You can easily edit your shape properties directly using on-canvas controls or accessing Shape Properties under the Properties panel. On-canvas controls make your interaction with shapes more intuitive.

To view all the custom shapes that come with Photoshop, click the gear icon on the right of the Custom Shape picker in the shape tool options bar. You will see the list of available shapes. Select any custom shape as desired.

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However, I am unable to do that in Photoshop 2020 as there is no "shapes" category in the preset manager in Photoshop 2020! The only categories that are available in preset manager in Photoshop 2020 are "contours" and "tools". There is NO other categories in the drop down box.

Photoshop 2020 will not let me delete the shapes from the toolbar when the shape tool is selected and since there is no shapes category in the preset manager, I am stuck with two of everything and every folder.

I accidentally appended all the default shapes thinking that it would give me new shapes instead but it was the same ones that were already there and because of this problem, I cannot deleted the duplicate shapes.

Combine vector shapes on different layers

Select the layers within the Layers panel. Select contiguous layers with the Shift key and discontiguous layers with the Command/Control key.

Layer > Merge Shapes (Command/Control + E)

Hello since updating to latest version of PS 2019 the Combine Shapes option doesn't seem to be working. I click it so that I can draw multiple individual shapes and combine them when I'm done in one fell swoop but it just selects the most recent path. Also adding points to path while drawing used to be a one button click but now I have to control + click to get a drop down menu to add a point--super annoying and time wasting! What's up with pen tool in the new version of Ps!?!

Sorry let me be more specific: I am not actually trying to create shapes: I am creating multiple paths that will eventually be combined into one adjustment layer mask. I am aware that I can do each mask one by one but in the past by clicking combine shapes I was able to path out each mask and then pull up the drop down menu to make one big mask of all the individual paths. I do have the pen selected to path not shapes.

Seeing lots of posts regarding SHAPES in latest PS CC 2020 (21.1.3) but no joy. I have grayed out shapes and nothign I do solves the issue. I have copied the shapes files to multiple different spots with no resolution.

Photoshop will NOT tell you that there is a maximum number of shapes you can have loaded. Nothing complains there are too many. I found out by double-clicking the Shapes .CSH file and Photoshop displayed an error saying too many shapes were already loaded. 

Deleting the shapes from the folder and restarting

Photoshop will NOT tell you that there is a maximum number of shapes you can have loaded. Nothing complains there are too many. I found out by double-clicking the Shapes .CSH file and Photoshop displayed an error saying too many shapes were already loaded. 

Deleting the shapes from the folder and restarting does not change things. You have to manually DELETE the Shapes or Shape Groups in the panel. 

Well, I had a collection of 12,000 shapes loaded from previous versions of Photoshop that had seemingly no issues. 

I did not test how many was the upper limit. I just deleted the folder 

Yes, I am aware of the resource consumption but I have a 96GB HP Z800 Dual Xeon system with a 2TB SSD Scratch disk so I am not that starved for RAM or Scratch...

Hello Pierre --I have three problems, I can't download new shapes into presets, I can't download historical presets, and I can't delete duplicated presents. For example, I find all 4 presets duplicated at least once, some three times. The delete button is grayed out in all cases.

The expected behaviour is that it would paste into that same layer as another object.

Now it pastes it as a new layer.

I'd understand if that's a behaviour change, but I can't find any method to paste into a layer now. Edit > Paste Special > Paste Into is greyed out, and using the "Path Operations" button in the top toolbar doesn't allow me to combine shapes when no object is selected. I can't think of any other methods.

So basically I'm asking if it's a bug, or has the behavious changed and there's no way to combine shapes by pasting anymore? Merging layers is an option but it's much slower when working with many shape objects in one layer.

This is using Photoshop 21.1.0 on MacOS 10.14.6.


I do not understand how one Paste shapes into existing shapes. I know how to combine and merge shapes but not paste and combine. What steps do you use to Paste an shape into an existing shape layer. Paste normally add a layer to a document. When I have a shape on the clipboard on windows the only paste options the seem to be available is Past and Paste in place. Both add an new shape layer.

