Version catalogs are used in a single build (possibly multi-project build) but may also be shared between builds.For example, an organization may want to create a catalog of dependencies that different projects, from different teams, may use.

Because platforms and catalogs both talk about dependency versions and can both be used to share dependency versions in a project, there might be a confusion regarding what to use and if one is preferable to the other.

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I'm not sure how much the following can help, but it might be worth to try out - to share versions between projects - plugins and the main one - you'd have to use ProjectRef as described in the answer to RootProject and ProjectRef:

I Do have access the Alfresco Private Nexus Repo. What alfresco.platform and alfresco.share version can I use to compile my code with Alfresco 7.1.0 SDK ?

You can share your AOM as much as you like, including via social media, on a scholarly collaboration network, your own personal website, or on a preprint server intended for non-commercial use (for example arXiv, bioRxiv, SocArXiv, etc.).

I was wondering if there exists a way in which I can add version control ability to documents (only .txt or .docx) in a samba share. Basically, by version control, I imply that edits made by each user should be annotated with the author's name. Also, the changes can be retraced. I have searched but found no answer to even start with.

I was wondering if there are any official statistics on the market share of various iPhone versions? Not necessarily across the entire spectrum, but perhaps only among iPhones themselves, a by-version breakdown.

Every month I take a look at the TelemetryDeck data set and compile the most helpful insights about the ecosystem in a blog post like this. At the beginning of October, iOS 17 has about one third market share, and iOS 16 is still used by two thirds of iOS devices. To be honest, this surprised me a bit, so I compared it to iOS 16's launch last year.

Our vendors work in our instance today and we share data to ProjectLink for them to access. On their end (for the ones that use Windchill within their own companies as well) that means they have multiple Windchill servers connected. That's all well and good and works.

I want us to share data through ProjectLink so I set up a Project context in my instance and give you access to it. I can share data to the Project context from my PDM because it's in my Windchill instance.

Packages aren't as clean as "Add to Project". For us there's a specific network restriction that's having me ponder multiple Windchill instances but without the ability to cleanly share between the two, it's unlikely worth the trouble.

Gradle version catalogs are a new feature of Gradle build system. They help managing dependency versions in the projects. In the previous article, we explored how to use them locally. This time, we are going to learn, how to share a single version catalog between many projects. This may be useful for teams that own several code repositories, and still want to bump versions in a coordinated way.

The best place to start is an existing project that already uses a local version catalog. Sharing it is very easy, because the shared catalog uses exactly the same DSL. Therefore, all we need to do is copy-pasting it into some other place. Basically, we need to create a new Gradle project for keeping just the version catalog and publishing it to Artifactory. Then, in the local version catalogs of our actual project, we just import it.

We can see that moving from local catalogs to a shared Gradle version catalog is an easy process. The DSL remains the same. We can also deal with corner cases thanks to version overriding. One more question may arise at the end. What should be the right granulation of version catalogs? I suggest the teams to maintain their own catalogs for their own projects. This way supports the team autonomy. In addition, certain company-wide projects can also publish thematic version catalogs (e.g. a common customization to the framework). I would not definitely go into a company-wide version catalog. At some level of centralization, the growing number of local version overwrites may defeat the profits of keeping versions in a single place.

This helped me too although I didn't think it would. I have two Samba shares on mu Ubuntu. In both shares I use symlinks but in one disrectory (shared) the symlinks were working but in another disrectory (also shared) the weren't.

I've had the same problem, but for me, putting "unix extensions = no" into the [global] section of smb.conf did fix the issue. It is important that you put it into the unix extension flag into global section (valid for all shares), as this is parsed before Samba knows which share the user connects to. The Wide links option can go into the share to which is applies.

Nearby sharing in Windows lets you share documents, photos, links to websites, and more with nearby devices by using Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. You can share files between PCs that are running Windows 10 or Windows 11.

On the PC that has the photo you want to share, open the Photos app, select the picture you want to share, select See more  > Share , and then select the name of the device you want to share with.

Archiving your research can make your work freely accessible, stops your research from being taken down, and gets you a wider audience to increase your research impact. But, it can be a bit tricky to know your rights and choose the right version of your work to share. Here we outline the various versions of your article, how to find them, and when you can share them. It's helpful and will save you time and frustration in the future to save all versions of your work as they are produced.

Most sharing policies are available through a copyright & self-archiving tool called SHERPA/RoMEO, but your publication agreement is a binding contract that tells you how and where you can legally share your work.

Can you share it? Yes, if you've published in a RoMEO blue or yellow journal. Blue and Yellow journals allow the author to deposit the accepted manuscript (post-print) in a repository. You can usually find your journal's RoMEO color at

Can you share it? Subscription journals typically don't allow authors to legally share the published version of their article online unless it was published open access, but there are exceptions. You can usually find information on your journal's self-archiving policy at

Give staff an easy, flexible and secure way to share files and folders. Safely involve contacts outside your organization with select documents. Share public links shielded by passwords and expiration dates.

Visual Studio Live Share enables you to collaboratively edit and debug with others in real time, regardless what programming languages you're using or app types you're building. It allows you to instantly (and securely) share your current project, and then as needed, share debugging sessions, terminal instances, localhost web apps, and more! Developers that join your sessions recieve all of their editor context from your environment (e.g. language services, debugging), which ensures they can start productively collaborating immediately, without needing to clone any repos or install any SDKs.

All collaboration activities in Visual Studio Live Share involves a single "host" and one or more "guests." Hosts "share" content, debugging sessions, and more by starting a "collaboration session" that guests then "join."

Want to evaluate VS Live Share but don't have anyone to collaborate with? No problem! You can actually share with yourself from another instance of VS (or even VS Code). Simply open the session URL in your browser to get started.

The Traffic Light Protocol (TLP) was created in order to facilitate greater sharing of information. TLP is a set of designations used to ensure that sensitive information is shared with the appropriate audience. It employs four colors to indicate expected sharing boundaries to be applied by the recipient(s). TLP only has four colors; any designations not listed in this standard are not considered valid by FIRST.

TLP provides a simple and intuitive schema for indicating when and how sensitive information can be shared, facilitating more frequent and effective collaboration. TLP is not a "control marking" or classification scheme. TLP was not designed to handle licensing terms, handling and encryption rules, and restrictions on action or instrumentation of information. TLP labels and their definitions are not intended to have any effect on freedom of information or "sunshine" laws in any jurisdiction.

How should it be shared? Recipients may not share TLP:RED information with any parties outside of the specific exchange, meeting, or conversation in which it was originally disclosed. In the context of a meeting, for example, TLP:RED information is limited to those present at the meeting. In most circumstances, TLP:RED should be exchanged verbally or in person.

When should it be used? Sources may use TLP:AMBER+STRICT when information requires support to be effectively acted upon, yet carries risk to privacy, reputation, or operations if shared outside of the organization.

How should it be shared? Recipients may share TLP:AMBER+STRICT information only with members of their own organization on a need-to-know basis to protect their organization and prevent further harm.

When should it be used? Sources may use TLP:AMBER when information requires support to be effectively acted upon, yet carries risk to privacy, reputation, or operations if shared outside of the organizations involved. Note that TLP:AMBER+STRICT should be used to restrict sharing to the recipient organization only. e24fc04721

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