Source code is the fundamental component of a computer program that is created by a programmer, often written in the form of functions, descriptions, definitions, calls, methods and other operational statements. It is designed to be human-readable and formatted in a way that developers and other users can understand.

Source code and object code are sometimes referred to as the before and after versions of a compiled computer program. However, source code and object code do not apply to script (noncompiled or interpreted) program languages, like JavaScript, since there is only one form of the code.

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Programmers can use a text editor, a visual programming tool or an integrated development environment (IDE) such as a software development kit (SDK) to create source code. In large program development environments, there are often management systems that help programmers separate and keep track of different states and levels of source code files.

When a user installs a software suite like Microsoft Office, for example, the source code is proprietary. Microsoft only gives the customer access to the software's compiled executables and the associated library files that various executable files require to call program functions.

Typically, proprietary software vendors like Microsoft don't share source code with customers for two reasons: to protect intellectual property and to prevent the customer from making changes to source code in a way that might break the program or make it more vulnerable to attack. Proprietary software licenses often prohibit any attempt to discover or modify the source code.

Open source software, on the other hand, is purposely designed with the idea that source code should be made available since collaborative effort of developers working to enhance the software can help make it more robust and secure. Users can freely take open source code under public licenses, such as the GNU General Public License.

Beyond providing the foundation for software creation, source code has other important purposes. For example, skilled users who have access to source code can more easily customize software installations.

A person with no background in programming can read the C programming source code above and understand that the goal of the program is to print the words "Hello World." However, in order to carry out the instructions, this source code must first be translated into a machine language that the computer's processor can understand; which is the job of a special interpreter program called a compiler. In this case, a C compiler is used.

Object code consists mainly of the numbers one and zero, or binary code, and cannot be easily read or understood by humans. Object code can then be linked to create an executable file that runs to perform the specific program functions.

Determining the historical start of source code is a subjective and elusive exercise. The first software was written in binary code in the 1940s. So, depending on one's viewpoint, such programs may be the initial samples of source code.

One of the earliest examples of source code as we recognize it today was written by Tom Kilburn, an early pioneer in computer science. Kilburn created the first successful digital program held electronically in a computer's memory in 1948. The software solved a mathematical equation.

In the 1950s and '60s, source code was often provided for free with software by the companies that created the programs. As growing computer companies expanded software's use, source code became more prolific and sought after. Computing magazines prior to the internet age would often print source code in their pages, with readers needing to retype the code character for character for their own use. Later, floppy disks decreased the price for electronically sharing source code, and then the internet further removed these obstacles.

Yeah, if the code can be visible to everyone, how can you get access to the code of installed Figma plugins?

I want to be able to see code from other plugins in the community and modify them to my specific needs. Is that possible?

I second this, we had similar case where my client lost a multi-million contract because they ran into compliance issue and they needed the code and DB to be run locally on their server, and that was not available as an option with bubble and that sucked big time.

I think it is necessary to offer that and I think the no-code alternatives are offering the code export as standard option now, and if bubble insist on not making this as an option, they will be behind the competition in business security and trust.

If Bubble wants to support enterprise-level clients, we are more than happy to pay a premium to export some form of our code so that we truly own our IP. We would definitely continue to use Bubble as the platform for building and maintaining our application.

So the refined question here (assuming it is technically difficult) for @josh @emmanuel is: Does Bubble intend to dedicate the necessary resources to developing the ability to export a portable source code package for Bubble apps?

You can install Subversion by compiling its source code release directly, or you can install one of the prepackaged binaries if there is one for your operating system. Unless a release has "alpha", "beta", or "rc" in its name, it is tested and considered stable for production use.

Subversion's source code is stored in the subversion tree of the main Subversion repository of the Apache Software Foundation. You can checkout the latest version of the code using the following command:

If you want to learn about a particular command / plugin then one nice option is to use the search bar (bottom right of the fiji window - or Ctrl-L. If you type the name of the plugin / function you want a window will appear that has a Source button. That button takes you to the github page with the relevant source code.

