Some of these playlists might have a couple of familiar songs, but I'm entirely confident that everyone will find some new music in every single playlist here. I won't give you any more filler than is necessary, just a quick explanation of the intended mood of each playlist - and its flagship songs.

I have spent years curating these playlists, taking out songs almost as fast as I add them to keep quality high. Somewhere along the way, I decided to collect all the songs that either didn't make the cut or didn't fit into any specific playlist. Thus, Spare Sessions was born. This is an incredibly eclectic mix of music, recommended for only the very adventurous listener.

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To accommodate the size of this community only two posts are permitted every 12 hours. This rule ensures that the subreddit isn't bombarded with playlist posts by one user and ensures greater visibility for all playlists posted to the subreddit.

Only Genuine Request is allowed. Asking people to listen to your playlist or just posting your playlist URL is not considered a genuine request and result in a ban from both this subreddit and r/SpotifyPlaylists.

This, not a subreddit for promoting your playlist please head to r/SpotifyPlaylists instead. You also may not promote any services or external websites. Failure to comply will result in a ban on both subs

I've been using Spotify for more then three years now but I got tired. I was using the free version because the subscription is too expensive for me. I decided I wanted to change after I wanted to listen to a playlist and it changes playlist by itself and this happening after ads too. So I wanted to change to YouTube music, is doesn't seem buggy like Spotify and I can actually pay for subscription because is like in a few time cheaper. Is it better?

8. Play endless stream of similar tracks on single click without having to manually select song radio. 9. Swipe down to minimise player on Android (stupid spotify) 10. Comments 11. Multiple accounts in same app (stupid spotify) 12. Ability to save play queue as playlist (stupid spotify) 13. Skinnable web player 14. View all tracks in the library (songs section in library) 15. Much better queue management 16. The ' Related' tab and ability to view artist biography instantly

I've used Spotify since I was a middle schooler (now sophomore in college) and wanted to switch to Apple Music because of the introduction of lossless audio to the base plan coming this year (as opposed to Spotify which will require a more expensive plan to access). Since I've used Spotify for so long, I've accrued a lot of music on the platform that I wanted to bring to Apple Music.

I always had Spotify Premium, but a couple of months ago, I subscribed to YouTube Premium as well. However, this week I decided to cancel my Spotify subscription and use YouTube Music instead because I was paying for two feature-packed music services.

I also miss the feature on Spotify that allows me to pause and control the music on my phone while listening on the desktop. The cross-platform integration was really well done on Spotify and a huge miss for YT music.

Recently, I tried youtube music premium, and I found its great. Their suggestions are pretty much I want to listen. Also, if you play one song, the next which is auto selected will be exactly similar to the previous one.

Hi everyone, I have been wanting to make this post about Fiverr's music promotion division, where freelancers can sell their marketing skills in exchange for your cash. I originally posted this on r/wearethemusicmakers but they removed it.

3 days later, my track had a little under 6,000 plays from all over the world. According to Spotify for Artists, 100% of these came from other user's playlists. However after I looked at which playlists the song was discovered in, things started to get a little iffy. I was put into two playlists, one named "the united states of afrobeat" and another one named "2014 indie september". This was a little strange to me considering number one, my music is heavy metal so it's in no way "afrobeat", and second, my song I selected came out in December last year so it's not fitting in "2014 indie september" either.

This seller (also from Bangladesh) seemed legitimate at first. He had a whole ton of marketing gigs for various different things on his profile so I believed him when he claimed he was a digital marketing expert. I bought two promotion gigs from him for the two remaining songs that hadn't been promoted yet, and it was the exact same thing as the first seller. I got put into fishy playlists, got tons of plays, both song got around the same number actually (2.6k) and I haven't gotten any sign of a stream since then. No new saves either, and nobody returned to listen to my music. This guy sells bots.

