Steam and temperature posess a reliable realtionship whereby if the pressure of the steam is known, it's temperature can be predicted (and vice versa). Below is a graph and table of this relationship.

It only takes 6-10 minutes to steam king crab legs and then you have succulent crab legs ready to eat with some lemon or garlic butter. You will know your king crab legs are ready when you can smell the crab and they are hot to the touch.

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Pour a couple of inches of water into a steamer pot and bring it to a boil. Put the king crab legs on the steamer insert and put the insert into the pot. Steam the crab legs for 6-10 minutes. You will know when they are done when you can smell the crab and they are hot to the touch. Remove the crab legs carefully from the insert and serve with the garlic butter and lemon wedges.

The most common way to steam corn is using a steamer basket, but what if you don't have one? Luckily, there are lots of other ways to steam corn; you can even use an oven or a microwave! There are a few tricks to doing it just right, however. If you steam corn the wrong way, you will end up with tough, chewy corn instead.

If you ever tried Chinese steamed eggs (egg custard), it will amaze you with its super smooth, savory fresh taste and heavenly soft texture. It is a childhood food from memory. We will know how to make the super smooth steamed egg with options to twist common steamed eggs into something really interesting and more nutritious.

Perfect Chinese steamed egg. Soft, smooth, and tender steamed egg () is a comforting food for lots of Chinese children and a time-saving dish for house cooks. We love to make steam a small bowl of eggs and serve it as a side dish or make a large bowl and share it with the whole family.

Only with super common ingredients, those steamed egg is a must for daily cooking especially if you get old or younger eater in the family. Why? Because the steamed egg is easier to absorb and does not need too much chew. I love steamed eggs so much recently because I get my wisdom tooth removed.

The process of making a Chinese steamed egg is super easy, crack the egg, add water, steam, and add seasonings. Seems quite simple, right? But there are some tips you need to pay attention to make it perfect.

The successful steamed egg should be smooth both on the surface and inside with a very soft and silky texture. No layer difference. You can see from the following picture, the egg custard is quite uniform in texture. It not only has a super smooth texture and also the inside part is quite smooth too.

This version is a basic Chinese steamed egg recipe, then followed along with some lovely ideas to turn it into something more interesting for example adding minced pork sauce, add seafood. You can also add tofu. ed with vegetables and mushrooms.

Warm water is the key point to getting a smooth texture. Sometimes you find that your egg custard is almost perfect, but there are very small bubbles inside. Boil your water first and then let it cool for a while around (40 degrees C). Raw water contains lots of impurities and can cause small bubbles. Small bubbles are different from the honeycomb texture which is caused by over-strong fire. They will not puff up on the surface, but they cause small holes in the inside of the steamed egg.

Boil the water first before setting up the steamer so we can calculate the time actually (I usually steam with cold water after I know the rule of my fire and pot). Then slow down the fire to the middle or slow the fire to steam the egg liquid. The yolk and white mixture becomes together at around 165 degrees F (73 degrees C). If the temperature is too high, the out section loses water quickly and forms a honeycomb texture.

How much time should I steam for the ideal texture? There are lots of factors that may influence the steaming time for perfect steamed egg custard. Basically, it depends on the volume of the egg custard, especially the height. If you use a shallow deep pan, then 9 minutes is enough. If your steamer is taller and the egg custard is thicker, 10 to 12 minutes can be a better option. In most cases, I will suggest starting from 9 minutes.

Heat oil in wok and fry ginger until aromatic. Then add minced pork to fry until golden brown, add pepper, dark soy sauce, light soy sauce, oyster sauce. Then pour in starch water. Simmer for a while until the sauce thickened. Spread the meat sauce over the steamed egg.

Sometimes shrimp can also be added on top of the steam egg. But the method is slightly different. We need to steam the egg custard for around 7 to 8 minutes until the surface hardened. Then place peeled shrimp on top.

Perfect! I also (like someone else mentioned) put in the top steamer tray of my rice cooker. Smooth as silk! I lived in Yichang Hubei for 8 years and here on your site I can find just about everything I ate and enjoyed but miss now I'm back in Australia. So very grateful to you and enjoying the challenge of creating this wonderful food. Thanks so much.

Great recipe, saw the meat sauce and had to try it. I do think it's worth mentioning that clams should be steamed first and the extra liquid accounted for. I ate this growing up so the first time I attempted to add clams I thought I could successfully wing it, and the dish ended up being overcooked and undercooked at the same time.

Horsepower is a unit of measurement of power developed by engineer James Watt in the late 18th century. Although its original purpose was to compare the output of steam engines with the power of horses (hence its name), it has since been adopted as a unit of measurement for all sorts of engines used to power things such as vehicles, lawn mowers, boats, chainsaws, and airplanes.

