I think it's very important to differentiate code text from normal text as it is very much another language, and it's standard proceedure to differentiate text written in other languages--usually using italics.

A good example of sites using code differentiation is the Stack Exchange family, as you may have noticed it's very important to differentiate code when asking programming questions, in no small part because the different, usually monospaced font, makes code easier to read.

Download Code 128 Font For Word

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Here's a good list of "Good programming fonts", monospaced fonts are usually the default for readability's sake as they clearly separate letters so you never have to wonder if that's an rn or an m. Clarity of l, I and 1 (l, I and 1) are very important as well, as you can see l and I are virtually identical using UX.SE's default font, but clearly identifiable in the nice monospaced fonts they use for code.

While I do recommend using a different font, using other methods of highlighting can be helpful too; if you have a programmer audience they will likely appreciate some consistant variable name/method name/ect highlighting similar to popular IDEs and editors like Notepad++. I believe Stack Overflow attempts to do this.

These fonts have character proportions that are more natural than others, and are very easy to read in general. Unlike other fonts, such as Microsoft's Consolas, they read well regardless of the user's anti-aliasing or clear-type settings.

For use on your blog, just wrap the text in a tag, and style it through CSS. For use in print, you may need to license use of the font. The MS fonts may be licensed through Ascender Fonts, and the last one is free from the Gnome project.

It can be useful to delineate the code - even when it's just variable name - by using another font as it can distinguish between an "instance of a class" and class called instance. This will be especially true if your names are sensible class/method/property names (like car, person, height) which could appear in the text anyway. This acts as reinforcement that you are talking about your code rather than the things that they represent.

Given you are including code, I'm going to assume that you are writing for a technical audience, in that case Courier New or Consolas are probably good choices for the font. They are readable and what the reader will be familiar with.

Do you have an editor that formats python code for you? I ask because Visual Studio will copy code onto the clipboard with formatting intact so that when pasted into word it looks identical (give or take line lengths).

Visual Studio itself supports python now. The Community Edition doesn't have the somewhat restrictive licensing limitations of the old Express edition; meaning it's likely to be an - admittedly heavyweight - option to get formatted code into other documents even if your preferred editor doesn't put syntax highlighted code onto the clipboard.

Have you noticed that your eyes start to blur after going through hundreds and hundreds of lines of code? Or perhaps you end up with a headache after a day of programming? If so, it might be time you switched to a different font.

Many programmers prefer monospaced fonts, so I should probably take a moment to explain what those are. Monospaced fonts are those where all or most characters take up the same amount of horizontal space.

I must confess, when I was younger, I used to wonder why Notepad used this typewriter-style font that differs from the fonts used in other text editors such as Microsoft Word. Now, in hindsight, it seems obvious that this is because many programmers use Notepad to edit their code.

If you like customizing things to suit you, you might want to check out Input. Rather than being one single font, it is a flexible system of fonts intended for programmers. For example, you can choose between monospaced and proportional fonts and decide on your preferred width, weight, and style.

Adding up all the variations available, Input offers as many as 168 individual styles. For some people, this might feel like they are spoilt for choice. But others will welcome the opportunity to fine-tune their programming font so that it suits them perfectly.

DejaVu Sans Mono is no exception to this but is specifically intended for programmers due to its readability and distinguished characters. Due to its free, open-source nature, DejaVu Sans Mono comes bundled with many operating systems, including Linux. So, if you already have this font on your computer or laptop for programming, you might want to try it before you go to the bother of installing another one.

But One feature I particularly like with JetBrains Mono is its increased letter height. Although characters are standard width, lowercase letters are taller. This significantly reduces the length of your lines of code.

However, unlike the other fonts on this list, MonoLisa is not free, starting at $59.50 for the Basic version. So, before deciding whether to buy, you might want to take a look at the character set and font playground.

In the font playground, you can see how the code looks for various types of code, such as JavaScript, CSS, and PHP. You can also switch the ligatures on and off to see what the code looks like with and without them.

I have tried to include code as regular text which looks awful and gets in the way when editing regular text. I have also tried inserting objects, a WordPad document and Text Box, into the document then putting the code inside those objects. The code looks much better and is easier to avoid while editing the rest of the text. However, these objects can only span one page which makes editing a nightmare when several pages of code need to be added.

Just copy the generated code and paste it into your word editing software. So far I've tried it on MS Word and WPS Writer, works really well.Doesn't play nice with Firefox but works just fine on Chrome (and IE too, but who wants to use that).

One of the main benefits is that, unlike the Code Format Add-In for Word, it does NOT mess with your code, and respects various languages' syntax.I tried many other options offered in other answers but I found this one to be the most efficient (quick and really effective).

What I do is create a paragraph style (perhaps called "Code Example" or something like that) which uses a monospaced font, carefully chosen tabs, a very light grey background, a thin black border above and below (that helps visibility a lot) and with spelling turned off. I also make sure that inter-line and inter-paragraph spacing are set right. I then create additional character styles on top (e.g., "Comment", "String", "Keyword", "Function Name Decl", "Variable Name Decl") which I layer on top; those set the color and whether the text is bold/italic. It's then pretty simple to go through and mark up a pasted example as being code and have it come out looking really good, and this is works well for short snippets. Long chunks of code probably should not normally be in something that's going to go on a dead tree. :-)

An advantage of doing it this way is that it is easy to adapt to whatever code you're doing; you don't have to rely on some IDE to figure out whatever is going on for you. (The main problem? Printed pages typically aren't as wide as editor windows so wrapping will suck...)

Create a table with 1x1. Then copy the code and paste it.

If you're using the desktop app then it will inherit the code editor theme color and paste it accordingly, else you can change the table style to any color.

Vim has a nifty feature that converts code to HTML format preserving syntax highlighting, font style, background color and even line numbers. Run :TOhtml and vim creates a new buffer containing html markup.

As the other guys said, create a new paragraph style. What I do is use mono-spaced font like courier new, small size close to 8px for fonts, single spaced with no space between paragraphs, make tab stops small (0.5cm,1cm,..,5cm), put a simple line border around the text and disable grammar checks. That way i achieved the line braking of eclipse so I don't have to do anything more.

Use a monospaced font like Lucida Console, which comes with Windows. If you cut/paste from Visual Studio or something that supports syntax highlighting, you can often preserve the colour scheme of the syntax highlighter.

You can also use SciTE to paste code if you don't want to install heavy IDEs and then download plugins for all the code you're making. Simply choose your language from the language menu, type your code, high-light code, select Edit->Copy as RTF, paste into Word with formatting (default paste).

What you could try to do is to first run a code-to-HTML conversion (there are many programs that do that), and then try to open up the HTML file with word, that might hopefully provide you with the formatted and pretty code, and then copy and paste it into your document.

I have created an easier method using tables, as they are easier to create, manage, and more consistent (with the possibility to save the table's style inside the document itself), but I couldn't find a better way for code colouring scheme, sorry for that.

The best presentation for code in documents is in a fixed-width font (as it should appear in an IDE), with either a faint, shaded background or a light border to distinguish the block from other text.

So those are my favourite fonts and how I use them in Komodo. Expect to see some new font features in Komodo 9 (I already mentioned line-height). Please feel free to share your favourite fonts in the comments below!

I run the below macro code that is capable of adding phonetic pinyin to all the selected Chinese text at once. However, that code can only add the ruby text using default settings for font and I need to modify the the font, positioning, and font size of the pinyin. ff782bc1db

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