I have been trying unsuccessfully to use the built-in Cadence calculator functions to sample an analog signal at multiple times, based on a digital clock edge which comes at non-periodic times. Has anyone had success using the functions such as "value", "sample" or "cross" to do this? "cross" can get me the array of times I would like to sample, but I can't find a function that gives me the value of another analog waveform based on this array of times.

These can be found in pulse waves, square waves, boxcar functions, and rectangular functions. In digital signals the up and down transitions between high and low levels are called the rising edge and the falling edge. In digital systems the detection of these sides or action taken in response is termed edge-triggered, rising or falling depending on which side of rectangular pulse. A digital timing diagram is an example of a well-ordered collection of rectangular pulses.

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A Nyquist pulse is one which meets the Nyquist ISI criterion and is important in data transmission. An example of a pulse which meets this condition is the sinc function. The sinc pulse is of some significance in signal-processing theory but cannot be produced by a real generator for reasons of causality.

In 2013, Nyquist pulses were produced in an effort to reduce the size of pulses in optical fibers, which enables them to be packed 10 times more closely together, yielding a corresponding 10-fold increase in bandwidth. The pulses were more than 99 percent perfect and were produced using a simple laser and modulator.[2][3]

A Dirac pulse has the shape of the Dirac delta function. It has the properties of infinite amplitude and its integral is the Heaviside step function. Equivalently, it has zero width and an area under the curve of unity. This is another pulse that cannot be created exactly in real systems, but practical approximations can be achieved. It is used in testing, or theoretically predicting, the impulse response of devices and systems, particularly filters. Such responses yield a great deal of information about the system.

A Gaussian pulse is shaped as a Gaussian function and is produced by the impulse response of a Gaussian filter. It has the properties of maximum steepness of transition with no overshoot and minimum group delay.

Hey, I've been trying to create a signal (output of which is from battery) which is being sent once every 90 seconds to terminal. The signal would display electrical charge and charge %. Can someone help me with this? I've been trying for a while now. Thanks.

During challenging conditions of motion and low perfusion, clinicians at thousands of hospitals around the world count on Masimo SET every day to help them care for patients. And while many leading hospitals have already integrated Masimo SET pulse oximetry technology,2 more are converting every day.

To date, more than 100 studies have shown that Masimo SET outperforms other pulse oximetry technologies, providing clinicians with unmatched sensitivity and specificity to make critical patient care decisions.4

After six years of dedicated and focused research and development, Masimo SET debuted in 1995 at the Society for Technology in Anesthesia and won the prestigious Excellence in Technology Innovation Award. Thereafter, skeptical clinicians around the world sought to compare Masimo SET to the best pulse oximetry technologies other companies had to offer. But in study after study, the signal processing of Masimo SETconsistently resulted in significantly fewer false alarms and true alarm detection.

i am making a midi interface. UART works fine, it sends the 8 bit message along with a flag to a control unit. When the flag goes high, the unit will store the message in a register and make a clr_flag high in order to set the flag of UART low again. The problem is that i can not make this clr_flag one period long. I need it to be ONE period long, because this signal also controls a state machine that indicates what kind of message is being stored (note_on -> key_note -> velocity, for example).

My question here is, how can a signal (flag in this case) trigger a pulse just for one clk period? what i have now makes almost a pulse during a clock period, but i does it twice, because the flag has not become 0 yet. ive tried many ways and now i have this:

the problem with this double pulse or longer than one period pulse(before this, i had something that made clr_flag a two period clk pulse), is that the system will go though two states instead of one per flag.

The trick to making a single cycle pulse is realising that having made the pulse, you have to wait as long as the trigger input is high before getting back to the start. Essentially you are building a very simple state machine, but with only 2 states you can use a simple boolean to tell them apart.

Making a one cycle pulse on clr_flag when flag goes high can be made with asynchronous '0' to '1' detector on flag, using a version of flag that isdelayed a single cycle, called flag_ff below, and then checking for (flag =''1) and (flag_ff = '0').

