Perhaps snapping photos is symptomatic of a larger desire to keep on the same technological footing as all my friends. In high school, it seemed as though everyone around me was adopting the Blackberry, that indomitable phone of sticky keys, brick breaker, and the worst of them all, BBM. High school passed in a haze of pins and pings and buzzes, and without a blackberry of my very own, I was excluded from all of it. Now, this may seem like a trivial concern. I had a regular old flip phone, so I could still text my friends or email them or, gasp, even call them. But it didn't matter. When friends posted personal news or made plans, they always did so on BBM. Without a BBM account, I had been rendered invisible. I frequently heard about plans after they'd already passed, all because I wasn't keeping pace with the same modalities of communication as my friends.

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