The settings element in the settings.xml file contains elements usedto define values which configure Maven execution in various ways, likethe pom.xml, but should not be bundled to any specific project, ordistributed to an audience. These include values such as the localrepository location, alternate remote repository servers, andauthentication information.

The former settings.xml are also called global settings, the lattersettings.xml are referred to as user settings. If both files exists,their contents gets merged, with the user-specific settings.xml beingdominant.

Download Settings.xml For Maven

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Tip: If you need to create user-specific settings from scratch, it'seasiest to copy the global settings from your Maven installation to your${user.home}/.m2 directory. Maven's default settings.xml is atemplate with comments and examples so you can quickly tweak it to matchyour needs.

This element contains a list of pluginGroup elements, each contains agroupId. The list is searched when a plugin is used and the groupId isnot provided in the command line. This list automatically containsorg.apache.maven.plugins and org.codehaus.mojo.

The repositories for download and deployment are defined by therepositories anddistributionManagement elementsof the POM. However, certain settings such as username and passwordshould not be distributed along with the pom.xml. This type ofinformation should exist on the build server in the settings.xml.

The profile element in the settings.xml is a truncated version ofthe pom.xml profile element. It consists of the activation,repositories, pluginRepositories and properties elements. Theprofile elements only include these four elements because theyconcerns themselves with the build system as a whole (which is the roleof the settings.xml file), not about individual project object modelsettings.

The activation element is not the only way that a profile may beactivated. The settings.xml file's activeProfile element may containthe profile's id. They may also be activated explicitly through thecommand line via a comma separated list after the -P flag (e.g.-P test).

Maven properties are value placeholder, like properties in Ant. Theirvalues are accessible anywhere within a POM by using the notation${X}, where X is the property. They come in five different styles,all accessible from the settings.xml file:

The final piece of the settings.xml puzzle is the activeProfileselement. This contains a set of activeProfile elements, which eachhave a value of a profile id. Any profile id defined as anactiveProfile will be active, regardless of any environment settings.If no matching profile is found nothing will happen. For example, ifenv-test is an activeProfile, a profile in a pom.xml (orprofile.xml with a corresponding id will be active. If no suchprofile is found then execution will continue as normal.

Where is the $M2_HOME. In other terms when working from STS(Eclipse), what is the installation folder for maven in this case. I can't find a settings.xml in ${user.home}/.m2/ .I worked under Windows 7

With the 3.x releases of Eclipse I found that you need to have your installation point to an external Maven installation for Eclipse to make use of the settings.xml files. Once you installed a downloaded version you can choose Window -> Preferences -> Maven -> Installations, press Add... and point to the version you just installed.

I been facing some issues with settings.xml. Actually the problems is at work place I need to point to different repository on our VPN, while in case of trying out new examples I want to ignore the settings.xml with repository server configured on VPN. Is there a way I can do it? Currently what I am doing is I just simply change the name of settings.xml to settings.xml1 and it works. But I am tired of doing such changes.

One thing my fellow colleague doing is keeping the settings.xml in project itself. Which I don't like as it is maven repository configuration and it should not be kept in project itself. For the same thing I got similar reference from quick start guide as well. From official documentation on settings:

The settings element in the settings.xml file contains elements used to define values which configure Maven execution in various ways, like the pom.xml, but should not be bundled to any specific project, or distributed to an audience.

If repositories are defined in your settings.xml file, they are hence defined in a profile, which I guess is active by default, applying the standard approach suggested on the official documentation. Let's say this profile is called vpn-rep (via its id element).

The -P!vpn-rep,my-rep part will actually switch off the vpn-rep profile (and as such maven will not use the repositories declared on it, that is, no VPN repository will be used) and will switch on the my-rep one.

If Maven within its directory structure has the settings.xml file, where it lets me define the location of my own local repository directory to anywhere, from where any dependency (already downloaded or to be download in the future) is used for any Maven project.

I am assuming Gradle tries to get the dependencies already downloaded in my Local Repository (/Users/somename/gradlerepository) defined globally on the init script file and if a dependency is not found in the Local Repository (is new) then Gradle proceed to call the mavenCentral to try to get the dependency from Maven Central.

Also, is it strictly necessary that the credentials for publishing be stored in a settings.xml file? Is this being done for backwards compatibility with Maven? If not, the recommended approach is to externalize credentials in a file.

If you do not want the settings.xml file in the root directory or if you intend to frequently change between different setting configurations, you may prefer to put a settings file in a custom location. Heroku provides this capability with the MAVEN_SETTINGS_PATH config variable.

Some artifact repositories require a username and password to access. Many times, the repository is a private server hosting internal artifacts. When this is the case, credentials for accessing the repository must be provided in the settings.xml, which can be a problem if the file is checked into a Git repository.

Would it be worth looking at scripting the creation of the .m2/repository/ folder and .m2/settings.xml files for CI builds, in order to avoid needing them to exist inside the project source code repository?

Those are integration test cases run under maven. In those tests, I need to get artifacts as dependencies. I can't hardcode a settings.xml location (or a settings.xml as resource) because this location changes between developer machines and with the locations on the CI server.

Update: I included settings.xml with a hardcoded access token within the repository and included -gs ./settings.xml in my maven build command to point to it. Works but doubt this is best practice, so leaving the question open.

I have defined a custom maven setting.xml which resides in the root directory of the repository, however when I am executing the pipeline which has this command: "- mvn -B -s settings.xml clean install", it is not referring to the custom settings.xml file. Any suggestions, what could be the issue?

If that still does not work, I would suggest trying to debug the build locally using docker following the instructions of Debug pipelines locally with docker as this seems to be an error with the maven config itself. Once it successfully runs locally, you can push the changes to the bitbucket repository and the pipeline should produce the same result.

You can authenticate to GitHub Packages with Apache Maven by editing your ~/.m2/settings.xml file to include your personal access token (classic). Create a new ~/.m2/settings.xml file if one doesn't exist.

GitHub Packages supports SNAPSHOT versions of Apache Maven. To use the GitHub Packages repository for downloading SNAPSHOT artifacts, enable SNAPSHOTS in the POM of the consuming project or your ~/.m2/settings.xml file.

If you have installed Maven for the first time, either as part of the Oracle WebLogic Server installation, or by downloading it from the Maven website, you will not have a settings file yet. You must create it, naming it settings.xml

Oracle homes in 12c contain maven directories which contain Maven Project Object Models (POMs) for artifacts provided by Oracle, archetypes for creating projects, and Maven plug-ins provided by Oracle, for executing various build operations.

An alternative method is to use the deploy plug-in, which you can do by using a command like the following from the ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/plugins/maven/com/oracle/maven/oracle-maven-sync/12.2.1 directory:

If you would like to use the shorter name for the Oracle Maven Synchronization plug-in, so that you do not have to provide the full coordinates when using it, add an entry to your Maven settings.xml as follows:

To configure your Maven installation and download, and use the plug-in from the Oracle Maven Repository, you must register for access in the Oracle Public Maven Repository and add a server entry to your Maven settings.xml file, as described in Section 1.4.

A pointer to the server entry in your Maven settings.xml file. This is required only if you intend to deploy to a remote repository. The settings.xml should provide the remote artifact repository's deployment information, such as URL, user name, and password.

Checks the Oracle home you have provided and makes a list of all of the Maven artifacts inside that Oracle home. This is done by looking for Project Object Model files in the ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/plugins/maven dependencies directory and its subdirectories, recursively, and in the ORACLE_HOME/PRODUCT_HOME/plugins/maven directory and its subdirectories recursively for each PRODUCT_HOME that exists in the ORACLE_HOME. ff782bc1db

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