"Problems" is a song released in 1958 by The Everly Brothers. The song spent 15 weeks on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, peaking at No. 2,[3] "Problems" was kept out of No.1 spot by To Know Him Is to Love Him by The Teddy Bears.[4]

Since a couple weeks I am getting an issue with some songs I am importing into my Traktor Pro 2 (also tried with Pro 3). These are a (apparently random) selection of some songs I have downloaded from itunes with M4A file format. When I listen to them with any media player they are just fine. When I load them in the Pro 2 software, the files are somewhat corrupted when I read them. The volumes are cut in random and alternating intervals during the song, which make it sound really horrible. This is also evident from the track which appears compressed in those intervals.

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It seems like the problem is unrelated to the files themselves, which play normally in media players and also in the Pro 2 softwares of friends to whom I have given them with a USB. I have uninstalled and reinstalled my Pro 2 and Pro3 softwares and the problem persists. I have also downloaded the songs anew, same problem.

The problem has to be related to the Track number tag. Within an album, songs are sorted by the Track tag. If the Track tag is missing, it will try to sort by the Title tag, finally falling back on Filename is the Title tag is missing.

In the past melodies were an important component of the marketability of the song. However, today melodies seem more like an afterthought. As I will demonstrate in this paper, it is possible to statistically measure the difference in variation between traditional and contemporary melodies. Moreover, traditional melodies exhibit a larger range of pitch whereas the contemporary melodies are confined to a narrow set of notes.

You're making a lot of assumptions about meaning both semantically and audibly which are never expanded upon. I mainly am arguing against your section as to what you think a good melody is, and what it means to "reinforce" lyrics. Your entire last section deals with variance = goodness, essentially, but a lot of early medieval/renaissance music use static pitch, especially in plainchant. Opera also commonly uses recitative on a single pitch, yes, often to exposit, but the composer is in charge of that decision; is the foundation of what made these trends a thing in the first place also bad?

i have encountered several problems with my DJ Pro. The main problem being that manual loop effect does not act as MANUAL loop, as it keeps starting and ending the loop not from the point of order, but few beats before or after. This problem is one of the main problems, when mixing tracks. Another problem is that when you load the same song to two decks, the manual looping effect works only on one deck and if you push the sync button, the looping effect is abolished on this track.

thank you for the explanation. However, the manual loop function does not start and stop loop in a destined spot even, when the song is not playing (in stop function). Therefore, I consider it an error in DJ Pro program. Secondly, while the quantisation might make looping sometimes easier, it definitely makes it much often frustrating as I cannot make the loops on the run as necessary and how it is usually done. I really cannot understand the need for quantisation as most of the MIDI controllers have both auto (i.e 2 beats, 4 beats and etc) and manual loop. When manual loop works with quantisation, it basically acts as auto loop, which means in another words that there is no manual loop function. Is it possible to turn the quantisation off?

thank you for your follow up.

You are right, djay is still aligning to the on beats, so setting a loop in completely free is to possible.

I forwarded your post internally as an user request for an ON/OFF quantise mode setting.

I have one Sonos device: a Sonos One SL.

I run the Sonos app on a Windows 10 PC.

I keep my Sonos app and firmware up to date (currently on version 14.10).

I bought and use my Sonos device to play songs from Spotify playlists.

(I can play songs from Spotify on my Sonos device by either using the Spotify app connect feature

or by using the Sonos app, but I prefer using the Sonos app because it allows you to select and play

songs from multiple playlists while the Spotify app only allows you to play from a single playlist.)

When I use the Spotify app connect feature (on my PC) to play music on my Sonos device, I have no problems.

When I use the Spotify app on my Samsung Smart TV, or the Spotify app on a Roku device to play from Spotify on another TV, I have no problems.

When I use the Sonos app to play Sonos Radio to my Sonos device, I have no problems.

But when I use the Sonos app to play songs from Spotify playlists on my Sonos device, I have frequent problems (even when the Sonos device is only a few feet away from my router).

And all of these use the same wi-fi connection.

This leads me to the conclusion that the problems have nothing to do with the wi-fi connection between the Sonos device and the router. Instead, I believe the problem has to do with the internet connection between the Sonos firmware and the Spotify servers.

I just turned Qos off, rebooted my router, and reran the test (using WiFi but with the Sonos device a few feet from the router). I got the same error and like before, most of the playlists were added to the queue but some were skipped. (The playlists that were skipped were not the same.)

Diagnostics: 2024233555

I do also fully appreciate the things you have mentioned, but I was just thinking there are things you could still try with your setup to perhaps try to narrow things down a little to get closer to the root cause.

You might try selecting a larger number, like all of the 70s rock playlists. The greater the number of playlists that are selected, the greater the chance that the error will occur with at least one. (You can select the first and then hold the shift key when you select the last, and all of the ones in between will also be selected.)

As I mentioned before, loading all of the songs from all of my playlists into the queue has been working for me MOST of the time for a very long time, but for the last few days, when I attempt to load as many as 10 or 20 playlists into the queue I will usually see the error and some of the selected playlists will be missing from the queue.

I have noticed lately that some songs are slightly cut off at the beginning by a fraction of a second. I tried installing the Neutron player app and it doesn't do the same thing on using that app (songs are slightly cut off using the USB Audio Player Pro app though). 

I also tried moving everything off the SD card, reformating it and moving everything back on again. Also did a reset of the player and it keeps doing it.

I also have many of the songs affected on my LG V50 phone and they play just fine on that. 

The other option is if you are recording everything into the DAW in one take is to not sync at all. Just put the BPM in abelton the same as the syntakt. Then just hit record, ands record everything in. Then select all the WAV files and drag them onto the grid.

It might be a pain to set up your session in this way (and possibly buggy jumping DAW clock on the fly), but if you had Live as the sync clock, could you automate tempo changes in Live (either via the arrangement view or by firing scene changes with the appropriate tempos at the right moments?

I actually was trying a similar setup as you described and run into the same issues. One thing that is working for me is to run clock from Arturia Keystep Pro which I also use to play on Digitone, and send clock to both Syntakt and Digitone. The improvement is noticeable, but only if you set the PPQ to 48 instead of default 24. I also start every song with 2 bars of all mutes and in that way I can just connect my setup to PC, use Ableton Live as a very advanced track recorder XD I also use song mode to be able to record tracks one by one with outboard effects and for some tracks to have multiple takes on live sound mangling.

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Data extraction:  Identified reviews were assessed for comprehensiveness of the literature search, method for indirect comparison, and whether assumptions about similarity and consistency were explicitly mentioned.

Results:  The survey included 88 review reports. In 13 reviews, indirect comparison was informal. Results from different trials were naively compared without using a common control in six reviews. Adjusted indirect comparison was usually done using classic frequentist methods (n=49) or more complex methods (n=18). The key assumption of trial similarity was explicitly mentioned in only 40 of the 88 reviews. The consistency assumption was not explicit in most cases where direct and indirect evidence were compared or combined (18/30). Evidence from head to head comparison trials was not systematically searched for or not included in nine cases. 152ee80cbc

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