Improving public transportation services produces similar results. Although public transportation is not typically defined as active transportation, studies have shown a higher level of physical activity among public transportation riders. This is because every public transportation trip is a multi-modal trip. Most people who use public transportation walk to or from stops and stations or make other trips by foot during the course of their day.

Investing in public transportation and bicycle and pedestrian facilities creates opportunities for people to exercise. This helps reduce obesity and the risks for developing costly chronic conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Active transportation facilities are particularly important in low-income and minority communities, or communities with high percentages of new immigrants. People in those communities are less likely to own vehicles, and unsafe streets might pose a barrier to using active transportation.

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Vehicle miles traveled (VMT) per capita provides a measure of how much the average person drives. Lower VMT per capita can indicate that active transportation is a feasible alternative to driving.

Use of federal funds for bicycle and pedestrian efforts describes the extent to which transportation agencies are using discretionary federal funding to create or improve active transportation facilities.

This report describes current trends in active transportation by mode and trip purpose for several different population subgroups. It also discusses the implications for transportation planning and policy.

Get your (skincare) act together. A 2-in-1 vitamin C serum and moisturizer that seals in a powerful cocktail of brightening actives. Use twice daily to hydrate, help fade dark spots, and protect the skin with antioxidants that prevent future discoloration.

The aging process is different for everyone, and sometimes the process involves new or different challenges to remaining mobile and active. The Santa Monica Active Aging Pilot Program is your one stop shop to find the transportation and mobility resources you need to remain active and engaged in community life.

Grammar. noting or pertaining to a voice of verbal inflection in which typically the subject of the sentence is represented as performing the action expressed by the verb (opposed to passive): Writes in He writes a letter every day is an active verb form.

Download active fire products from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) (MCD14DL) and Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) 375 m (VNP14IMGTDL_NRT and VJ114IMGTDL_NRT) for the last 24 and 48 hours and for the last 7 days in shapefile, KML, WMS, or text file formats. VIIRS data complement MODIS fire detections, but the improved spatial resolution of the 375 m data provides a greater response over fires covering relatively small areas. Read more about VIIRS.

Data older than seven days can be obtained using the Archive Download Tool. NRT data are replaced with data extracted from the standard MODIS and VIIRS active fire products. Users intending to perform scientific analysis are advised to download the standard (science quality) data.

An active ingredient is any ingredient that provides biologically active or other direct effect in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease or to affect the structure or any function of the body of humans or animals.[1]

Some medication products can contain more than one active ingredient. The traditional word for the active pharmaceutical agent is pharmacon or pharmakon (from Greek: , adapted from pharmacos) which originally denoted a magical substance or drug.[citation needed]

The terms active constituent or active principle are often chosen when referring to the active substance of interest in a plant (such as salicylic acid in willow bark or arecoline in areca nuts), since the word "ingredient" can be taken to connote a sense of human agency (that is, something that a person combines with other substances), whereas the natural products present in plants were not added by any human agency but rather occurred naturally ("a plant doesn't have ingredients").

In contrast with the active ingredients, the inactive ingredients are usually called excipients in pharmaceutical contexts. The main excipient that serves as a medium for conveying the active ingredient is usually called the vehicle. For example, petrolatum and mineral oil are common vehicles. The term 'inactive' should not, however, be misconstrued as meaning inert.[citation needed]

The dosage form for a pharmaceutical contains the active pharmaceutical ingredient, which is the drug substance itself, and excipients, which are the ingredients of the tablet, or the liquid in which the active agent is suspended, or other material that is pharmaceutically inert. Drugs are chosen primarily for their active ingredients. During formulation development, the excipients are chosen carefully so that the active ingredient can reach the target site in the body at the desired rate and extent.[citation needed]

Patients often have difficulty identifying the active ingredients in their medication, as well as being unaware of the notion of an active ingredient. When patients are on multiple medications, active ingredients can interfere with each other, often resulting in severe or life-threatening complications.[4]

In phytopharmaceutical or herbal medicine, the active ingredient may be either unknown or may require cofactors in order to achieve therapeutic goals. This leads to complications in labelling. One way manufacturers have attempted to indicate strength is to engage in standardization to a marker compound. Standardization has not been achieved yet, however, with different companies using different markers, or different levels of the same markers, or different methods of testing for marker compounds. For example, St John's wort is often standardized to the hypericin that is now known not to be the "active ingredient" for antidepressant use. Other companies standardize to hyperforin or both, ignoring some 24 known additional possible active constituents. Many herbalists believe that the active ingredient in a plant is the plant itself.[6]

Instructors may also consider teaching in an Active Learning Classroom, an environment that promotes active learning through flexible seating, surrounding whiteboards, and digital displays. Yale features several ALCs that instructors can reserve.

Active learning methods ask students to engage in their learning by thinking, discussing, investigating, and creating. In class, students practice skills, solve problems, struggle with complex questions, make decisions, propose solutions, and explain ideas in their own words through writing and discussion. Timely feedback, from either the instructor or fellow students, is critical to this learning process. Education research shows that incorporating active learning strategies into university courses significantly enhances student learning experiences (Freeman et al., 2014; Theobald et al., 2020).

Many students are beginning to expect their classes should include some interaction and opportunities to practice, discuss, or apply what they are learning. The best way to ensure that you and your students have a positive experience with active learning is to be transparent about how you will use it and why.

Our Active learning techniques page offers a range of ideas that instructors can adopt whether they are just starting out with active learning or are looking for new strategies. Instructors across Cornell (from the humanities to STEM) are using these techniques, which can be adapted to almost any course.

Since 2014, Cornell has encouraged the adoption of high-impact practices across the university through its Active Learning Initiative (ALI). Funding from the Initiative has helped faculty redesign their courses and implement active learning teaching strategies. ALI has a broad network of faculty who have implemented active learning in different ways and who meet to share their ideas and experiences.

The best way to learn about active learning is to see it in action. If you have a colleague who uses active learning, ask to observe their class, or contact CTI for information on courses where active learning is being used.

A color-care hybrid, this 2-in-1 perfecter enhances and cares for your nails. With its concentrated natural active ingredients, it offers an instant rosy glow and mirror shine. Your nails are regenerated and nourished in a single step. Glow-up nails guaranteed!

ACSM is dedicated to supporting and promoting health through physical activity. Amid concerns around the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, individuals in communities across the country and around the world are being encouraged to stay home. Below you will find many resources to help you continue to stay physically active while at home. 

Quick-build / demonstration project technical assistance will support communities with existing Active Transportation plans, or other active transportation approaches, in undertaking the process to plan, design and implement a demonstration project in their community.

Establishing an active school is an important step toward ensuring opportunities for movement throughout the school day are weaved into the school culture and fabric. While the extensive benefits of physical activity are well-established, there is a substantial need for time, support, resources, and effort to establish an active school culture. Therefore, we believe schools should be recognized for their hard work! 17dc91bb1f

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