In Photoshop 21.1.0, it's automatically pasting it into another layer, doing exactly the same technique as above. That may sound useful, but I'm often copying shapes from one layer and wanting to place it into another layer, where the previous behaviour of pasting into the layer was super helpful.

I'm on the latest version of Photoshop CC 2019. I select custom shape (I want to create a talk bubble) but my basic shapes seem to be gone. All I get is Tree Leaves, Wild Animals, Boats and Flowers...what gives? I tried to reset default shapes and it just gave me the same choices.

This might bee too late but I had the same issue as you until I did the following. Go to the menu, then Window>shapes. Once that box is there you will only see options for useless things like animals and what not, but lick on the three lines at the top right of that little box. There should be an option to select legacy shapes and then you'll have it in your selection!

Thank you for this answer. What a curious decision to replace the default shapes that have been there since before I can remember with a selection of trees and boats. Why not just leave the "legacy" shapes in there by default in their own tidy folder so people don't have to scratch their heads and go to help forums?

Some of the things that software developers (generally) do, never ceases to amaze me. Why on earth, would Adobe not have put the legacy shapes as default in the dropdown selector? Why? Yet another waste of my time trying to figure out what went wrong! I'm guessing that developers at Microsoft and Adobe are one and the same thing, right?

I'm starting out with illustrating in Photoshop (beginner) and I simply created some art using the basic square, circle marquee tools, and filling them with colors. When zoomed in, these shapes are pixelated. But my image resolution is high if I'm not mistaken. What am I missing here? How do I get these to be vector shapes? I appreciate your support.

Learn the basics of drawing shapes using the shape tools in Photoshop! Covers the geometric shape tools which include the Rectangle, Ellipse, Triangle, Polygon and Line Tools. Updated for Photoshop 2022.

Vector shapes are drawn using points connected together by straight or curved lines, and they remain scalable and editable without ever losing quality. A path is also scalable and editable, but it's simply the outline of the shape without any fill or stroke. And a pixel shape is made of pixels, just like images.

But briefly, clicking the first icon, Path Operations, opens a list of ways to combine two or more shapes into a larger or more complex shape. The default setting, New Layer, draws a separate and independent shape each time.

The next icon, Path Alignment, opens all the ways to align or distribute multiple shapes. The Align To option at the bottom lets you switch between aligning shapes to a selection or to the canvas.

So now that we've gone through the shape options in the Options Bar, let's look at how to draw different kinds of shapes using Photoshop's various shape tools. We'll start with the Rectangle Tool which draws simple four-sided shapes. I'll show you all the ways to use the Rectangle Tool, but much of what we'll cover applies to the other shape tools as well.

In the Layers panel, the new shape appears on its own shape layer. And because the shape was drawn using the Rectangle Tool, Photoshop names the layer Rectangle 1. Since shapes are added on their own layers, it means a shape can be scaled, edited, moved or deleted without affecting any other shapes or other elements in the document.

With the Rectangle Tool, all four corners can be rounded at once, or a single corner can be rounded independently. But shapes drawn with the Triangle Tool or Polygon Tool are limited to a single control that affects all corners at the same time. And the Ellipse Tool and Line Tool do not allow rounded corners at all.

Finally, the Pathfinder section at the bottom of the Properties panel holds the same options for combining shapes that we saw earlier in the Options Bar. From left to right, we have Combine Shapes, Subtract front shape, Intersect shape areas, and Exclude overlapping areas. These options are the same for all shape tools, and again, I'll cover them in a separate tutorial.

At this point, we've covered most of the basics for drawing shapes in Photoshop. We know where to find the various shape tools in the toolbar, and we've looked at the options in the Options Bar, like choosing a fill and stroke color, which are mostly the same for each tool. We know how to draw shapes by clicking and dragging on the canvas, how to edit the shapes using the on-canvas controls, and how to edit the Live Shape properties in the Properties panel.

While the Rectangle Tool draws rectangles and squares, the Ellipse Tool draws round or elliptical shapes, including perfect circles. Other than that, both tools behave much the same. But since elliptical shapes have no corners, you won't find any options to adjust them. e24fc04721

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