sndrec32.exe for Microsoft Windows (all versions to-date), is a multimedia utility which allows you to record sound into .wav format from various available audio inputs. This is a non-essential process. Disabling or enabling it is down to user preference.

Non-system processes like sndrec32.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data on your hard disk and in your system's registry, it is likely that your computer has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. 

In Windows Task Manager, you can see what CPU, memory, disk and network utilization is causing the Microsoft Windows Sound Recorder process. To access the Task Manager, hold down the Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys at the same time. These three buttons are located on the far left of your keyboard.

The sndrec32.exe is an executable file on your computer's hard drive. This file contains machine code. If you start the software Microsoft Wnidows Operating System on your PC, the commands contained in sndrec32.exe will be executed on your PC. For this purpose, the file is loaded into the main memory (RAM) and runs there as a Microsoft Windows Sound Recorder process (also called a task).

Download Sndrec32.exe


Many non-system processes that are running can be stopped because they are not involved in running your operating system.sndrec32.exe is used by 'Microsoft Wnidows Operating System'. This is an application created by 'Microsoft Corp.'.

If you no longer use Microsoft Wnidows Operating System, you can permanently remove this software and thus sndrec32.exe from your PC. To do this, press the Windows key + R at the same time and then type 'appwiz.cpl'. Then find Microsoft Wnidows Operating System in the list of installed programs and uninstall this application.

In windows system, there is a tool "sound recorder" can record and convert audio files. Please click "start->Run ..." and enter "sndrec32.exe" to run it. (For windows Vista/Windows 7 or abover, the default 'sound recorder' application is changed and we cannot use it to record WAV files, please click here to get 'sndrec32.exe'. Or we can use Audacity to record and convert audio files.)

sndrec32.exe, also known as a Sound Recorder accessory file, was created by Microsoft for the development of Microsoft Windows Operating System. EXE files fall under under the Win32 EXE (Executable application) file type category.

Runtime errors are Windows errors that occur during "runtime". Runtime is pretty self-explanatory; it means that these EXE errors are triggered when sndrec32.exe is attempted to be loaded either when Windows is starting up, or in some cases already running. Runtime errors are the most common form of EXE error you will encounter using Windows.

In most cases, sndrec32.exe runtime errors occurring while the program is running will result in the program terminating abnormally. Most of these sndrec32.exe error messages mean that Windows was either unable to locate this file on startup, or the file is corrupt, resulting in a prematurely-aborted startup process. Generally, Windows will be unable to start without resolving these errors.

Finding the source of the sndrec32.exe error is key to properly resolving these errors. Although most of these EXE errors affecting sndrec32.exe will happen during startup, occasionally you will encounter a runtime error while using Microsoft Windows Operating System. This can occur due to poor programming on behalf of Microsoft Corporation, conflicts with other software or 3rd-party plug-ins, or caused by damaged and outdated hardware. Also, these types of sndrec32.exe errors can occur if it has been accidentally moved, deleted, or corrupted by a malware infection. Thus, it's critical to make sure your anti-virus is kept up-to-date and scanning regularly.

If you're encountering one of the error messages above, follow these troubleshooting steps to resolve your sndrec32.exe issue. These troubleshooting steps are listed in the recommended order of execution.

System File Checker is a utility included with every Windows version that allows you scan and restore corrupted system files. Use the SFC tool to fix missing or corrupt sndrec32.exe files (Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, and 10):

When the first two steps haven't solved your issue, it might be a good idea to run Windows Update. Many sndrec32.exe error messages that are encountered can be contributed to an outdated Windows Operating System. To run Windows Update, please follow these easy steps:

If none of the previous three troubleshooting steps have resolved your issue, you can try a more aggressive approach (Note: Not recommended for amateur PC users) by downloading and replacing your appropriate sndrec32.exe file version. We maintain a comprehensive database of 100% malware-free sndrec32.exe files for every applicable version of Windows. Please follow the steps below to download and properly replace you file:

GEEK TIP : We must emphasize that reinstalling Windows will be a very time-consuming and advanced task to resolve sndrec32.exe problems. To avoid data loss, you must be sure that you have backed-up all of your important documents, pictures, software installers, and other personal data before beginning the process. If you are not currently backing up your data, you need to do so immediately.