Anda melakukannya di salon kecantikan, rambut Anda akan diuapi menggunakan alat steam rambut setelah masker rambut selesai diaplikasikan merata. Mungkin saat menjalani perawatan hair mask ini Anda sering bertanya dalam hati, mengapa harus menggunakan hair steamer? Berikut ini penjelasannya.

Ada beberapa proses yang dijalani ketika Anda melakukan perawatan hair mask di salon kecantikan. Umumnya, setelah rambut diberi produk hair mask, rambut akan dibalut dengan handuk basah. Setelah itu, terapis akan menggunakan sebuah alat steam rambut yang berbentuk seperti helm persis di atas kepala Anda.

Singkatnya, steam rambut adalah sebuah alat yang dirancang khusus untuk menciptakan uap yang berguna untuk membuat kulit kepala menjadi hangat. Proses penguapan rambut tersebut akan membuat pori-pori di kulit kepala menjadi terbuka. Tak hanya pori-pori di kulit kepala, kutikula di batang rambut pun akan sedikit terangkat, memungkinkan pelembap untuk masuk. Ini membuat segala nutrisi yang ada di krim masker rambut akan diserap lebih baik oleh kulit kepala serta oleh batang rambut.

Namun, fungsi steam rambut bukan itu saja. Uap hangat akan mendorong sirkulasi darah di area kulit kepala sehingga membantu penyebaran nutrisi yang dibutuhkan rambut dengan optimal. Sensasi hangat yang dirasakan di kepala saat proses steaming juga bisa memberikan efek relaksasi.

Jika kandungan hair mask dapat diserap secara maksimal oleh kulit kepala dan batang rambut, maka hasil treatment pun juga akan lebih maksimal. Tak heran jika setelah perawatan hair mask yang disertai dengan penggunaan hair steamer, rambut menjadi lembap, terhidrasi, halus, bercahaya, dan kuat. Jika rutin melakukan, maka kombinasi hair mask dan steam rambut dapat merangsang proses pertumbuhan rambut.

Umumnya, total waktu yang dibutuhkan jika Anda melakukan perawatan hair mask di salon kecantikan berkisar antara 1-1,5 jam. Tahapan yang paling memakan waktu adalah saat melakukan penguapan rambut. Jika Anda menghitung waktu steam rambut berapa lama biasanya dilakukan, biasanya proses ini membutuhkan waktu sekitar 30 menit atau lebih. Lama waktunya tentu tergantung pada panjang serta ketebalan rambut Anda.

Meski menjadi salah satu perawatan rambut favorit, inilah alasan mengapa tak sedikit perempuan yang mengurungkan niatnya untuk melakukan perawatan hair mask dikarenakan butuh waktu yang cukup panjang. Jika Anda memiliki jadwal yang padat dan tidak punya banyak waktu untuk ke salon, Anda bisa melakukannya sendiri di rumah. Anda bisa mendapatkan rambut indah seperti setelah melakukan perawatan hair mask dan steaming di salon hanya dalam waktu lima menit saja.

L'Oral Paris Extraordinary Oil Steam Mask merupakan masker rambut pertama di Indonesia yang dilengkapi dengan self heating cap yang dapat memberikan sensasi hangat setelah kontak dengan rambut yang lembap. Dengan efek seperti steam rambut di salon kecantikan, membuat penyerapan nutrisi dari masker yang diaplikasikan di rambut menjadi lebih intens. Hasilnya, batang rambut ternutrisi 4X lebih optimal dari pangkal hingga ujungnya, membuat pori-pori kulit kepala dan kutikula rambut dapat menyerap kelembapan dan nutrisi dengan optimal.

Untuk melengkapi hair care routine di rumah, Anda bisa mengombinasikan penggunaan masker steam rambut ini dengan rangkaian produk L'Oral Paris Extraordinary Oil lainnya, yaitu L'Oral Paris Extraordinary Oil Premium Shampoo, L'Oral Paris Extraordinary Oil Premium Shampoo Conditioner, dan produk hair oil dengan berbagai varian yang bisa Anda sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan rambut.

Ladies, sering bermasalah dengan kulit wajah yang terlihat kusam dan kotor? Kesibukan dan aktivitas yang padat memang membuat kita tak punya waktu untuk pergi ke salon demi mendapatkan perawatan wajah. Tapi tak perlu khawatir, Anda bisa melakukan perawatan wajah sendiri di rumah dengan melakukan steam facial. Seperti apa caranya? Ikuti tips berikut ini.

Saat Anda memasukkan rempah atau minyak esensial ke dalam air panas yang akan dipakai untuk facial steam, diamkan dulu selama 1-2 menit agar meresap dengan merata. Caranya tidak rumit kan? Selamat mencoba di rumah. ff782bc1db

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