Tired of the default Android gallery hogging your device's processing power? Not to worry, there are plenty of alternatives, like Simple Gallery, that let you view all the images and videos on your smartphone easily and efficiently.

Simple Gallery is part of the Simple Mobile Tools app suite, a group of apps designed to be simple and efficient. The different apps work well together, as they all have a similar interface and are very intuitive.

Download Simple Gallery Pro

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video editor - if the photo editor works out well, I will soon test the video editor from the same company to see how it goes. You might argue that it goes out of the scope of some simple gallery and it will increase the app size even further, but I want to give it a go. I needed some video editing features myself and having them directly in the gallery can be a pretty good benefit.

Replying to just let any others who are searching about these kinds of issue: In terms of my problem with twice duplicate thumbs produced by the dmfarrell code, I have no idea still why it was happening. It even did that with text. I replaced the liquid data call with an edited version of Jimmy Xiao code. I wont link it bc this reply will get swept into spam. Google Jimmy Xiao Lightgallery.

This is supposed to be an off-line digital photo album for my Grandmother. Google Photos is a very poor off-line gallery, but it is the only gallery that is listing photos/videos in order. Simple Gallery Pro (and other gallery apps I've tried) have all failed to list the photos by Date Taken.

I'm relatively new to Squarespace and even newer to the use of custom CSS but I really would like to know if I am able to add a hover design to the gallery on my main page and still have the links working. What I want is to have a gallery with a main image and title that then links to a project page. I've figured out how to add the hover and customise the colour/text but now the links won't work to the project pages (they're not https links, just page links). I've tried to add in code in the image description area to add clickable links but I can't seem to get it to work and it seems this could be quite a laborious task. I've included the code below that I used to make the hover style work (the code my not be in use on my site by the time someone looks as it as I'm doing a lot of work to it at the moment). What I would like is so the whole image is a link rather than just the text so that someone can click anywhere on each image in the gallery and go to the relevant project page.

This is code that I've found online so not my own. The first part allowed me to customise the gallery captions which used to be below the image but I've since decided I want them to be on the hover and the second longer part is for the image hovering.

alternatively, this is what I would love instead of the icon. If it were possible. Is there a way to open the link (project) above the gallery of images? Like in Avenue template. But in 7.1?

actually the gallery masonry grid is on the home page. www.Kiyary.com which is where I want to add hover titles, and there are some masonry grids on each portfolio project, I would like to to show a title when the light box opens, if this is possible.

hello, i just switched to the pro version of simple gallery, there is an option to migrate favorites from the trial version of the app, but I'm unable to get it from the trial version of the app because I'm locked out of it because of this message. is there any other way to migrate favorites? thank you

Tried to install Simple Gallery Pro from Simple Gallery Pro | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository onto my Android phone but download fails with message:

The requested file was not found. -droid.org/repo/com.simplemobiletools.gallery.pro_361.apk.

So far I have created the:- channel called: Gallery- section called: Gallery- entry type: Gallery- the assets field named: gallery- added 4 images- created a new entry called: Gallery (only the Title is visible so far) and this is where I got stuck.

I use a set entry instead of a for loop because I'm assuming you only have one entry (one gallery). Maybe use a single section instead of a channel than? If you have multiple galleries, a channel is perfect, than you can use a for loop.

If you only need one gallery then as Tom suggested you can change the section type from a channel to a single in the section's settings. Where you choose to display the gallery is completely up to you. It can either be displayed in it's own template (the one you define in the section's settings), or just as easily in any other template or page on your site.

If displayed in its own template, and if using a single then the template might be something like gallery.html or gallery/index.html, either of which could be accessed by the url mysite.com/gallery. If using a channel (with one or more gallery entries) then a common convention would be to use gallery/_entry.html, which could be accessed using the url mysite.com/gallery/my-gallery-slug.

Also, keep in mind that using a structure with multiple EntryTypes defined (one of which could be 'gallery') would be another way to essentially house various 'singles' together with the advantage that you can then generate heirarchical site navigation from the structure.

The conversation continued more technically, about what the minimal viable site would require. We had both been experimenting with static site generators recently (him Jekyll, me Hugo) and we threw a few ideas back and forth about what it would require to execute this, or to throw together a site for wedding photos, or some other type of gallery.

That evening, I put together a quick proof of concept call A Simple Gallery. It's a static site generator written in Python that builds a quick, one page image gallery when you throw your files in a folder.

I want to be able to create a folder called gallery under the images folder. Then I want to be able to add and delete images to that folder as desired. Now, somewhere on the site I want to have a photo gallery that references that images>gallery folder and displays a gallery based on the current images in the folder. Does anyone know of an easy way to do this?

In the era of smartphone photography and the ever-growing need for efficient media management, a user-friendly and feature-packed photo gallery app is a valuable asset. Enter Simple Gallery, a versatile and powerful app that redefines how you organize, edit, and protect your precious memories and files. In this article, we will explore the key features that make Simple Gallery an indispensable tool for Android users.

Accidentally deleting a cherished photo or video can be a heartbreaking experience. However, with Simple Gallery, that concern becomes a thing of the past. The app allows you to quickly recover any deleted photos and videos, making it not only the best media gallery for Android but also a dependable photo vault app. Your precious memories are always safeguarded, ensuring you never lose that irreplaceable moment.

You can use Essential Grid extension to show any custom post type like simple gallery and can set any number of posts to show.

So any number of images uploaded to the specified post type will be shown into the Essential Grid shortcode.

Once you choose the specific post type while creating a new Ess grid, the data will be pulled automatically from the selected post types based on the condition set.

Now you just need to copy the shortcode and put it into the desired page or post to get the gallery in the frontend. To know more on Essential Grid please go through this article: -grid

Essential Grid, pulled the featured image of the post to show. Here I found that no image was assigned to the specific post, when added the featured image it shows on the gallery page.

I also tried by adding a new post to the essential custom post type and that also shown on the page.

So while adding any post please assigned the Featured Image to show in the Essential Grid element. e24fc04721

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