Mark Hollis' lyrics reflect his religious and spiritual outlook. Though he acknowledges that his lyrics are religious, he says they are not based on a specific creed, preferring to think of them as "humanitarian."[19] "I Believe in You" has been described as an "anti-heroin song."[15] When asked whether the lyrics are based on personal experience, Hollis replied, "No, not at all. But, you know, I met people who got totally fucked up on it. Within rock music there's so much fucking glorification of it, and it is a wicked, horrible thing."[19]

In Genesis 15:12, we find the Spirit of God speaking to the patriarch Abram in the nighttime hours. The story of Jesus, and the biblical imagination of the entire New Testament church, engaged the reality that the Holy Spirit speaks, at times, through dreams. God does this to further his New Creation story and our growth as mature disciples and awakening people.

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Jesus, I receive your Holy Spirit. I recognize that my sleeping hours, as well as my waking hours, are yours for the speaking. Come, Holy Spirit, speak to me in ways that remind me of your covenant love for me, and use my hours of rest to continue to transform me into the likeness of Jesus.

When you pray, spend some time praising God for His goodness and thanking Him for all He has done for you (Psalm 100:4). Then ask Him for what you need (Philippians 4:13). After that, get quiet. Prayer is not a one-way conversation. Make sure that you give the Holy Spirit a chance to speak. He may bring a scripture or song to your mind. He may bring a person to mind that needs prayer. Or He may give you direction for your day or even an answer for a prayer request.

12Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit that is from God, so that we may understand the gifts bestowed on us by God. 13And we speak of these things in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the Spirit, interpreting spiritual things to those who are spiritual.

"Lord, Speak to Me" is a prayer that God will speak to, lead, and teach each of us so that we may do the same to others who need Jesus Christ (st. 1-3). The text also expresses our commitment to full-time kingdom service ("use me, Lord . . . just as you will, and when, and where") , an ongoing task that ultimately leads us to eternal "rest," 'Joy," and "glory" (st. 4).

Is It possible to get the sheet music with cords too "When I speak the name of Jesus? I would like to be able to learn it to share . I'm 80 yrs young and the song has really touched me. Thank You - Dec 2022

My brothers and sisters, I am honored to have been invited to speak to you today. The topic that I have been assigned to speak on may seem a little strange to some of you for a setting like Campus Education Week, but I hope and pray that it will be both interesting and inspiring. The subject is death.

I can imagine up one, but it cannot be made practicable here, from the fact that the mind of man is unable to use it. For instance, the Book of Mormon tells us, that the angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost, and man when under the influence of it, speaks the language of angels. Why does he speak in this language? Because the Holy Ghost suggests the ideas which he speaks; and it gives him utterance to convey them to the people. . . . Suppose, instead of having arbitrary sounds, such as we have here, to communicate these ideas, that the Holy Ghost itself, through a certain process and power, should enable him to unfold that knowledge to another spirit, all in an instant. [JD 3:101]

After speaking of the gardens and the beauty of every thing there, brother Grant said that he felt extremely sorrowful at having to leave so beautiful a place and come back to earth, for he looked upon his body with loathing, but was obliged to enter it again. [JD 4:136]

To sing in the spirit is the same as when a believer sings in tongues in an act of praise to the Lord. When we are singing in the spirit we are worshiping Him through spiritual song, the same way that we praise Him through a natural song.

You cannot speak in tongues, nor can you manifest any gift of the Spirit, without first being baptized in the Spirit. I have many articles that cover How to Receive the Holy Spirit and Speak in Tongues and the Baptism in the Holy Spirit (In-Depth Study).

I thank God that I speak in tongues more than all of you. Nevertheless, in church I would rather speak five words with my mind in order to instruct others, than ten thousand words in a tongue. (1 Corinthians 14:18-19)

As you can see from these verses, Paul was not a man who taught one thing but did another. No, it was quite the opposite. If he taught the churches to speak in tongues at all times it was because he was already doing it in his own life and he understood the benefits of it.

