This video and mp3 song of "shilohs praise from glory to glory best praise worship" was published by dayo dayspring on 2009-12-29 11:01:21, with a media duration of 46:36 minutes and played 16407 times.

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Isaac Watts touches the central chord in the universaldiapason when he sings:

&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160 Plunged in a gulf of dark despair,

&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160 We wretched sinners lay,

&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160 Without one cheering beam of hope, 

&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160 Or spark of glimmering day. 

&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160 With pitying eyes the Prince of grace

&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160 Beheld our helpless grief:

&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160 He saw, and (O amazing love!)

&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160 He ran to our relief. Page 66

&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160 Down from the shining seats above,

&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160 With joyful haste he fled,

&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160 Entered the grave in mortal flesh,

&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160 And dwelt among the dead.

&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160 O for this love, let rocks and hills

&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160 Their lasting silence break,

&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160 And all harmonious human tongues

&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160 The Saviour's praises speak.

&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160 Angels, assist our mighty joys,

&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160 Strike all your harps of gold;

&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160 But when you raise your highest notes,

&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160 His love can ne'er be told.

Struggle implies three things--time, progress and process; but the end is the perfection of character. Everything has all time to be made perfect; and all the time thatis necessary for the process, and the changes and accessionstoward perfection are progress. The perfection of characteris the ultimate end for which time is given, and the processand progress toward perfection cannot cease until the effortis coronated with the brightest gems of nature. The kingdom of Shiloh cannot stand still, because its very life is inits thrift and activity. Israel's God neither sleeps norslumbers, but watches the forces of the moving spheres,regulates their order, directs their courses, controls theirelements, and forces recalcitrant members into orderlylines and harmonious relations. Therefore, every actionin the moral and physical worlds has a meaning that may beinterpreted at some time in the future, and somewhere inthe line of action and of evolution and change. God scatters broadly, but gathers again, and the focal center of allactions is the ultimate will of God, the intricate designs ofthe Most High. How, then, can Shiloh's kingdom standstill? How can its propulsive forces, its Godlike energies Page 74stand still? Can God sleep, or His Son die? Have thecables of the universal mechanism been broken, its shipstranded and the helm of the universe taken from Hishand? Say, ye elements, forces, agencies, natures, and allye star-crowned immensities and light-begirt intellectualities of heaven, has the King of Saints lost the equilibriumof the spheres, the balances of heaven, or the end of thebright curves? Nay; God reigns as of old, and all the elements are the witnesses of His power and of His presence.He touches the octachord of nature with fingers of fire andhands of power, and at once the thrilling God vibrates thethreads, and every part and ramified relation of theuniversal spheres He fills with His tremendous presence,commands the molecular entities, and the listening sistersand kindred sires to stop to hear and fly at his behests. All things are in His hands. Even the wrath ofman, the rebellion of angels, and all the old sinners of theages are to fulfill some great design or lofty culmination inthe executive government of the Most High. Their madness and rage, their hardness of heart and obdurate pride,their lust for place and power, their violent and headlongassaults upon the high castles of heaven's King, and theirfierce, demon-like onslaught of the truth and the progressand expansion of Shiloh's empire, are all made to praise theLord and magnify His wisdom, justice and truth, whileunwittingly they are carrying forward the golden threadsand silken strands of the Shilohic empire. Fallen devilsand wicked men, the devices of hell and whatever spirit,being of character that fights against God and Hisanointed Shiloh must ultimately fail and sink beneath thedireful wrath of "the Thunderer." But the kingdom ofShiloh is to take the place of all others by the process ofhybridization, or that smooth and gentle flow of His love,presence and power that is exhibited in the nature, character, work of the ministry of Jesus Christ. "The Son of Page 75man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister." Hisembassy to earth was not in pomp and splendor, nor kinglymajesty. He did not come heralded by the sound of trumpets, the blowing of horns, and the metallic clash of loud cymbals and bands of music. No royal robe, nor gem-set crown, nor flash of golden sceptre, nor awaiting throne of ivory marked His coming. No horses and chariots, nor thundering legions of armies, nor tramping hosts of soldiery marked His appearing; but "as a root out of a dry ground" he broke the stony soil of the hearts of men and pushed His way up through the hard and callous surface ofhuman prejudices, hate and depravity, and the meek and lowly Galilean stood forth in the humility of a prophet, the garb of a mendicant and the demeanor of a servant. There was no visible greatness, nor dictatorial air, nor manifestation of earthly power or kingly authority. The silent chambers of the woods were His home, the earth was His bed, the heavens His covering, and His pillow was a stone of the hills. No long-drawn aisles, nor architectural shafts of marble, nor Parian slabs, nor polished flint adorned the temple of His slumbers, nor flashed upon Hismorning vision; but from the rugged hills and silent plains the divine Master of the ages and the eldest creations, walked into Jerusalem and about Galilee to plant the seeds, and in deeper soil to sow those effervescent germs of truth and nuggets of power and love that were to permeate the nations, cover the hemispheres, ramify the ages, and fill the world with the Shiloh empire.