Objective:Ā  Peripheral perfusion in critically ill patients frequently is assessed by use of clinical signs. Recently, the pulse oximetry signal has been suggested to reflect changes in peripheral perfusion. A peripheral perfusion index based on analysis of the pulse oximetry signal has been implemented in monitoring systems as an index of peripheral perfusion. No data on the variation of this index in the normal population are available, and clinical application of this variable in critically ill patients has not been reported. We therefore studied the variation of the peripheral perfusion index in healthy adults and related it to the central-to-toe temperature difference and capillary refill time in critically ill patients after changes in clinical signs of peripheral perfusion.

*As far as measuring 4 signals, that will be a little difficult, but possible. You definitely want to use counters, but you could also use either analog or digital input. You can send your signal to an analog input, then do some post processing to determine the pulse width based on the number of samples and the sample rate. With digital, you would have to do correlated dio, and again do some post processing. Hope this helps.*

I've played with reading my digital signal on an analog line and I have had some success. Still have noise though. I have one other question . Just for exploration sake ... I generated a digital wave from my Daq and fed it back to my Daq on PFI9 and measured pulse width ... The pulse widths were ROCK STEADY (not even 1/100 of a microsecond variation). Then I generated a digital pulse with my function generater (oscilloscope) and measured the pulse width from that - again I got the variation of pulse width measurement. So finally here is my question. Would synchronizing the source clock (from daq) and the sensor clock (signal generation) (sending a clock signal from the Daq to my sensor so the output will be timed with the source signal goin into the counter of the Daq) rectify this problem? This is the only explaination I can come up with given the above results of my tests. I would have already done this but (sadly) the sensors we have are not capable of accepting a clock signal (so I will have to wait until the other ones come in). Thanks in advance.


I not really sure if synchronizing your device with the DAQ board will help or not. That will depend on the characteristics of your device. I can tell you that it appears that the frequency measurement is precise and your device is producing a pulse train with a slightly varying frequency . If you want to try to synchronize, you can always export one of the timebases of the DAQ device to a PFI line. You can do this with the "DAQmx Export Signal.vi" or with "DAQmx Connect Terminals.vi".

-Alan A.

2. To check for the "synchronization" effect you mentioned: how many different discrete values do you seen in your pulse width measurement? If the only issue is synchronization, you should see just 2 distinct values.

For example, if your function generator's pulse width == 2000.41 cycles of your DAQ board's timebase (source) signal, then you'd only measure values of either 2000 (59 times out of 100) or 2001 (41 times out of 100).

Dear All, i introduce myself,i'm simone and i'm a fres arduino userĀ 

i would like to have some advices about a project

i need to interface arduino with an external device and read the sate of this device from the signal that i get from a led (between led and arduino board i'm plannig to put an optocoupler 4n25)

there are 3 possible states

-led off

-led blinking (aprox one second on and 1 second off)

-led on

i would like to detect these states and then switch on or of some relays on the arduino relay module

could somebody give me any advice about how could i detect these states (the first and the third are quite easy ;))

thansk a lot in advance


First of all thaks for the reply, about the state change from blinking to solid (using a optocoupler i shoud get a squared wave, on for a second, then off for a second and so on) looking around i've found out that PulseIn function could geve me the value in time of the poulse and i was thinking to compare this value, if the timing of the pulse is more than 1500 milliseconds then the state is solid, could it work?

i could store the value in a variable and use it to compare

is it sounding good or am i far from the right path?

thanks for the patienceĀ 


The pulseIn() function returns time in microseconds. 1500 milliseconds is 1500000 microseconds. The pulseIn() function times out before that, so you'll need to supply an additional argument that provides a different timeout period.

Apologies, I didn't read the first post thoroughly enough. After rereading I was going to suggest what you have done, one timer to detect ON, a second timer to detect OFF. If neither is true then the signal is pulsating somewhere between those two states. e24fc04721

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