SOCKS is an Internet protocol that exchanges network packets between a client and server through a proxy server. SOCKS5 optionally provides authentication so only authorized users may access a server. Practically, a SOCKS server proxies TCP connections to an arbitrary IP address, and provides a means for UDP packets to be forwarded.

SOCKS is sometimes defined as an acronym for "socket secure" from at least 2001,[6][7][8][9][10] although it was not originally defined as such in the SOCKS Protocol Version 5 RFC in 1996[11] or the UNIX Security Symposium III paper in 1992[2] but simply referred to a specific proxy protocol designed to facilitate communication between clients and servers through a firewall.

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Since clients are allowed to use either resolved addresses or domain names, a convention from cURL exists to label the domain name variant of SOCKS5 "socks5h", and the other simply "socks5". A similar convention exists between SOCKS4a and SOCKS4.[18]

Socksifiers allow applications to access the networks to use a proxy without needing to support any proxy protocols. The most common way is to set up a virtual network adapter and appropriate routing tables to send traffic through the adapter.

This issue drove me crazy. I have a local SOCKSv5 proxy which is a gateway for all application on the system. I'd like to make url-retrieve-synchronously go though the SOCKS. With the following settings:

I understand that for some reason an original open-network-stream is used instead socks-open-network-stream. I tried to breakpoint url-open-stream using edebug but did not manage to understand why the breakpoint is not triggered. Any ideas?

The standalone version of postman does not support socks proxy, it just accepts a proxy host and port and no parameters for the socks settings. Is there any way to use socks proxy with standlone postman?

If you have Node.js (and NPM) installed, you can install and configure http-proxy-to-socks on your system and then provide the resulting HTTP proxy values in the existing native Postman app HTTP/HTTPS proxy configuration settings.

This is a simple example that should suit your needs, but with PAC it is possible to define very complex proxy schemes (e.g., taking time of day in account, having several proxies, depending on the local IP address, etc.). You can easily find more info about PAC files on the Internet, e.g. -functions/.

If you want to go through a proxy only for certain domains then an extension can make the choice through a pattern. For example *youtube* and whatever else the domains that they use are. FoxyProxy does it -us/firefox/addon/foxyproxy-standard/

Set the network.proxy.socks_remote_dns property in firefox config (type about:config in address bar) to TRUE (just double click the property to toggle the value) to enable dns lookups over your local/remote socks5 proxy.

If your goal is privacy on the web , you really should use something like privoxy. Privoxy will cleanse the headers of your web requests and ensures all traffic, including DNS, goes through the Socks 5 proxy. Run privoxy locally, and you can use ssh to tunnel the Socks 5 traffic.

The --proxy-server="socks5://myproxy:8080" flag tells Chrome to send all https:// URL requests through the SOCKS proxy server "myproxy:8080", usingversion 5 of the SOCKS protocol. The hostname for these URLs will be resolved bythe proxy server, and not locally by Chrome.

The --proxy-server flag applies to URL loads only. There are other components ofChrome which may issue DNS resolves directly and hence bypass this proxyserver. The most notable such component is the "DNS prefetcher".Hence if DNSprefetching is not disabled in Chrome then you will still see local DNS requestsbeing issued by Chrome despite having specified a SOCKS v5 proxy server.

Disabling DNS prefetching would solve this problem, however it is a fragilesolution since once needs to be aware of all the areas in Chrome which issue rawDNS requests. To address this, the next flag, --host-resolver-rules="MAP *~NOTFOUND , EXCLUDE myproxy", is a catch-all to prevent Chrome from sending anyDNS requests over the network. It says that all DNS resolves are to be simplymapped to the (invalid) address The "EXCLUDE" clause make an exceptionfor "myproxy", because otherwise Chrome would be unable to resolve the addressof the SOCKS proxy server itself, and all requests would necessarily fail withPROXY_CONNECTION_FAILED.

This will create a SOCKS4/5 proxy on the remote machine mycluster and have it listen on port 12345. All connections originating on the the remote machine that connect to this proxy will then be forwarded to the internet via your local machine.

You can instruct Julia to always use the SOCKS proxy by adding the following lines to your ~/.julia/config/startup.jl file on the remote machine, saving you from setting the environment variables at each start:

Thanks to Install packages behind the proxy for their discussions on how to set and use proxy servers with Julia.

