do to check if the transfer worked? Thanks for the help.


To clarify how it works, when you use the Load screen, you can move a colony (#1 in the image below) to the cloud.

You can move all colonies at once (#2 in the image below). If you see the cloud logo there, it means your colony should sync.

Once you do, the files are moved into place for Steam to upload.

From that point on, everything that happens is up to Steam. Saves only sync when you exit ONI.

If you moved all of your colony files to the cloud, it might take a while to sync (depending on your internet connection, steam servers, etc).

You should see this little spinning animated Steam logo on the UI (below) while it is busy transferring the files. When it's done, your files are in the Steam cloud.

If you switch to another device and log into Steam, it might sync the files at various points. It will definitely try to sync them when you press play - you will see the same spinning logo while it downloads them. When it is done, it has pulled the latest cloud files and the game will see them.

If you save on the second device, exit ONI once again, it will sync that latest save, and so on.

Been playing FM23 on both my Desktop PC and Steam Deck and using the Steam Cloud Saves to share game progress between the two devices. However since Christmas, the PC keeps giving me Steam Cloud Error and is unable to Sync correctly. I've gone into the folder found at C:\Users\*****\AppData\Local\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2023\cloud\games and can see my saves are there, however they just are not being uploaded to the cloud.

If I switch to my Steam Deck and load a save, play for a few moments and then save, that does get syncronised with the Cloud fine. Same as if I create a new save file on the Steam Deck, that gets uploaded to the cloud fine. On PC however if I try to create a new save file or save a game under a new name it fails and tells me I have no free space left in the cloud and to delete some files. Yet when I check on the Steam Deck it shows I have 956mb of free space.

Anyways, the problem is probably mostly on Steam's side here. Still wanted to post here, since the problem is FM specific for me. And that limit of 1GB cloud space absolutely has to be increased, refardless of the sync problems. I'm sure that is something you can affect?

If you are still having this problem or get it in the future a quick fix I found is go to steam settings the click "cloud" turn off cloud synchronizing. Then go to download and "clear download cache" or something like that this will log you out of steam but just log back in and this fixed the problem for me.

hi is there any fix for this yet, i was getting it on fm23 with unable to sync with cloud but it didnt really bother me to start with but it has started bothering me now as i have bought a steam deck now also and i want to continue my save game when out and about and i have also just went and bought the new fm24 to play and again the game is unable to sync with cloud it has been saved under tab cloud but doesnt seem to sync so again i cannot continue my save out and about due to this unable to sync error on both fm23 and fm24. i have tried the verify files and repair steam library and every work around i have seen on internet but still nothing, what i did notice is when i uncheck the sync with cloud in game properties on steam and load game up and try re-save it, it says i have not enough cloud storage to save said file. i have also tried the clear download cache option but still not working.

For a while now, the game has had a lot of trouble syncing cloud saves on Steam. It started taking a little while, but then that time grew and grew and grew and ended up seeming like it would never end, or returning errors and failing completely.

Does anybody know when Cloud saves on Steam will be available I like to play this on my PC when at home and when commuting on my Steam Deck, and the only way currently to do this is to copy the files and transfer them between each device, which is a pain as PC is on Windows and Steam Deck on Linux. I have spent so many hours playing this game but it is frustrating to have to transfer files every day. After this many years, you would think cloud saves would be the norm as most games on Steam have Cloud saves as standard.

Not sure where you have got your size file data from as the files I copy between PC and Steam Deck are only around 360MB, which includes all the required data to pick up and play on both systems. Currently the save folder contains 6 folders and 989 files, so cloud saves should be no issue whatsoever, yes they may have to pay a little more due to size being over 150MB. but based on the amount they have made from this still being in Alpha, it is not a big ask. I am currently on day 101 on Alpha 21.1 and have 4 bases plus a hoard base each containing thousands of items I have collected or crafted.

I usually play my games across several computers, eg laptop, gaming rig and my Steam deck. Because of this I love the Steam cloud for saves feature. Imagine my thrill when I noticed Steam cloud saves is available for CMBN after activating my key(s) and installing the game through Steam.

I loaded up a new scenario, played for a while, then saved and closed the game. Steam did it's thing and I noticed that the Cloud Status for CMBN was "Up to date". I logged in to my laptop, installed CMBN, and noticed that the Cloud Status here was "Up to date" as well. However, no saves show in-game at all on the laptop.

These files are the ones that absolutely not should be saved to the cloud since they are host specific settings. I do not want the same settings on my gaming rig and laptop (even more so for my Steam deck).

Am I the only one who has this issue, please? I am posting here to see if this is affecting all Steam installations for CMBN, or just me. 

PS: I just tested my installation of Shock Force 2 and it seems like the Steam sync is not working as it should here either. In fact, it looks like Steam sync settings for both games has not been updated to reflect the new location of the save files which in Steam is

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Combat Mission - Battle for Normandy\Game Files\Saved Games


C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Combat Mission Shock Force 2\Game Files\Saved Games

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