You can easily lose an afternoon troubleshooting internet issues, but we have a quicker way to get things back up to speed. We put together a list of the eight most common reasons for a slow internet connection; chances are, one of these fixes will solve your issue. Before resigning to a lengthy troubleshooting session or an expensive technician appointment, we recommend you run through the list and save yourself some hassle.

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Download Speed Super Slow


5. You exceeded your data cap

Many internet providers limit how much data you can use per month. When you go over your limit, your ISP may slow your connection. You can avoid exceeding your data cap by keeping track of your data usage or by purchasing more data.

For example, the old (but much loved) PlayStation Vita handheld console supports up to 150 Mbps per second because it uses a Wi-Fi 4 radio. That speed can decrease based on the router it connects to and the security protocol it uses. The Vita will never see speeds beyond that 150 Mbps limit.

There are a few different technologies internet providers use to deliver your connection, like cable, fiber, satellite, or DSL. Your internet connection type plays a huge factor in your overall speeds.

Satellite internet transfers internet signals from a base station to a satellite to a receiver at your home. Because all your information must travel such a long distance both ways, satellite internet can have very high latency compared to other types of internet, which slows things down.

Keep in mind that not all wireless devices experience identical speeds. Their connections depend on the hardware inside no matter what router you use, so a budget Samsung phone will have slower Wi-Fi speeds than an expensive wireless card plugged into your desktop.

All three frequency bands are divided into small 20 MHz channels, and routers combine these channels to make larger ones. Most modern Wi-Fi 5 and Wi-Fi 6 devices use 80 MHz channels when they connect to the 5 GHz band for the most speed, so routers use these by default.

Search Providers near you Find Providers Quick fixes for slow internet speeds (and why they work)Before we dive in, download our internet speed test. Measuring your internet speed and knowing how it compares to the speeds you pay for is an important part of diagnosing a slow connection.

Instead, put as few physical barriers between your router and your devices as possible. Walls, floors, ceilings, doors, large furniture, and similar obstructions can barricade your Wi-Fi signals and reduce connection speeds, especially over longer distances.

No, there is no limit. It just slows things down initially as there are overheads on checking each file. 

I can quite easily upload movies of a few GB here in a couple of minutes, but, thats because everything else is already sync'd and so the overheads are low. 

Have a look at -uploads/faster-sync

I was using my Synology NAS with the great Dropbox client in there. It was getting 45MB/sec upstream (I have 840Mb/ upload speed with FIOS).... so that's 360Mb/sec. It uploaded my 740GB collection in about 12 hours or so? I didn't check how long it took but I set it up after getting annoyed that Amazon Drive lost 20 of my videos and paid to go back to Dropbox where I had 30 days file retention -- Amazon Drive completely lost the files and I couldn't get them back otherwise. I set it up at 4am and when I checked around 4pm, it said it was already done.

If there's a cap, it could be on your machine or at your ISP. Maybe if you try uploading via Wifi it goes slower? I wired my PC here with a Cat6 cable into a 7-port switch and then with one cable into the cable modem across the room. Speeds are much faster than with any other provider I've used.

I don't use Google Drive so I can't say if I get the same results. For me, I turn on my Synology NAS, put the files on my drive there, and the system takes care of syncing it to Dropbox. I can have it do 10 files at the same time and each one goes for about 5MB each.... but it does 10 at the same time. Not sure if you're referring to individual upload speed but in terms of syncing a ton of files over, I seem to do OK and pretty much always have. I think sometimes it even matches it up to files in the Deleted files folder and pulls them out to avoid having to use network traffic if it has a match..... When I started to put my files back on Dropbox, it often said "Merged" instead of "Uploaded" as most of those files hadn't changed since I pulled them off 30 days ago.

Somehow my framing speed has been reduced to a crawl. It is like this across all my Ruida controllers, so I do not think it is a setting I accidentaly changed on the controllers, but some setting I fat finger changed by accident within LightBurn. Can anyone point me to the solution or where that setting is, I can not seem to find it.

Big Comparison - Borg vs Restic vs Arq 5 vs Duplicacy vs Duplicati is one of several forum comparisons, and one where Duplicati seemed to be pretty fast. Yours is unusually slow, and the bottleneck is not clear.

