Your skin is the largest organ on your body, made up of several different components, including water, protein, lipids, and different minerals and chemicals. If you're average, your skin weighs about six pounds. It's job is crucial: to protect you from infections and germs. Throughout your life, your skin will change constantly, for better or worse. In fact, your skin will regenerate itself approximately every 27 days. Proper skin care is essential to maintaining the health and vitality of this protective organ.

Over the course of your life, you should pay attention to all parts of your skin. Familiarize yourself with it, so you'll notice any changes that might occur, such as different moles or patches that might indicate skin cancer. Whenever you have a question or concern, make sure you see your doctor.

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The epidermis is the thinnest layer in your skin, but it's responsible for protecting you from the harsh environment. The epidermis has five layers of its own. It also hosts different types of cells: keratinocytes produce the protein known as keratin, the main component of the epidermis. Melanocytes produce your skin pigment known as melanin. Langerhans cells prevent foreign substances from getting into your skin.

This is the layer responsible for wrinkles. The dermis is a complex combination of blood vessels, hair follicles, and sebaceous (oil) glands. Here, you'll find collagen and elastin, two proteins necessary for skin health because they offer support and elasticity. Fibroblasts are the cells you'll find in this layer, because they synthesize collagen and elastin. This layer also contains nerves that sense pain, touch, and temperature.

Reduction of tissue in this layer is what causes your skin to sag as well as wrinkle. This layer hosts sweat glands, and fat and loose connective tissue. The subcutis is responsible for conserving your body's heat and protecting your vital inner organs.

Collagen is found in the dermis and is the most abundant protein in the skin, making up 75% of this organ. This is also your fountain of youth. It's responsible for warding off wrinkles and fine lines. Over time, environmental factors and aging diminish your body's ability to produce collagen and can also break down existing collagen.

When you hear the word elastin, think elastic. This protein is found with collagen in the dermis, and is responsible for giving structure and support to your skin and organs. As with collagen, elastin is affected by time and the elements. Diminished levels of this protein cause your skin to wrinkle and sag.

There are many different problems and conditions which can affect your skin. Some of them can cause uncomfortable symptoms, such as itching, burning, redness, and rashes. They might also affect your appearance. Some of the more common skin conditions include:

Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer. The main types of skin cancer are squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, and melanoma. Melanoma is much less common than the other types but much more likely to invade nearby tissue and spread to other parts of the body. Most deaths from skin cancer are caused by melanoma. Explore the links on this page to learn more about skin cancer prevention, screening, treatment, statistics, research, clinical trials, and more.

Various dietary supplements are claimed to have cutaneous anti-aging properties; however, there are a limited number of research studies supporting these claims. The objective of this research was to study the effectiveness of collagen hydrolysate (CH) composed of specific collagen peptides on skin biophysical parameters related to cutaneous aging. In this double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, 69 women aged 35-55 years were randomized to receive 2.5 g or 5.0 g of CH or placebo once daily for 8 weeks, with 23 subjects being allocated to each treatment group. Skin elasticity, skin moisture, transepidermal water loss and skin roughness were objectively measured before the first oral product application (t0) and after 4 (t1) and 8 weeks (t2) of regular intake. Skin elasticity (primary interest) was also assessed at follow-up 4 weeks after the last intake of CH (t3, 4-week regression phase). At the end of the study, skin elasticity in both CH dosage groups showed a statistically significant improvement in comparison to placebo. After 4 weeks of follow-up treatment, a statistically significantly higher skin elasticity level was determined in elderly women. With regard to skin moisture and skin evaporation, a positive influence of CH treatment could be observed in a subgroup analysis, but data failed to reach a level of statistical significance. No side effects were noted throughout the study.

The skin is the largest organ of the body. The skin and its derivatives (hair, nails, sweat and oil glands) make up the integumentary system. One of the main functions of the skin is protection. It protects the body from external factors such as bacteria, chemicals, and temperature. The skin contains secretions that can kill bacteria and the pigment melanin provides a chemical pigment defense against ultraviolet light that can damage skin cells.