Thanks to @vchuravy @giordano @simonbyrne for their helpful suggestions and discussions.

You can configure pacman to use an external downloader. I'm pretty sure you can configure curl to use a SOCKS proxy. Take a look at /etc/pacman.conf there are to outcommented lines there XferCommand=... , that should get you started. You could take a look at man pacman.conf as well.

I need proxy support for K9 (socks proxy is probably only possible for imap/smtp. so socks). How to enable it? I saw here Socks Proxy Added by mirsamantajbakhsh  Pull Request #3882  k9mail/k-9  GitHub that socks support is already added, but can not find that option. I installed k9 from f-droid version 5.739.

I created a thread found here How to Use Tor Transparently and Also Bridged to an Interface a while back asking about how to use Tor as a proxy and on an interface. Everyone was very helpful to explain how it works but at the time I was only looking for explanations and examples I could use for when I got round to trying it out. The thread is now closed and I've found some free time. However, from the help I was given it doesn't match up with the Tor config files that I have opened up.

For the time being I'm just trying to get the proxy server aspect working. On my Android phone I've tried entering as the proxy's host name and 9050 as the proxy port but I'm presented with a "Proxy Server Refused Connection".

I have a request to set up F5 as SOCKS proxy server with user authentication. While I have been successful in configuring VS which will server SOCKS requests, I am struggling to find a way how to enforce basic client authentication on SOCKS level against LDAP server. We are running LTM and APM modules, but I am not convinced that APM can do the work for me for non-HTTP traffic. Can you please point me to right direction please?

Thanks Brabik , I can totally understand. Can you please share at least basic configuration for VS, like DNS resolver, socks profile, pool and virtual server config. Do we have to configure upstream router or firewall as pool member for VIP?

Not so many years ago when I used to live in Cuba, the only access to the internet I could use was using a Proxy set by the institution I was working for or the college I studied at. The managers on these networks used to restrict the contents you could access as hard as possible so at work you could not check Facebook or other social media, but that was not the main problem. Since Cuba is embargoed by the United States of America, several important resources like Docker images, Gitlab, and Google resources for coding in Android were all blocked for any Cuban IP. Conclusion: you need to use a VPN if you want anything done.

Not being able to pay for a VPS (no such thing as credit cards in Cuba) I was heavily using Tor, YourFreedom, or even an SSH tunnel if someone borrowed me their access to a VPS, and many other alternatives to circumvent censorship. Most of the time, these connections ended up in being a socks proxy either on my computer or my local trusted network, and I could use them easily from my browser or on several applications using tsocks or proxychains. But the holy grail of this problem was to get all the traffic from your computer to be tunneled only using a socks proxy, and that I could not achieve. Until now :-)

What I could not foresee is that after all these years, a friend of mine would also face the same problem. As for today, two great alternatives for this are a good match in my opinion. 

First, we have sshuttle and I absolutely love it. It helped me a lot during some time but it has a downside. It only works on top of SSH which is currently blocked by the only Cuban telecommunications company so we could not really use it.

Second, we have Outline and this one is also brilliant. I have read a lot about it because it seems it's heavily used to bypass censorship and all it is is a wrapper around a very nice set of tools. It basically sets a shadowsocks connection and configures your device so it behaves like a VPN. This seemed to be the right way to go, but for some odd reason, it did not want to work properly on my friend's computer.

Well, Cuba is not precisely happy about their citizens using tricks to bypass their censorship and control, so they have managed to block protocols like OpenVPN. Every VPN that uses a handshake/header which is easily identifiable can be easily blocked. We could set up some obfuscation on top of the VPNs but this will require our users to also set up something on their side and that's "just fine" for a tech-savvy person, but not for our elders. In most cases, Outline is just perfectly fine because it's very hard to identify or block shadowsocks.

A possible solution can be to use tsocks, an application that can redirect the network traffic through a socks proxy.Install tsocks package, modify /etc/tsocks.conf to set address and port number of your socks proxy, and run:

I couldn't find anything on Acquire::socks::proxy in the apt.conf manual of Ubuntu Xenial. You could fix this by running a local http proxy that supports upstream socks proxy, for example Polipo. You need to configure Polipo as follows: e24fc04721

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