One of the consequences of buying this "promotion" is that you will repeatedly get messages from other Fiverr marketing sellers on your social media, on your music/band accounts AND your personal accounts if you have ever tagged your personal on your music accounts. I have already gotten tons and tons of messages on Instagram from other marketing hustlers asking me to buy their service, and that they promise they are legit unlike the other guys.

They find your name on Spotify when you leave reviews that contain images of your stats on your profile, and then they search you on Instagram/Twitter (I have gotten messages on both) and pester you to buy their services. This is probably the worst consequence of buying the marketing. The algorithmic problems can be fixed by getting organic streams from a niche audience, but almost a month after buying the marketing, I'm still getting these messages from these shady Fiverr sellers, and they absolutely do not stop. It's gotten to the point where I am considering deleting my music and changing my band's name and uploading to a different profile. Right now I have set my band's Instagram to private, and left a message in the bio telling all Fiverr marketers to fuck off, in order to deter them from messaging me.

This is being told from the perspective of a musician trying to warn other musicians. Do not make the same mistake I did. No matter what genre you make, whether it be rock/metal like me or all you rappers out there, or even if you do Tibetan throat singing, do not buy Fiverr Spotify Marketing. Ever.

Hello lovely people of Reddit. I really like the music used throughout the fallout series but get a bit bored of the radio stations per game so I was going to make a playlist of my favourite songs from all the games plus other songs in a similar style not in the games. But then I thought "I bet someone has already done this" so hit me with your best post apocalyptic playlists people! :-)

So I've been teaching myself to produce and upload songs to SoundCloud for a year now. I'd always say to myself that I should just upload it and put it out in the universe, just for the fun of listening back and hearing my progress. Recently I purchased DistroKid in an impulsive moment where I would have the same thoughtprocess but replace soundcloud with Spotify in this case. Yet some friends, who have been making music longer than me, say that Spotify is a different league and all and that I should first build a following on Soundcloud before uploading to Spotify.

In a way I understand this, because Spotify IS a different league (and in my opinion a more commonly used way for listening to music) so with my songs, probably not that professionally mixed, I understand they would not do that well on Spotifiy in terms of getting a following. But on the other hand I'd like to apply the same thoughtprocess of thinking that it's just for me and the little following of around 30 people I have haha. If I go further I also would say that it's great for creating content, because using distrokid, I could use my music in insta stories, as sounds for tiktok yada yada.

I've only seen this on My Way so far. When tapping the 'Switch to video' it literally just plays the My Way music video. It's a black screen on the picture for some reason but it's there in the app.

I listen to the "discover weekly" playlists and they are hit and miss. Occasionally they are great, sometimes they are ok, sometimes they are kinda terrible. I feel like spotify is great for listening to albums and tracks you know you want to hear. But very tough for finding new music. Any tips for finding new music on spotify through radio stations or something, or tips for finding music through other sources (pandora) and then using that to find favorites on spotify?

I posted these a few months ago and they were well received. Here's an updated list of never-ending (up to 35 hours long now [the longest was 12 hours last time I posted]) RPG music Spotify playlists for your TTRPG games. I'm still actively adding/cataloging/indexing individual tracks to these (not whole albums at a time) from games, movies, and shows. There's a playlist for almost every occasion. Having music that matches the moment really adds to the immersion in my games. Traveling up to a mountain peak? Delving too deep? Long lost brothers reunited? PC died?

How can the largest music company fail at the only job they have and users are ok with it? The problem is Spotify is integrated everywhere, it's a household name for streaming yet pretty much unlistenable.

/r/spotify was primarily created to share cool new playlists that you have made or found. We also encourage users to post their opinions, discussions of relevant Spotify news, and apps that they create or find. We are not however, a support community, and we encourage users to use official support channels for most issues.

I can understand it for Apple Music and Amazon, as they aren't music oriented at the first place. But Spotify, which is a 100% music platform? Why? Is it to get rid of people who are not invested enough to pay someone to do it? I know there are free alternatives to Distrokid, but still I don't like the fact of being forced to use an intermediate to do it. ff782bc1db

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