And for the life of me, I can not figure out what values I need to give the and properties. I even tried using sonar.binaries, which gave me the following output:

I also looked into the source code of SonarQube, SonarQube Java Plugin and the SonarQube Scanner for instances of either "Java bytecode has not been made available to the analyzer." or I found plenty on, but nothing on "Java bytecode has not been made available to the analyzer." So I have no clue what conditions exactly trigger that error.

Download Sonarqube Binaries

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Some paths have become relative, but I think that is because TeamCity changed the Ant file to the file in SVN.The is absolute and it definitely points to the correct directory.

Note that the above also applies to sonar.sources, and it is likely going to need to be in sync with Having binaries be a superset of source seems to be OK. Obviously, if your sources value is too broad (ie includes tests, etc), you'll get more noise. The advantage of using a script is that you can customize these heuristics to your taste.

You need to point to a directory that contains jars. I would't try to get fancy with wildcards and file extensions, that's not the same thing. You need a directory as an argument, not a regular expression for files.

It appears that the directory paths for sonar.sources and are handled differently, for one property wildcards are supported, for the other they are not.

Can you update the documentation to clarify which values are accepted for each property and how the paths are interpreted?

If you are not using Maven or Gradle for analysis, you must manually provide bytecode to the analysis. You can also analyze test code, and for that you need to provide tests binaries and test libraries properties.

We have two projects, and code that sets up sonar-scanner.

In the setup code, we default**/target/classes.

This works correctly in the first project, where we scan from /root/projectA, and our build is in root/projectA/moduleA/target/classes.

In our second project, the build happens in the same directory we scan from, so /root/projectB/target/classes. In this case sonar-scanner errors and says no directory exists at **/target/classes.

We switch recently from Bintray to our own download site.

Be aware that new base url is now instead of 

All paths and versions of sonarqube and plugins supported by SonarSource have been preserved.

/usr/lib/systemd/system/sonarqube.service:{11,12}: Standard output type syslog is obsolete, automatically updating to journal. Please update your unit file, and consider removing the setting altogether.

@attila123: Just to supplement dNhax's answer, you got the "Permission denied", because SonerQube operates on a system service level and assumes, that it has that very level of file system access. That being said, you can easily run it like you mentioned as root (although you should use "systemctl start sonarqube" to be on the safe side and let SystemD manage it as a service).

This topic describes the recommended workflow for scanning Java binary (.jar, .class) files. For some scanners, such as SonarQube and Checkmarx, you need to add one or more Run steps to build your Java binaries before you run the scanner. You also need to set up the Security step to specify the Java binaries you want to scan.

Downloading and extracting the new versions is pretty straight-forward. In my case each version is stored in separate subfolders, so that I can go back to another version if needed. Of course you can choose other paths on your system, but /opt/sonarqube seems to be a decent location on Ubuntu (or Linux in general). Make sure that you still have a copy of the old version, especially the config files.

In case you are using a systemd service to start and stop your server (which is recommended), the service script located at /etc/systemd/system/sonarqube.service must be updated to the new version. In my case the script looks like this:

3. If you get the java error then make sure JAVA_HOME is set properly or manually update the wrapper.conf file which is present under conf folder of sonarqube installation directory to point to your java

Finally, head over to Jenkins -> Manage Jenkins -> Configure System and add a sonarqube instance. The URL with our docker container is :9000 and the token should be the one you saved while setting up the Jenkins user in SonarQube. Here is my setup:

But the other one is important, Remember we didn't have maven install in our second step. This property will tell Sonar where to look for Java binaries to execute analysis against. Without this, your Sonar step will fail. It will complain it don't know what to analyze.

Setting SonarQube to work with Bitbucket is easy, since we already have Maven. Sonar plugin will execute analysis with one line command. However, we need to setup things like where the binaries are, and we also set up few things that will reduce the amount of time the pipeline is running. Communication to the Sonar server is configured via Bitbucket repository variables.

There are a project with multi module structure based on old eclipse syle mixed with maven structure, I have 3 modules (2 in eclipse and 1 in maven) all of them are used to build the final artifact and I needed to do code inspection with sonarqube.

In a past blog post,Delivery Pipelines, with Jenkins 2, SonarQube, and Artifactory,we talked about pipelines which result in binaries for development versions, and inDelivery pipelines, with Jenkins 2: how to promote Java EE and Docker binaries toward production,we examined ways to consistently promote applications toward production. In this blog post, I continue on both by discussing more details on security related quality gatesand bringing this together with the handling of Docker images.

This is an easy example covering multiple scenarios particularly identifying and fixing vulnerabilities in transitive binaries, i.e. binaries contained inother binaries, e.g. a Docker image containing a WAR file that in turn contains libraries. To expand this vertical feasibility spike, you can easily addmore units of each layer, or add more abstractions, however, the idea can always be nailed down to the primitives, covered in this blog post.

If you want all modules in a single project in SonarQube, you can move SonarQube plugins from modules to parent build.gradle (see branch merge_modules_in_single_sonarqube_project in example project):

Directly after the last apply plugin line in our gradle file, we add a new line with apply from: '../sonarqube.gradle'. Now create the file in your project root folder. Separating different plugin settings into separate gradle files helps keeping the main file small and clean and also gives you the ability to just comment out the plugin with 2 lines (apply plugin and apply from).

Here, We are installing SonarQube 8.9 version and have to install Oracle JAVA/Open JDK, Postgres/MS-SQL as database and Latest browser before installing SonarQube. To know Prerequisite visit sonarqube official page

Finally, We have successfully performed all steps to for sonarqube setup.. If you want to change IP address , adding multipla IP address and change the default change in SonarQube Properties as shown below

Changing permissions of files you do not own in Linux requires root access, and the COPY command is most likely copying the file as root. You can change back to the sonarqube user after fixing the permissions. Here's an example Dockerfile for that:

This is due to the Kotlin class files not being generated in the same location as Java class files. For us to get around this, we need to add the location of the Kotlin class files to the property. 2351a5e196

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