Another important function of the skin is body temperature regulation. When the skin is exposed to a cold temperature, the blood vessels in the dermis constrict. This allows the blood which is warm, to bypass the skin. The skin then becomes the temperature of the cold it is exposed to. Body heat is conserved since the blood vessels are not diverting heat to the skin anymore. Among its many functions the skin is an incredible organ always protecting the body from external agents.

Don't have time for intensive skin care? You can still pamper yourself by acing the basics. Good skin care and healthy lifestyle choices can help delay natural aging and prevent various skin problems. Get started with these five no-nonsense tips.

Smoking makes your skin look older and contributes to wrinkles. Smoking narrows the tiny blood vessels in the outermost layers of skin, which decreases blood flow and makes skin paler. This also depletes the skin of oxygen and nutrients that are important to skin health.

A.  Which skin disorders do we evaluate under these listings?  We use these listings to evaluate skin disorders that result from hereditary, congenital, or acquired pathological processes. We evaluate genetic photosensitivity disorders (8.07), burns (8.08), and chronic conditions of the skin or mucous membranes such as ichthyosis, bullous disease, dermatitis, psoriasis, and hidradenitis suppurativa (8.09) under these listings.

2. Chronic skin lesions: Chronic skin lesions can have recurrent exacerbations (see 8.00B7). They can occur despite prescribed medical treatment. These chronic skin lesions can develop on any part of your body, including upper extremities, lower extremities, palms of your hands, soles of your feet, the perineum, inguinal (groin) region, and axillae (underarms). Chronic skin lesions may result in functional limitations as described in 8.00D2.

3. Contractures: Contractures are permanent fibrous scar tissue resulting in tightening and thickening of skin that prevents normal movement of the damaged area. They can develop on any part of your musculoskeletal system, including upper extremities, lower extremities, palms of your hands, soles of your feet, the perineum, inguinal (groin) region, and axillae (underarms). Contractures may result in functional limitations as described in 8.00D2.

7. Exacerbation: For the purposes of these listings, exacerbation means an increase in the signs or symptoms of the skin disorder. Exacerbation may also be referred to as flare, flare-up, or worsening of the skin disorder.

1. To establish the presence of a skin disorder as a medically determinable impairment, we need objective medical evidence from an acceptable medical source (AMS) who has examined you for the disorder.

1. General.  We evaluate the severity of skin disorders based on the site(s) of your chronic skin lesions (see 8.00B2) or contractures (see 8.00B3), functional limitations caused by your signs and symptoms (including pain) (see 8.00D2), and how your prescribed treatment affects you. We consider the frequency and severity of your exacerbations (see 8.00B7), how quickly they resolve, and how you function between exacerbations (see 8.00B7), to determine whether your skin disorder meets or medically equals a listing (see 8.00D3). If there is no record of ongoing medical treatment for your disorder, we will follow the guidelines in 8.00D6. We will determine the extent and kinds of evidence we need from medical and non-medical sources based on the individual facts about your disorder. For our basic rules on evidence, see  404.1512, 404.1513, 404.1520b, 416.912, 416.913, and 416.920b of this chapter. For our rules on evaluating your symptoms, see  404.1529 and 416.929 of this chapter.

a. Skin disorders may be due to chronic skin lesions (see 8.00B2) or contractures (see 8.00B3), and may cause pain or restrict movement, which can limit your ability to initiate, sustain, and complete work-related activities. For example, skin lesions in the axilla may limit your ability to raise or reach with the affected arm, or lesions in the inguinal region may limit your ability to ambulate, sit, or lift and carry. To evaluate your skin disorder(s) under 8.07B, 8.08, and 8.09, we require medically documented evidence of physical limitation(s) of functioning related to your disorder. The decrease in physical function must have lasted, or can be expected to last, for a continuous period of at least 12 months (see  404.1509 and 416.909 of this chapter). Xeroderma pigmentosum is the only skin disorder that does not include functional criteria because the characteristics and severity of the disorder itself are sufficient to meet the criteria in 8.07A.

i. Inability to use both upper extremities to the extent that neither can be used to independently initiate, sustain, and complete work-related activities involving fine and gross movements (see 8.00B5) due to chronic skin lesions (see 8.00B2) or contractures (see 8.00B3); or 2351a5e196

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