You can view or hide speaker notes when editing your Google Slides Templates by going to View > Show Speaker Notes. Alternatively, you can double-click the three dots at the bottom of a slide to open the speaker notes pane.

Once opened, you can begin typing speaker notes. Every slide has its own speaker notes, so you can add instructions for various slides to remember important details you need to mention during the presentation. This can also help you avoid cramming your slides with too many details and use the speaker notes as cues to discuss important information during your presentation.

Download Speaker Notes Google Slides


Speaker notes in Google Slides can be viewed during a presentation by starting your slideshow in Presenter view. You can do this by expanding the Slideshow option via the arrow button. Select Presenter View to run the presentation with speaker notes.

Speaker notes have been a widely used feature in other presentation apps such as PowerPoint. Google Slides provides an easy enough method to use them seamlessly while presenting your slideshow. Speaker notes can help avoid missing important details during a presentation while making the presenter appear more confident before the audience.

You can view or hide speaker notes when editing your Google Slides Templates by going to View > Show Speaker Notes. Alternatively, you can double-click the three dots at the bottom of a slide to open the speaker notes pane.

Once opened, you can begin typing speaker notes. Every slide has its own speaker notes, so you can add instructions for various slides to remember important details you need to mention during the presentation.

Speaker notes in Google Slides can be viewed during a presentation by starting your slideshow in Presenter view. You can do this by expanding the Slideshow option via the arrow button. Select Presenter View to run the presentation with speaker notes.

During your presentation, the speaker notes are visible on your monitor, but aren't visible to the audience. So the Notes pane is the place to store talking points that you want to mention when you give your presentation.

If your notes exceed the allotted length of the Notes pane, a vertical scroll bar appears on the side of the pane. You can also enlarge the Notes pane by pointing your mouse at the top line of the pane and then dragging upward after the pointer turns into a double-headed arrow.

When your computer is connected to a projector and you start the slide show , Presenter View appears on your computer's screen, while only the slides appear on the projector screen. In Presenter view, you can see your notes as you present, while the audience sees only your slides:

The notes appear in a pane on the right. If you need to add or delete something, simply click in the text box to edit it. The text wraps automatically, and a vertical scroll bar appears if necessary. You can also change the size of the text in the Notes pane by using the two buttons at the lower left corner of the Notes pane:

Presenter view isn't something you have to create. PowerPoint assembles it for you by gathering the notes you've typed for each slide and pairing them with a set of controls for navigating through your presentation.

If you're a Microsoft 365 business subscriber and your presentation is stored on OneDrive for work or school or SharePoint in Microsoft 365, you can print your speaker notes. See Print your PowerPoint slides, handouts, or notes for more information.

A notes page is a kind of page used for generating handouts for slides in apresentation. Each slide has one notes page. The text of a slide's speaker notesare contained the first BODY placeholder shape on a slide's notes page. Onlythe text content of this notes shape is editable in the Slides API. Its otherproperties and the rest of the notes page contents are read-only.

To find a slide's speaker note shape, find the slide's notes Pagein its SlidePropertiesmessage. The shape containing the speaker notes text is identified by the speakerNotesObjectIdfield in the notes page's NotesPropertiesmessage.

You can use the text batchUpdate requests to modifythe text inside the speaker notes shape. In the rare case where the speaker notesshape does not exist, the Slides API creates it automatically when it seesa valid text operation using a speakerNotesObjectId.

A hack I use is opening the same file in two different Figma windows and only share one in presentation mode. Then I add my speaker notes outside of the presentation frames. And I do agree, we need speaker notes

This renders the notes to the left, the slide to the right. There is an edit icon for the notes, which launches that particular note in edit mode. The titles of the slides serve the same purpose. It looks like this:

Speaker notes in PowerPoint help presenters recall important points, such as key messages or stats, as they give a presentation. The speaker note panel lives at the bottom of your screen in Normal view, although some users may have this section hidden.

Speaker notes in PowerPoint allow you to move nonessential text and stats off your slides so that your audience can fully absorb your message. Having the info in the speaker notes allows you to be ready should your audience ask questions about your data, or other points in your presentation that may require additional information.

Spending a little time structuring speaker notes in PowerPoint can also be an easy way to turn your presentation into a dual-purpose file. Not only can you use your file to present, you can use it as a standalone document that can be effectively shared without you presenting. This more advanced feature is described below.

Method One: Directly edit in slide editing mode (aka Normal View). Click the notes section of the window and begin typing. If the notes are hidden, click the Notes button found in options on the bottom right of the PowerPoint screen.

Method Two: Edit your notes in Notes View. Click on the View tab in the ribbon and click Notes Page. Here you have more room on the screen to write your notes and adjust the font size and layout.

We typically advise speakers not to write their script word-for-word in the speaker notes section, as this can tempt a presenter to break a connection with an audience, as well as begin to sound inauthentic.

The first bullet point of your speaker notes can convey that overarching idea, and your other points can support it. I call these speaking touchpoints, and often they are short words or phrases that will remind me of what I want to say.

Once, I sat through a presentation where the presenter stayed on one slide for quite some time. He was telling a long story that was coming back to resolve and tie together various points of information on the slide. To help himself stay on track, he wrote about six key speaking touchpoints in a list in the speaker notes, duplicated the slide (so it looked the same to the audience), then completed his next few speaking touchpoints for the slide. When he reached the bottom of the first six touchpoints he clicked the slide without missing a beat and continued the talk track. The audience had no idea that he just moved slides and he was able to use his notes, even though they were long.

PowerPoint is set up to show notes only to the speaker when a presentation is connected to another output, such as a monitor, a projector, a video conferencing app, etc. Just select the Slide Show tab and click Presenter View to enable a display that only you can see on your computer.

3. Make changes to the layout in the Notes Master, keeping in mind that changes here will be reflected on all the notes pages. In the image below, an example of a default Notes Master is shown at left, with a modified master page at right.

Speaker notes are helpful for talking points as you present a slideshow. In Google Slides, you can add notes to each slide, edit or remove them as needed, and of course, display them during the presentation.

To start the show with your notes in hand, choose "Presenter View." This displays your slideshow in your main browser window and places your presenter notes in a smaller external window that you can move or resize.

If you use the "Present" or "Present From Beginning" options, you can still access your notes using the Presenter Toolbar. Be sure to take your presentation out of full-screen view first. Otherwise, your notes will display in full-screen mode.

Speaker notes are not only useful when practicing your presentation, but also when showtime comes. If you're still getting used to all that Google Slides has to offer, check out our helpful beginner's guide to Google Slides for additional tips.

When I need to start a slide show, Slido says I must use Slido in order for their slides to work. I have two buttons to choose from - Googles And Slidos. When I choose the green slido button, I can present the slideshow from the beginning OR I can present the slideshow from the current slide. There is no option to open presenter view. When I use this green Slido option, the slideshow starts and takes up my entire screen. When I hit escape to leave the entire screen, the slideshow ends.

So it will have to be the less professional - switch between google presenter view (slides window) and the slido presenter window until it is implemented (which based on curt reply seems like no plans at this stage).

All - Bumping up this again. I need to make presentation with Slido to a big audience and am hoping somehow I can get to see the speaker notes while presenting. Presenting from another device is not an option.

When presenting with Google Slides, there is the option for Presenter view where the Pop-out of your notes will appear, its best if you have another screen to pull them over to if you are presenting from the one screen as the speaker notes would still be there. Ive used Duet for my Iphone/Ipad to use as another screen to pull my speaker notes over to when using my computer in Present mode. ff782bc1db

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