The speaker edifies themselves. There are many verses that reveal this. Paul mentions that speaking in tongues (a.k.a praying in the spirit) is mainly meant for the believer to be used between them and God, and as believers speak in tongues they edify themselves. (1 Corinthians 14:2, 4)

The speaker can receive a divine interpretation. Paul told us that when we pray in the spirit we should ask God for an interpretation of what we are saying (1 Corinthians 14:13). By doing this we can receive revelation from God because when tongues are interpreted it is similar to prophesy (1 Corinthians 14:5).

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The situationin Donbass has reached a critical, acute stage. I am speaking to you directlytoday not only to explain what is happening but also to inform you of the decisions being made as well as potential further steps.

Meanwhile, the so-called civilisedworld, which our Western colleagues proclaimed themselves the onlyrepresentatives of, prefers not to see this, as if this horror and genocide,which almost 4 million people are facing, do not exist. But they do exist and only because these people did not agree with the West-supported coup in Ukrainein 2014 and opposed the transition towards the Neanderthal and aggressivenationalism and neo-Nazism which have been elevated in Ukraine to the rank of nationalpolicy. They are fighting for their elementary right to live on their own land,to speak their own language, and to preserve their culture and traditions.

From unflinching portrayals of racial hatred to hard-hitting invective against injustice, demands for equality, and even stadium anthems with a subversive message, the best protest songs speak not only to the issues of their times, but transcend their eras to become timeless political expressions. Hip-Hop arguably remains the most politically engaged music of our current era, but, throughout the decades, jazz, folk, funk, and rock music have all made contributions to the best protest songs of all time.

And I think this is hands down the most important way in which the Spirit moves us, right? That we are moved to care about the people who are near or far. And out of that care, we are moved to act in one way or another, right? Moved to speak or to hold silence, moved to listen, moved to come alongside, moved to give, who knows what is needed?

The on-screen text reads: "Dorothy Hodgson - Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences" 

The professor speaks on camera: "We are so very proud of your accomplishments, of your creativity, your intellect, your passion, and your commitment to social justice."

The screen fades to white and a moving shot of the admissions building during springtime is seen in the background. 

The on-screen text reads: "Paola Servino - Italian Studies" 

The professor speaks on camera: I want to wish all the Brandeisians graduating today the wonderful time ahead, despite the difficult moments that we are all going through."

A time-lapse of the Brandeis SCC and Great Lawn continues before a new speaker appears on screen. 

The on-screen text reads: "Chad Williams - AAAS and History" 

Chad speaks on camera: "Thank you for your commitment, for your brilliance, and above all else, or your courage"

Di Lillo speaks on camera again: "I will always remember the day, March 12th, in Olin-Sang, when I came and I told you that that one was our last day of in-person class. I watched you cry, I watched that disappointment in your face."

Another brief time-lapse transition of the SCC during springtime appears on screen. A new faculty speaker appears on screen and the text reads: "Joel Christensen '01, MA '01 - Classical Studies" 

Joel speaks on camera: "What has impressed me, what has inspired me, is how everybody in our community has come together and how the class of 2020 has pushed through to the end, finished their coursework, in an exemplary fashion."

A new professor appears on camera. The on-screen text reads: "Jennifer Cleary - Theater Arts" 

She beings to speak on camera: "You have risen above and beyond and really made it to this milestone."

The screen dips to white and fades to a springtime shot of the admissions building on the Brandeis campus. 

The picture fades back to Paola Servino speaking to the camera: "Don't let this difficult and unusual period slow you down and not to bring the best you have become over the years into the world."

Irina speaks to the camera again: "Crises, even this one, come and go. What stays - what will always stay - are your friendships, your support for each other, your knowledge, and the education that you worked so hard for; and this education can bring a lot of good to this world that really needs a lot of good right now." ff782bc1db

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