Creation is God's great harp of countless living strings that join the universal harmonies in one grand chorus. Creation sings of God, the Creator--the ages sing of his eternity, the heavens sing of his glory, the earth of his power, and hell of his justice. From the burning lips of the lost to the enchanting melodies of blazing seraphs, song rises to God without stint or limit from every part of creation. All nature sings, especially when its golden chords are struck and vibrated by the plenipotent finger of God. There is music around us, above us, and beneath us. The mighty orchestra with rocking chimes sends its thrills through the ages, stirs and stimulates the nations with hope, joy and faith. But man must die. The doleful song of death lulls the nations to long and sound repose, only to be broken by the funeral dirge of time, when the stentorian lays of the archangel in measured verse and solemn strains shall revivify all that have fallen in sleep. Go, take your stand upon some high rocky promontory by the raging sea, and listen to the great bass drum of God--the winds blowing, the sea roaring and spitting froth of its anger into the murky clouds above, and agitating its own deep and pebbly bed as if stirred by the fiery blasts of hell. The plenipotent finger of the omnipotent God strikes the combustible elements of the air, and his red lightnings flash along on their burning cables, sending their soprano anthems tohiss and howl and join the bass strains from the sea below. High above all the sounds just mentioned are the Page 85screaking, hissing and crashing of the angry storm, with,as it were, its mottled, scarred and dusky-faced triumphant King rolling upon wheels of torrid amber mixed withfire and blood, and in his wake lay the shattered greatnessof nature's might and virgin strength. His thunderingchariot rolls in the clouds, while from his burningbrazen car incandescent forked tongues leap out. Athousand golden cymbals are being simultaneouslystruck by the hands of a thousand archangels in heaven's aerial sea. The bosom of the clouds are rechargedwith electricity--the subtle vitality of nature--and theirsable bands yield and in sunder break, baptizing herb,sea and land with the blessing of heaven. When theharsher notes of the storm have flown away upon thewings of the cloud, then nature, in sweeter and softermusic of praise and joyful lays, is still heard strikingthe silver strings of her golden lute, emitting harmoniousmelodies which dance through the multiplex octaves ofthe spheres. Blow, ye heavenly zephyrs, blow, agitate,oscillate and vibrate your grand old octachords untiloceanic isles and rock-ribbed hills and smiling plains joinin the mighty chorus and the gush of thrilling joys.But song is sentiment and doctrine, and has its heroes.The song of creation has God for its hero, and the songof redemption has Christ for its hero, the charming embodiment of all melodies. In creation the harmonies ofthe spheres sing of God, the Hero of its preservation andthe Master of its magnificent parts, forces, propertiesand powers. Every part is filled with God and instinctwith music. "The whole earth is crammed with heaven,and every common bush afire with God." "The heavensdeclare his glory, and the firmament his power." "Allthy works shall praise thee, O Lord," says the sweetsinger of Israel. Again, he says, "Praise the Lord fromthe earth, ye dragons, and all deeps: Fire, and hail; snow,and vapors; stormy winds fulfilling his word: Mountains,and all hills; fruitful trees, and all cedars; Beasts, and Page 86all cattle; creeping things, and flying fowl; Kings of the earth, and all people; princes, and all judges of the earth; Both young men, and maidens; old men and children; Let them praise the name of the Lord:" Here God is the Hero of creation's song, the vital Center in which all of creation's melodies, anthems and choruses meet in eternal celebration and forever pour their orchestral thunders at his feet. Christianity is the ethical system, the high moral code of the universe and has Christ for its Head, its Song and its Hero. He is the ransoming and heroic "prince of peace" of which the ages have sung. The song is old and long, but sweet, soft, inspiring and thrilling. "Of him who did salvation bring," the first archangels sang. Living coals of heavenly fire dropped from the golden censers of angels, and started David'sharp afresh with deeper notes and softer tunes descriptive of Messiah and his triumphs. Indeed, the Old Testament Scriptures were largely written in verse, the whole of which was a part of the mighty anthem of redemption. The Christ of the prophets is the Christ of the ages. He is the life and subject of all their song and the joy of our salvation. He cheered the hearts, fired the tongues of bards and poets, and dwelt in sweetest strains upon the lips of priest and prophet, prince and king, while the rough seers and shepherds in the wild and weird desert took up the thrilling cry, and sent it back to the walled city, its gleeful notes up to heavenand its joys on to God. While the ages were pouring their verses on the templed hills of God angels heard and awaited "the day star from on high." It is night. Shepherds are in the plains watching their flocks. An angelic legate from heaven's high arch appears. A halo of splendor encircles his dazzling face and his voice, wrapt in the soft accents of peace and love, was thrown out upon the wing of a heavenly carol. His theme is the culmination of the long and hoary decades of waiting. And the angel said unto them, "Fear not, for Page 87behold I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people." . . . "And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly hosts, praising God, and saying, 'Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, and good will toward men.'" How glorious is this song. What impulses does it awaken in theheart of man! "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, and good will toward men." e24fc04721

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