This topic discusses the basic sign-in flow for web, desktop, and mobile apps using Microsoft identity platform. See Authentication flows and app scenarios to learn about sign-in scenarios supported by Microsoft identity platform.

This attribute causes ASP.NET to check for the presence of a session cookie containing the identity of the user. If a cookie isn't present, ASP.NET redirects authentication to the specified identity provider. If the identity provider is Microsoft Entra ID, the web app redirects authentication to , which displays a sign-in dialog.

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Under Conditional access, if you've configured Conditional Access policies for your Azure AD B2C tenant and you want to enable them for this user flow, select the Enforce conditional access policies check box. You don't need to specify a policy name. Learn more.

The SelfAsserted-LocalAccountSignin-Email technical profile is a self-asserted, which is invoked during the sign-up or sign-in flow. To remove the sign-up link, set the setting.showSignupLink metadata to false. Override the SelfAsserted-LocalAccountSignin-Email technical profiles in the extension file.

If you are trying to run GIDSignIn.sharedInstance()?.signIn() in @IBAction. You can run GIDSignIn.sharedInstance()?.presentingViewController = self just before signIn function instead of inside viewDidLoad().

After you complete the steps in the Load the Widget use case and the Widget loads successfully, the next step is for the user to sign in. There is no additional code that you need to add to your app for this step. The user enters their credentials and clicks the Next or Sign In button.

To use Google services on behalf of a user when the user is offline, you mustuse a hybrid server-side flow where a user authorizes your app on the clientside using the JavaScript API client and you send a special one-timeauthorization code to your server. Your server exchanges this one-time-usecode to acquire its own access and refresh tokens from Google for the server tobe able to make its own API calls, which can be done while the user is offline.This one-time code flow has security advantages over both a pure server-sideflow and over sending access tokens to your server.

You can then send the one-time code from the sign-in button to your server (4). When the server has the code, the server can exchange it for an access_token (5, 6) that can be stored locally on the server side. The server can then make Google API calls independently of the client.

The user clicks the sign-in button and grants your app access to the permissionsthat you requested. Then, the callback function that you specified in thegrantOfflineAccess().then() method is passed a JSON object with anauthorization code. For example:

The code is your one-time code that your server can exchange for its ownaccess token and refresh token. You can only obtain a refresh token after theuser has been presented an authorization dialog requesting offline access.If you've specified the select-account prompt in theOfflineAccessOptionsin step 4, you must store the refresh token that you retrieve for later usebecause subsequent exchanges will return null for the refresh token. This flowprovides increased security over your standard OAuth 2.0 flow.

The following script defines a callback function for the sign-in button. Whena sign-in is successful, the function stores the access token for client-sideuse and sends the one-time code to your server on the same domain.

I can authenticate fine, the Sign In structure works, however if I'm at the Google Sign In and I cancel Google's authentication flow by hitting the back button on my physical device (S7 Edge), the application locks up and returns this:

I can confirm that this issue still persists as of today (but only in debug mode),And when sign in cancelled in the release mode the app doesnt crash/freeze and continues to function,So I feel this is mostly with the ide that throws the exception and dart is not able to capture till it gets fixed,so a simple workaround is to use the release version of the app.

If you cancel the flow, the call to final GoogleSignInAccount googleUser = await _googleSignIn.signIn() returns a null value. The rest of the flow is dependent on the value not being null, so return early if that's the case.

Flow cytometry is a powerful tool used in biology to analyse properties of individual cells and particles in a fluid suspension. 

As the cells or particles flow through the system, they pass through lasers that excite fluorescent dyes and labels. The resulting fluorescence is detected and can be analysed to provide information about the characteristics of each individual cell or particle.

Flow cytometry is particularly useful for analysing large numbers of cells or particles quickly and accurately at a single cell level. It can be used to quantify a wide range of properties; such as relative size and complexity, as well as the presence or absence of specific surface markers or intracellular proteins. 

It is a versatile tool that has revolutionised our ability to study and understand individual cells, and has led to many important discoveries in the fields of biology and medicine.

Our Flow Cytometry Platform is one of the largest in South-East Asia, with dedicated technical support staffs available to provide guidance at each experimental stage, from initial study design and staining protocols, to cell sorting and data interpretation. 2 of our operators are Specialist in Cytometry (SCYM(ASCP)CM) certified, a unique certification dedicated to flow cytometry staff. The Flow Cytometry Platform can achieve high-throughput deep cellular phenotyping analysis with high-end conventional, spectral flow (Figure 1) and small particle-enabled (Figure 2) flow analysers and sorters. These cutting-edge technologies represent the modern advancements in the field of flow cytometry and enable world-class research to be carried out in the platform.

This guide covers a basic user sign-in request, which is the simplest of all use cases and is the first use case that you should try after you install the SDK. The flow diagram and steps describe how to build a simple sign-in form and how to authenticate the credentials.

Similar to the Okta APIs, the SDK uses a generic interface to handleeach step of the user sign-in flow. This interface enables applicationsto use a dynamic model when responding to policy changes within Okta. Specifically,it enables a pure policy-driven design that accepts new functionality,such as adding additional sign-in factors, without the need to update yourapplication's code. This feature is important for mobile devices due to the challenges in updating applications. See how the sample application uses the SDK to implement this dynamic policy-driven behavior.

The following steps document how to integrate the sample code into yourapplication. The sample code converts the SDK's generic remediationinterface into explicit authentication steps and automatically executes steps,such as the code-to-token exchange. The following diagram illustrates this call flowfrom your applications's UI to the sample code, SDK, and API.

When the user enters their credentials and initiates the sign-in flow,call the login method, passing in the username, password,and completion closure. This closure is invoked after the sign-in process completesand returns either a fatal error or a success status with a token.

The final integration step is to send the user to the default home pageafter a successful sign-in flow. Optionally, you can obtain basic user information after the usersuccessfully signs in by making a request to the Okta OpenID Connect Authorization Server.See Get the user profile information.

I was shocked when after a lot of searching I found out that no one had yet put together an Auth0 integration for WebflowSo I got to work and spent a day creating a template and writing the code that lets you use all the user management features...

Adobe Acrobat Sign can be integrated with Microsoft Power Automate and the PowerApps environment to provide you with a smooth digital signature experience. You can use Adobe Acrobat Sign for Microsoft Power Apps and Power Automate to:

About Microsoft Power Automate: It connects different apps and services into coordinated multi-step workflows to automate repetitive tasks without the need for complex API coding. Power Automate workflows are based on the following three main concepts:

Apps built using Power Apps provide rich business logic and workflow capabilities that can automate and digitize your manual business processes. These apps also have a responsive design and can seamlessly run on any browser or device. PowerApps enables you to build feature-rich and customized business apps without writing code.

To prevent webhooks-related issues in Adobe Acrobat Sign Connector, ensure that you use an Adobe Acrobat Sign trigger as the first step when creating a flow with Acrobat Sign triggers. If the Acrobat Sign trigger is added only as a second or subsequent step and not as the first step, it will be treated as an Action. Consequently, the registered webhook for that trigger will not be deleted when the flow is deleted.

"When an agreement is created",

"When a participant completes their action",

"When an agreement workflow is completed successfully",

"When an agreement is canceled",

"When an agreement is rejected by a participant",

"When an agreement expires"

An action represents what you want to happen after the workflow is triggered. Actions allow users to perform operations that can create, send, or evaluate agreements associated to the users of an Adobe Acrobat Sign account.

This action is designed to accept a file from the trigger, or previous action, to produce a unique document ID. The subsequent actions can use the generated ID for processing the file into an agreement or template. e24fc04721

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