Given a snake and ladder board, find the minimum number of dice throws required to reach the destination or last cell from the source or 1st cell. Basically, the player has total control over the outcome of the dice throw and wants to find out the minimum number of throws required to reach the last cell.

If the player reaches a cell which is the base of a ladder, the player has to climb up that ladder and if reaches a cell is the mouth of the snake, and has to go down to the tail of the snake without a dice throw.

For example, consider the board shown, the minimum number of dice throws required to reach cell 30 from cell 1 is 3. 

Following are the steps:

a) First throw two dice to reach cell number 3 and then ladder to reach 22 

b) Then throw 6 to reach 28. 

c) Finally through 2 to reach 30.

There can be other solutions as well like (2, 2, 6), (2, 4, 4), (2, 3, 5).. etc.

Download Snake And Ladder Java


I am developing a snake and ladder game in java, that is configurable-that is, you can set the 'head' and 'tail' positions for snakes and ladders in it.I have tried loading snake images and re-sizing them appropriately for fitting in the bounds of the head and tail positions, but that seems to affect the quality of the images.Can anyone suggest a better method/algorithm?Help greatly appreciated.

I would suggest splitting the snake graphics into sections - a head, a tail and one or more middle body sections. Then, depending on the required length of snake you can construct it from drawing the middle section as long as required.

Create a bitmap buffer of the correct size to hold a horizontal (or vertical!) snake with the correct number of middle sections. Draw the background as transparent, then draw the snake into this bitmap. It will typically be slightly longer than you need.

You will still be scaling to some extent, but the scale factor should be small enough to not be obvious. For example, if you need 5.5 middle sections to make an exact fit, then you would draw 6 middle sections and then scale the whole snake by about 5.5/6 to make it exactly the right length. This is less than 10% change, so shouldn't be obvious.

Abstract: "Would you like to play with me?" - Summer holidays are a good time to relax and whip out a board game or two. In this newsletter we explore a children's favourite - snakes and ladders, with a simulation written in Java.

"Would you like to play with me?" the last day of grade 2 is a wrap and our youngest proudly shows me her graduation gift from her kind teacher Mrs Dimitra. It is a magnetic snakes and ladders game. I close my laptop and reply in the only reasonable manner: "Sure, what are we playing?"

"Youngest starts", she pipes up and throws the dice. As the dice stops rolling, I wonder how much of an advantage starting gives her? It has to be more than zero. My turn and I throw a six. I move from 1 to 7. "You can throw again". Ah, the six. I throw again. Another six. "Can I throw again?" "Sure". I feel unstoppable. Next a 4, which lands me on the head of a snakes and I slide back down to position 6. I am lucky throughout the game, except for two long slides down from position 64 to 18. Eventually I have only 3 more squares. I throw a 5. "What happens now?" "You bounce back two steps"

We play two games, which I both win, even though I try my level best not to (dad's can relate). A few times I count wrong to put myself in a worse position, but nothing gets past our 8 year old and she corrects me. Looking at the board, I begin to wonder: Imagine if we reverse the direction of the ladders and the snakes? Would this change our chances of winning? In other words, we climb up a snake and we slide down a ladder. There is a ladder from 80 to 99, right near the end. The bouncing around at the end, as we try to get the perfect number to win, is not an issue when the ladder goes in the normal direction. However, if the ladder makes us slide down, then every time the dice falls on 99, we go down to 80 again. There are 9 snakes versus 8 ladders, however, the ladders are longer. Even though I am not sure, I feel fairly confident that reversing the direction of the snakes and ladders will decrease my chances of winning.

"OK, let's play again", I tell her, "but this time, whenever I get onto the tail of a snake I climb up, and when I get to the top of a ladder, I slide down. "I also want to do that." Great, my plan to give her a sizeable advantage is foiled. We play and I win again. We both get bored and head for the Playmobil.

We are ready to create our game board. In my first version, I stored the jump tables for the snakes and ladders inside a Map. Not surprisingly, the hash lookups were the biggest bottleneck in my simulation. I thus changed the internal structure to instead contain jump tables in arrays of size 101 each. Even though I use int[]s internally, Maps are more convenient, thus our constructor still takes those as parameters. Furthermore, I have added a convenience method reverse() to reverse the direction of the snakes and the ladders. Lastly we have the play() method, which takes a GameObserver and optionally a Dice to use for the game. I follow the rules that my daughter taught me: We start at position 1. If we roll 6, we roll again. If we land on a snake, we slide down, and if on a ladder, we climb up. We need an exact number to win and if we have more, we bounce back again. Youngest starts, although that is hard to code into the game.