I have the same issue here, very slow backup speed to my nas on gigabit lan, using samba.

Coping files to the backup directory manually happens with normal speed. But during backup I got 1.5MB/s max.

I know this is some kind of ext4 journaling event, but it makes no sense, hence the 1.5MB/s speed. The storage drives are 2x Toshiba P300 with a single md raid1 lvm volume. The duplicati 2 host machine is Windows 11, but I got the same problem with Windows 10.

Possibly there are speed issues that are LAN-specific, however Duplicati does SMB through your OS.

You could help prove or disprove that by backing up to a local file to see if your speed gets any better.

On unRaid is quite different, when installing the same PIA app in a VM of windows 10 and Ubuntu the maximum speed I can achieve is 20Mbps and in a Ubuntu server VM (followed Spaceinvader One video tutorial) which uses open VPN I get even less, 1Mbps.

Then on the Docker container side, binhex-delugevpn, binhex-sabnzbdvpn, nzbgetvpn and binhex-privoxyvpn, then speed is also quite slow, in the Usenet containers, the download speed with the VPN on, is something like 130-180Kbps, the same with the privoxyvpn, when routing traffic through it the peed is just 1Mbps. But if I disconnect the VPN in Sabnzbd or Nzbdget, I get the full news server speed, 12Mbps+. Tried several option in Sab, SSL on/Off, different cache sizes, etc.

Replying to an old thread but I am having a similar problem but with NordVPN set up as a "proxy server" in UnRAID and it is not the bandwidth but rather the "latency" when going to a new page that is the problem - bandwidth is 200MBit/s or more but each time I go to a new page it takes like 5 seconds until the page renders... Feels to me like it could be DNS that for some reason is EXTEREMELY slow. Any suggestions on what may be wrong?

We too are experiencing speed issues. We are thinking about moving items from our main boards into several boards so that the main board is not trying to run a bunch of automations all at the same time. Do you think this would help at all?

These issues REALLY slow down our workflow, which is crappy for a system that is supposed to automate workflows and make things more efficient. support is a useless time suck with repeated stock email asking for a loom video with info already provided (same experience as JakeT)

Hello all, I started getting slow speeds yesterday out of the blue and haven't changed any settings. I have restarted modem and router multiple times and it stays the same. What is weird is speedtest is showing my speeds all really good where they should be and some websites load normally and others take forever like I have super slow internet. For instance everything on the netgear community site is super slow, but yahoo, ebay, amazon etc loads fast and I can click links inside and they load fast. I upgraded to new firmware today to see if that helped with no difference. I have QOS disabled. I tried to connecting direct from the modem and everything works as it should, but when through the router certain sites are extremely slow again. I have tried multiple computers with the same issue. I tried wireless through my computer and its slow also. Has my router just gone out?

I haven't made any changes at all. I am not using a VPN , but its acting like you have a VPN selected for like Germany or something from the United States, everything loads just extremely slow. I have tried mozilla and chrome. Its very strange, Yahoo and all links load fast, Youtube takes days to load, and gmail takes forever to do anything.

When I finally got Radeon software installed, I noticed that my gpu usage was super high, but my VRAM clock speed is only ~20MHz max (supposedly this is around 1% of max or less). This seems super low and definitely off.

I have tried many suggestions from the web and I have made sure my USB3.0 is working, speeds are very fast when writing to drives that are EXT4 (>120MBs) but with NTFS i'll be lucky to get >10MBs. If I have 1TB to copy I could be looking at 32 hours of copying, I don't really fancy that. Read speeds from NTFS are pretty good 100MBs.

I'm using a new Acer laptop with Intel wifi 6 ax200 adapter. Until a few days ago, I used to get really good speeds but now the download speed seems bottlenecked, the upload speed is fine but not as high as it used to be.

I put initially Win 10 Pro (21H2) on it and worked slow. I upgraded to WIn 11 Pro (21H2) and it works in the same way. I followed all the recommendations from this thread, and nothing. I've changed drivers with ones from Intel, then from HP....same behaviour.

4. What is your position from your computer to the router? Have you tried getting closer to it and see if the speed increases? Please keep in mind that the 5GHz band is faster but the signal does not get as far as the 2.4GHz band. 17dc91bb1f

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