I've recently been thinking about being an Indie dev and wanted to know, how would I protect my source code? When I make the app/game an exe does godot automatically encrypt the functions, vars, and other formulas inside? I would appreciate it if someone could clarify for me or point me to the resources I need to learn how to encrypt my files.

This chapter describes the installation of PostgreSQL using the source code distribution. If you are installing a pre-packaged distribution, such as an RPM or Debian package, ignore this chapter and see Chapter 16 instead.

The master sources are maintained in our git repository, which is accessible over the network and cloned on GitHub, at Bugs and pull patches (issues and pull requests) should be filed on the GitHub repo. Please familiarize yourself with the license.

The table below lists the latest releases for every branch. (For an explanation of the numbering, see our release strategy.) All releases can be found at /source/old. A list of mirror sites can be found here.

Each day we make a snapshot of each development branch. They can be found at These daily snapshots of the source tree are provided for convenience only and not even guaranteed to compile. Note that keeping a git local repository and updating it every 24 hours is equivalent and will often be faster and more efficient.

Please remember that export/import and/or use of strong cryptography software, providing cryptography hooks, or even just communicating technical details about cryptography software is illegal in some parts of the world. So when you import this package to your country, re-distribute it from there or even just email technical suggestions or even source patches to the authors or other people you are strongly advised to pay close attention to any laws or regulations which apply to you. The authors of OpenSSL are not liable for any violations you make here. So be careful, it is your responsibility.

Now, I wanted to debug the code and see the flow of code inside the Spring source as well. Hence I downloaded the source code of Spring , as a Zip file. I extracted the source code in a specific location in the file system.

2) During debug, it asks for attaching the source, it works in a way, however it doesn't fulfill what I intend to. Basically I want to debug the code and I want to put the breakpoint on this code. This source belong to the @Autowired annotation and hence I won't be able to attach the source on-the-fly. Hence my intention is to pre place the breakpoint and see how the control goes in there.

First of all, there's nothing to be debuged at @Autowire is just an annotation. The only thing you will see there is its attributes. That's it. The interesting code is in

Approximately every 6 months the FFmpeg project makes a new major release. Between major releases point releases will appear that add important bug fixes but no new features. Note that these releases are intended for distributors and system integrators. Users that wish to compile from source themselves are strongly encouraged to consider using the development branch (see above), this is the only version on which FFmpeg developers actively work. The release branches only cherry pick selected changes from the development branch, which therefore receives much more and much faster bug fixes such as additional features and security patches.

I have noticed that I am using more and more drawing and less and less text in order to explain codebase. So far I have used gliffy to draw but this tool has some frustrating limitations (such as lack of alpha channel). I am thinking of authoring a tool specialized in drawing for 3D engines using SVG and Javascript. I wonder if something like this already exist ? Anyway, back to the code...

Notes : It seems "variable hightlights" and "Control-Click" are also available on Visual Studio 2010 after installing the Visual Studio 2010 Productivity Power Tools. I cannot understand why this is not part of the vanilla install.


 Both codebases are now in the best state possible : One click away from an executable !Download the code.Hit F8 / Commmand-B.Run !

Trivia : In order to run the game you will need the base folder containing the Doom 3 assets. Since I did not want to waste time extracting them from the Doom 3 CDs and updating them: I downloaded the Steam version. It seems id Software team did the same sincethe Visual Studio project released still contains "+set fs_basepath C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\doom 3" in the debug settings!


 Trivia : The engine was developed with Visual Studio .NET (source). But the code does not feature a single line of C# and the version released requires Visual Studio 2010 Professional in order to compile.

  Trivia : Id Software team seems to be fan of the Matrix franchise: Quake III working title was "Trinity" and Doom III working title was "Neo". This explains why you will find all of the source code in the neo subfolder. ff782bc1db


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