GFOA congratulates all budget award winners for preparing high-quality budget documents that meet program criteria and striving to improve budget transparency in their community. Each year, over 1,700 governments receive the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award. All award winning submissions are available for download on GFOA's website.

Landmarks like headers, footers, page numbers, and page counts help your readers find where they are in your document. To maximize accessibility, especially in long documents, include one or more of these landmarks (available in the Insert menu).

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The Department of Education strives to make all content accessible to everyone. While these documents do not currently meet the standards of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, Federal Student Aid is working to create accessible versions. If you need access to these documents before the accessible version is available, please contact the Information Technology Accessibility Program Help Desk at to help facilitate.

1. Connect a laptop and simultaneously present to everyone in the courtroom through a system of interconnected video monitors scanned documents, animations, graphics, and audio and video files that are stored on their laptop.

5. The Court does not provide any equipment to present scanned documents, animations, graphics, audio and video files from VHS, CD, DVD, Blu-ray, or external drives like a USB thumb drive. All files must be presented from your laptop.

Each year, the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) program requires Fuel Pathway Holders of Tier 1, Tier 2, and certain look-up table pathways to submit their Annual Fuel Pathway Reports (AFPRs). Recently, CARB made system updates in the Alternative Fuel Portal, including the AFPRs verification functionality and the verification deferral process. During the webinar, staff will provide (1) the AFPR submission process and the required documents, (2) the procedure for verifying previously deferred annual reports, and (3) an overview of the submission approach for other types of annual report. 006ab0faaa

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