CAUTION : We strongly advise against downloading and copying sndrec32.exe to your appropriate Windows system directory. Microsoft typically does not release Windows EXE files for download because they are bundled together inside of a software installer. The installer's task is to ensure that all correct verifications have been made before installing and placing sndrec32.exe and all other EXE files for Windows. An incorrectly installed EXE file may create system instability and could cause your program or operating system to stop functioning altogether. Proceed with caution.


"'I wish life was not so short,' he thought. 'Languages take such a time, and so do all the things one wants to know about.'"

- J. R. R. Tolkien, The Lost Road RE: Can not Transfer Wav Files to VAL d00kie (TechnicalUser)16 Aug 05 17:22I had a similiar problem using the Avaya voice ann mgr...

I finally figured out that it is VERY specific about the file name and extension (all case sensitive)I had .wav and it was only looking for .WAV... Try capitalizing both the file name and the extension and then mixing them up as well (FILENAME.wav)(filename.WAV) RE: Can not Transfer Wav Files to VAL 4merAvaya (TechnicalUser)16 Aug 05 17:37 The VAL board is also looking for a specific file format. It must be CCITT u-law 8.000 kHz, 8 Bit, Mono for North America and a-Law for other. You can verify these properties by opening the file using the Windows Sound Recorder (C:\Windows\System32\sndrec32.exe) and clicking 'file & properties'. If the format is different than above, click on the 'Convert Now' button and select the above properties.

Kevin RE: Can not Transfer Wav Files to VAL RTMCKEE (MIS)16 Aug 05 18:36is the board full? If I recall correctly they only hold 256 announcements. the only other thing I could think of is your not in the annc directory on the board?


Prologix R9.05

Modular Messaging 1.1 RE: Can not Transfer Wav Files to VAL RTMCKEE (MIS)16 Aug 05 18:45one other thing. Is the announcement protected? V7 had a nasty habit of randomly protecting announcments. The avaya tech I spoke with "assured" me that this was operating as designed. I asked what was the ryme or reason behind when it protected announcements, and he could not tell me.


Prologix R9.05

Modular Messaging 1.1 RE: Can not Transfer Wav Files to VAL tbg247 (Programmer)(OP)17 Aug 05 08:28Thanks for the great replies. 

I am progressing. Here's where I am at. 

I took d00kie's advice and tried saving the file as (filename.WAV). I then went into ftp>bin>put (filename.WAV), and it worked. The file successfully transferred. 

I also took 4meravaya's advice and converted the file to CCIT-uLaw 8/8 mono. 

I applied the file to an announcement. I do a 'list integrated-annc-boards' and the file shows up as being zero (0) seconds in length. What am I missing here? Thanks again. 

 RE: Can not Transfer Wav Files to VAL anisbet2171 (TechnicalUser)17 Aug 05 08:55Whenever I am adding any new announcement to a VAL board, I create it on the Definity first (change announcements), record a test message through a phone, then upload the WAV file.

Works for me. RE: Can not Transfer Wav Files to VAL tbg247 (Programmer)(OP)17 Aug 05 09:13Thanks, but that doesn't work. This is the only thing holding me up. Please help! Thanks. RE: Can not Transfer Wav Files to VAL anisbet2171 (TechnicalUser)17 Aug 05 09:23Announcement names can't have any spaces in them. This applies to the Definity programming and the file name. RE: Can not Transfer Wav Files to VAL AramHowe (TechnicalUser)17 Aug 05 10:30Create annoucement firstly in Definity whose name is the same to the file you ftp to the VAL board. RE: Can not Transfer Wav Files to VAL AramHowe (TechnicalUser)17 Aug 05 10:37When I applied the file to an announcement, its length also seems to be "0", but after a while, I could hear the voice after dialed the this annoucemnt extension, then I do the command "'list integrated-annc-boards' , the lenth changed. googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1406030581151-2'); }); Red Flag This PostPlease let us know here why this post is inappropriate. Reasons such as off-topic, duplicates, flames, illegal, vulgar, or students posting their homework.

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The reason I'm unhappy with the existing programs is that I'd like to play several sound files in quick succession and all the ones I've tried (sndrec32.exe, wizmo.exe, etc) introduce a short delay between the sounds. I assume that's because they load into memory, run, then unload from memory each time. ff782bc1db

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