The results are interesting. With the normal board, we have slightly more ladder climbs than snake slides. With the reversed board, we have about twice as many slides as climbs. The average number of turns is about 27 with the normal board and 46 with the reversed board. I was right, this would have given dad a disadvantage, if I had managed to convince my 8 year old. The minimum and maximum in both cases are not correct. Minimum is actually 1 turn for both boards (for the normal board 10 sixes followed by a 1, and for the reversed board it is 18 sixes followed by a 5). For both boards, the maximum number is infinite. For example, imagine if we only ever threw a 1. With the normal board we would get into an endless loop sliding down the snake from 94 to 88. With the reversed board, we would keep on sliding down the ladder from 99 to 80. In order to demonstrate the best cases, I created a DiceOptimized, where we specify the number of sixes and the last number:

I also tested the performance of with our various Dice implementations. Using DiceFair we completed in 5198 ms, with DiceFast it took 4300 ms and with DiceVeryFast we got it down to 3906 ms. This was using the EspilonGC with 30GB of memory, running the Game over and over until it crashed with an OutOfMemoryError.

Objective - Given a snake and ladder game, write a function that returns the minimum number of jumps to take top or destination position.

You can assume the dice you throw results in always favor of you means you can control the dice.

On initialization, through randoms, I generate random tiles to be snakes and ladders. Then the user is asked to enter no. of players, and then keep rolling the dice till a player reaches the 100th tile.

This method can be invoked n times depending on how many ladders you want to add to the board. The method getRandomSegment returns two random points between 1 and 99. Also I changed the name from setLadders to setRandomLadder, to make it self-descriptive. Finally, keep in mind that if you add too many ladders such methods never complete, so consider to check if there are free tiles before.

Next, I created a BoardPosition class to hold the position from 1 - 100, a snake position, or a ladder position. If the snake position or ladder position is zero, it's a normal square. If not, it's either a snake or a ladder.

Same would be the case, if a snake was there at a block. Logically that block will not exist as a vertex in our adjacency list, and the corresponding edges must be removed. The only difference being that, the edge created due to a snake can lead you to a block of lower value.

We assume that getting caught by a snake is always unfavorable, and will not add to the progress of a short path. Just to get a better idea of the scenario of a ladder and snake, I have depicted what the Adjacency List would look like for the above two examples shown in the pictures.

1. Gathering Requirements: Create a multiplayer Snake and Ladder game in such a way that the game should take input N from the user at the start of the game to create a board of size N x N. The board should have some snakes and ladders placed randomly in such a way the snake will have its head position at a higher number than the tail and ladder will have start position at smaller number than end position. Also, No ladder and snake create a cycle and no snake tail position has a ladder start position & vice versa.

The players take their turn one after another and during their turn, they roll the dice to get a random number and the player has to move forward that many positions. If the player ends up at a cell with the head of the snake, the player has to be punished and should go down to the cell that contains the tail of the same snake & If the player ends up at a cell with the start position of a ladder, the player has to be rewarded and should climb the ladder to reach the cell which has a top position of the ladder. Initially, each player is outside of the board (at position 0). If at any point of time, the player has to move outside of the board (say player at position 99 on a 100 cell board and dice rolls give 4) the player stays at the same position.

The problem behind this research is the low ability to understand mathematical concepts of students at SD Negeri 1 Karangmangu, Kramatmulya District, Kuningan Regency. This is indicated by the number of students who have not reached the KKM. This study aims to determine the differences and increase in students' ability to understand mathematical concepts between students who use snakes and ladders media (experimental class) and classes that use picture media (control class). This is shown from the results of hypothesis testing Tcount > Ttable. This shows that the snake and ladder media has an effect on students' understanding of mathematical concepts. And there is an increase (gain) understanding of students' mathematical concepts in the experimental class using snakes and ladders educational media and the control class using image learning media. This is shown from the results of hypothesis testing Tcount > Ttable. This shows that the snake and ladder media has an effect on students' understanding of mathematical concepts. The main suggestion is for teachers to use game-based media so that students are more motivated to learn mathematics. One of the media used is the snake and ladder media. 2351a5e196

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