A forwarder is a forestry vehicle that carries big felled logs from the stump to a roadside landing. Unlike a skidder, a forwarder carries logs clear of the ground, which can reduce soil impacts but tends to limit the size of the logs it can move. Forwarders are typically employed together with harvesters in cut-to-length logging operations.

Forwarders are commonly categorised on their load carrying capabilities. The smallest are trailers designed for towing behind all-terrain vehicles which can carry a load between 1 and 3 tonnes. Agricultural self-loading trailers designed to be towed by farm tractors can handle load weights up to around 12 to 15 tonnes. Light weight purpose-built machines utilised in commercial logging and early thinning operations can handle payloads of up to 8 tonnes. Medium-sized forwarders used in clearfells and later thinnings carry between 12 and 16 tonnes. The largest class specialized for clearfells handles up to 25 tonnes. Forwarders also carry their load at least 2 feet above the ground.

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Hey splunkers, I just found that after the last system update at work, they installed an universal forwarder in my laptop. I cannot open it as I don't have admin rights. How can I know what exactly they are forwarding? Should I stop checking personal sites like tax office etc just in case? At work I only use it for work, but after hours I might check my personal accounts because "lazy" and it's faster than getting my own laptop running. Should I be paranoid? I only use spkunk for machine data in specific mechanical fields, so I am not cery familiar with network security uses

Splunk is detecting some Universal Forwarders as missing, but what it's really detecting are some stale GUID's from older forwarder versions (occasionally even the current installed forwarder version). How do I go about figuring out which GUID belongs to a currently installed/reporting instance (Windows forwarders) and deleting stale GUID's from Splunk?

This application is for businesses requesting Operating Authority as a freight forwarder in interstate or foreign commerce. Freight forwarders arrange transportation of goods by FMCSA-licensed carriers. Freight forwarders issue bills of lading to shippers and are responsible for the loss of or damage to the goods.

Anyone had to do this before? If so, mind sharing how you did it? When using the basic instructions from Splunk to install, a plist file is put (by the splunk service when calling an enable-boot command) into /Library/LaunchAgents which isn't going to work well for gathering logs from system.log when logging in as a standard user account, and in fact it fails to launch at all. Per some internet searches, I placed the plist in LaunchDeamons which seems to work but is causing some concerning login behaviors (delay, screen blanks out for 10 seconds, etc). Wanted to see if anyone had done this before and I'm just missing something about the "proper" way to do this. Before you ask why we'd want to install the forwarder on individual endpoints, let me just clarify that this is not my idea.

All of the reports I've found of people getting it to to work with 10.12+ (with the unified logging system) required a "glue" script that would dump out logs (or a subset) into a text file that the forwarder is watching. Again, haven't done this myself (yet...) but I'm looking at/testing options.

I've read some other sellers problems with freight forwarders. I've shipped a decent amount to forwarders with no problems, but fairly low dollar transactions. My listings do say shipping to the USA only, which a forwarder is, even if the items end up overseas. Today I got two large orders, $1000 & $250, to the same person, same forwarder. The items in the two orders are used together on the same machine.

I'm looking for opinions from the other sellers out there with more experience with freight forwarders than I have. What should I look out for? What should I make sure I do?? Any tips??? Would you do it, or cancel with Problem with address??

I ship to freight forwarders all the time. I've had one problem and eBay protected me when the buyer claimed they received an empty box when they admitted that the product was forwarded to them out of country (buyer loses MBG when they forward a shipment).

I'd behave the exact same way if it were a domestic non-freight forwarder. And as with any other purchase on ebay, #1 to look out for is the dreaded payment dispute. I use the word "look out" literally, because all you can do is really look... no way to prevent/avoid it.

While there are legitimate buyers that utilize freight forwarders it is also a favorite method for scammers to get around seller restrictions on selling internationally or to select countries. I have canceled more than one sale for this reason. While the buyer may loose some protection under the MBG for using a freight forwarder they are still able to file a SNAD case or do a chargeback through their CC company. The later being the easiest route.

Actually that is not true. EBay has stated while canceling a sale and using problem with the buyers address just because the buyer used a freight forwarder is not sufficient "in and of itself" if the seller does not sell internationally or does not sell to the country the buyer lives in there is no issue with the cancelation since the eBay statement is not applicable since the reason for the cancelation involves more than just one data point.

Actually that is not true. EBay has stated while canceling a sale and using problem with the buyers address just because the buyer used a freight forwarder is not sufficient "in and of itself" if the seller does not sell internationally or does not sell to the country the buyer lives in there is no issue with the cancelation since the eBay statement is not applicable since the reason for the cancelation involves more than just one data point.

It actually is buried somewhere in previous postings on this board. The key is what the eBay team that posts on this board has quoted and stated is pretty much what I quoted. If you are canceling the order simply because the buyer is using a freight forwarder that is not sufficient justification to do so. That is the in and of itself piece of the statement. That I have no issue with.

A DNS forwarder will forward requests to another DNS resolver, and if it gets a result it will store this in a cache so that subsequent requests can use the cached result up until the TTL (time-to-live) expires. A DNS resolver stores a database of records that it is authorised to resolve and these records can be edited by an administrator. Most DNS resolvers will also act as forwarders so that if they can't resolve a record they will forward on to another DNS server for resolution. However, you may want a DNS resolver to only resolve names it is authoritative for, in which case you can configure it to not forward on to another DNS resolver.

A home router typically acts as a DNS forwarder, storing a cache of results for as long as they are valid (based on the TTL). But some home routers also have the ability to keep a database of local records - e.g. it may keep a record of your computer name mapped to the local IP address - to enable local name resolution. In this case, the router is acting as a resolver and a forwarder.

Forwarder: Section 1 of [RFC2308] describes a forwarder as "anameserver used to resolve queries instead of directly using theauthoritative nameserver chain". [RFC2308] further says "Theforwarder typically either has better access to the internet, ormaintains a bigger cache which may be shared amongst manyresolvers." That definition appears to suggest that forwardersnormally only query authoritative servers. In current use,however, forwarders often stand between stub resolvers andrecursive servers. [RFC2308] is silent on whether a forwarder isiterative-only or can be a full-service resolver.

Also "forwarder" have nuances. There are various modes of operations. For example you can have a forwarder doing forward only and keeping the results in cache, or another trying forwarding first and if it fails, doing it itself.

This option is only meaningful if the forwarders list is not empty. A value of first is the default and causes the server to query the forwarders first; if that does not answer the question, the server then looks for the answer itself. If only is specified, the server only queries the forwarders.

Forwarding can also be configured on a per-domain basis, allowing for the global forwarding options to be overridden in a variety of ways. Particular domains can be set to use different forwarders, or have a different forward only/first behavior, or not forward at all;

I have had a dry spell of no new orders & now in the past week I have had 1 large order and 1 small order for delivery to Cebu City Philippines & Freight Forwarder in Burbank California. I connected with the Cebu City customer and they changed the address to a Bay Area freight forwarder. The most recent customer paid with a JCB credit card and asked that I refund to a PayPal account when I advised I was cancelling the order.

Internal forwarders - From one Hostinger Email account to another Hostinger Email account. For an internal forwarder to work properly, the MX records of both the origin and destination domains must point to Hostinger

External forwarders - From a Hostinger Email account to en external email service such as Gmail, Yahoo, etc. or to a domain that isn't hosted at Hostinger and is not pointing to Hostinger MX records.

Navigate to the Emails section of hPanel and click on Manage next to the domain or subdomain. Next, select Forwarders on the left sidebar and click on Create a forwarder: ff782bc1db

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