OCHA acknowledges PSA and the National Mapping and Resource Information Authority (NAMRIA) as the sources. LMB is the source of official administrative boundaries of the Philippines. In the absence of available official administrative boundary, the IMTWG have agreed to clean and use the PSA administrative boundaries which are used to facilitate data collection of surveys and censuses. The dataset can only be considered as indicative boundaries and not official.Its updated to reflect the new areas within BARMM; It uses the new 10-digit pcode consistent with government PSGC as of 2023.These shapefiles are suitable for database or ArcGIS joins to the [Philippines - 2020 Census Admin4 Population Statistics] ( -single-year-age-sex-and-barangay-census-2020) and [ Philippines - Admin 2 Population projections using 2015 population] ( -ps-phl).

If you need shapefiles for your GIS applications or processes, look no further. Geofabrik produces shapefiles of all kinds. A number of simple shapefiles are available for free on our download serverat

Download Shapefiles Philippines

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These extended shapefiles are laid out according to our standard, "OpenStreetMap Data in Layered GIS Format", whichwe update continuously. Here are two example shapefiles for you to download (the files contain all layers, not onlythose depicted):

For graph processing (e.g. routing or reachability analysis with software likeNetwork Analyst) we also offer special routable shapefiles which only includethe road network. For these, OpenStreetMap data is preprocessed by splittingeach road at each junction, so that the resulting shapefiles contain only roadsegments. The preprocessing step is slightly different for automobile, bicycle,or pedestrian routing. We can even add estimated travel times for each segmentto the shapefile. Here is anexample of such a routable shape file.

Geofabrik will charge a previously agreed fixed price for these services basedon the amount of work involved. Please requesta quotation if you are interested! As a guidance, a one-off full set ofshapefiles will approximately cost:

If you order paid shapefiles from us, you'll not only get a lot more data in more layers (see OpenStreetMap Data in Layered GIS Format);we also have invested some time in making these shapefiles more easily usable in standard GIS systems. For example, where a POI is modeled as an area in OpenStreetMap, we will automatically generate a centre pointgeometry so you can process it just like any other POI. In situations where OSM uses morethan one tag to describe the same thing, our shapefiles usually repair that as well.

And of course we can accommodate all sorts of special requests when doing custom shapefiles,for example regarding the features selected, their attributes, the categorisation into layers, or regional splitting. We can produce data in a form you can directly use.

I have tried converting the Philippines projection to OSM (right click on the shapefile and "save as" the new projection) and converting both to WSG84, but without success. Either one of the shapefiles disappear or the new projected seems to have no change.

This year, I made the decision and conscious effort to use shapefiles less and GeoPackages more in the work that I do. Whenever possible and whenever people will listen, I also try to talk and explain why I made the switch to GeoPackage and why I think the format has a lot of potential.

The ArcGIS web-application for interactively displaying the national-scale geodatabase is available here: -uni.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=a88b9ca0919f4400881eab4a26370cee. Supporting datasets are available here: Supporting datasets include: (1) GIS shapefiles with river catchment properties; (2) GIS shapefiles with stream network properties; (3) spreadsheets containing the complete set of morphometric and topographic characteristics (n = 91); and, (4) example MATLAB code and topographic data to replicate the analysis for a selected catchment. The supporting datasets will also be uploaded to the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Environmental Information Data Centre.

Data Availability: The ArcGIS web-application for interactively displaying the national-scale geodatabase is available here: -uni.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=a88b9ca0919f4400881eab4a26370cee. Supporting datasets are available here: Supporting datasets include: (1) GIS shapefiles with river catchment properties; (2) GIS shapefiles with stream network properties; (3) spreadsheets containing the complete set of morphometric and topographic characteristics (n = 91); and, (4) example MATLAB code and topographic data to replicate the analysis for a selected catchment. The supporting datasets will also be uploaded to the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Environmental Information Data Centre.

When I activate both layers, they are offset by thousands of meters. I can also tell that File 2 is sized incorrectly, it's scaled significantly larger than file 1. I received these files from a local city government, I wanted to use their shapefiles to recreate some maps for spatial analysis. It's a wonder to me that they created the maps they did when the extents are so different. e24fc04721

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