Basic HOSTPOT is now configured. Now goto client pc, Upon booting, it will automatically receive ip from hotspot dhcp server, Open your browser and try to open any web site, You will see Hotspot Login page asking for credentials.

You can use some fancy good looking login page. To customize the login page, Open Winbox , Goto Files , here you will see various files, look at hotspot/login.html , Drag n Drop this file to Desktop. See the attached picture.

Download Script Hotspot Mikrotik


If you want that after successful login to hotspot , user must be redirected to your advertisement web site / any other web, then You will need to replace a variable on the hotspot/login.html document on the mikrotik router.

You must replace $(link-orig) with the url of the website you want them to get after login.

Sometimes it is required to allow access to some destinations / URLs for non authenticated users, for example if you have a web / radius server and you want that user can access it without login to hotspot, then you can add its ip address in walled garden.

It does this by creating the scripts and running the first one using the :execute command which causes it to be run asynchronously. You may recall I used a similar function in the http load/bandwidth tester script to run multiple fetch commands. This is then followed by a delay to allow the first part of the script (downloading and then removing existing certs) to be completed and then itself go into a 10 second delay before the new certificates are imported from terminal directly (passphases and all).

I had a customer show me a strange problem they were having with hotspot. They are doing MAC based authentication off of a usermanager server with 5 or 6 hotspots distributed out in their network. They have it limited down to one login per useraccount, which is normal. The problem is that they would occasionally get strange multiple logins from their customers.

You can create a completely different set of servlet pages for each HotSpot server you have, specifying the directory in "html-override-directory" property of a HotSpot server profile /ip hotspot profile. The default servlet pages are copied in the directory "hotspot" directory right after you create server profile. This directory can be accessed by connecting to the router with an FTP client. You can copy this directory and modify the pages as you like using the information from this section of the manual. Note that it is suggested to edit the files manually, as automated HTML editing tools may corrupt the pages by removing variables or other vital parts. After you are finished with content modification you need to upload this modified content to some custom directory on hotspot router and point previously mentioned property "html-override-directory" value as path to this new custom HTML directory.

Apart from the obvious dynamic entries in the /ip hotspot submenu itself (like hosts and active users), some additional rules are added in the firewall tables when activating a HotSpot service. Unlike RouterOS version 2.8, there are relatively few firewall rules added in the firewall as the main job is made by the one-to-one NAT algorithm.

Any actions that should be done before HotSpot rules apply, should be put in the pre-hotspot chain. This chain is under full administrator control and does not contain any rules set by the system, hence the invalid jump rule (as the chain does not have any rules by default).

First in the hs-unauth chain is put everything that affects TCP protocol in the /ip hotspot walled-garden ip submenu (i.e., everything where either protocol is not set, or set to TCP). Here we are excluding from being redirected to the login page.

All other HTTP requests are redirected to the Walled Garden proxy server which listens the 64874 port. If there is an allow entry in the /ip hotspot walled-garden menu for an HTTP request, it is being forwarded to the destination. Otherwise, the request will be automatically redirected to the HotSpot login servlet (port 64873).

HotSpot by default assumes that only these ports may be used for HTTP proxy requests. These two entries are used to "catch" client requests to unknown proxies (you can add more rules here for other ports). I.e., to make it possible for the clients with unknown proxy settings to work with the HotSpot system. This feature is called "Universal Proxy". If it is detected that a client is using some proxy server, the system will automatically mark that packets with the http hotspot mark to work around the unknown proxy problem, as we will see later on. Note that the port used (64874) is the same as for HTTP requests in the rule #9 (so both HTTP and HTTP proxy requests are processed by the same code).

Unlike NAT table where only TCP-protocol related Walled Garden entries were added, in the packet filter hs-unauth chain is added everything you have set in the /ip hotspot walled-garden ip menu. That is why although you have seen only one entry in the NAT table, there are two rules here.

Scripts can be stored in the Script repository or can be written directly to the console. The events used to trigger script execution include, but are not limited to the System Scheduler, the Traffic Monitoring Tool, and the Netwatch Tool generated events.

Variables can be used only in certain regions of the script called scopes. These regions determine the visibility of the variable. There are two types of scopes - global and local. A variable declared within a block is accessible only within that block and blocks enclosed by it, and only after the point of declaration.

If a variable is initially defined without value then the variable data type is set to nil, otherwise, a data type is determined automatically by the scripting engine. Sometimes conversion from one data type to another is required. It can be achieved using data conversion commands. Example:

On the Internet, I found a script that allows to automatically maintain permanent authorization in WISP mode when connecting to the hotspot (mikrotik standart: login / password). BUT I was not able to correctly run it on the GL-MT300N v1 even just for execution, not to mention the startup at boot.

Guys can any one help me to make an auto login script for my local mikrotik router hotspot login page ??I had tried in vbscript but it only post values in username and password fields,it was not loging me in.. code in VBscript:

Many Wi-Fi hotspots these days have a "web login", especially free ones. You know, the ones that redirect any HTTP request to their login form. Windows usually displays the "Additional login information may be required" notification for these.

Is there a way that I can automate the process of such logins, ie. save my username and password (for a given hotspot)? Ideally, I want this to happen without even opening my usual browser, although if the process itself automatically opens and closes an Internet Explorer window to perform the login that might be OK.

Add an IP for your Hotspot network by going to IP > Addresses. Ensure you assign the IP address to the proper interface on which the switch or AP for the hotspot network will be connected. It is also best practice to put comments on the newly added subnet.


This manual setup method suggested below is for network professionals only with massive knowledge of Mikrotik routers. It is useful only if you wish to keep your original configuration for some reason.


If you have important existing config on your router export it using the command:

/export file=myconfig.rsc;

Follow our Simple Guide to setup hotspot on your router.

Test the hotspot. If all good import your exported config in small batches.

Before running a batch try to check if this will conflict with the hotspot config or not. After all batches ran check the result. If errors given analyze the errors. Hopefully irrelevant but you have to make it sure.

Important note: This setup method cover only our core install.

Additional scipts like our PSD2 solution, Secure SSL router pages, etc. are available only for our Simple Install.

You can install them if you go to Location Management page in our Control Center scrolling down to section Router Setup Command just uncheck Base Install script and all other scripts except for the one you want to add to your manual install. Copy the script and fit it to your config.

We don't match it to all possible config combinations. You know your config and using manual setup you declare you have the knowledge to use and manage your special config.

2. Let's add the hotspot service to wlan Click IP > HotSpot and the hotspot Setup box, choose wlan1 as hotspot interface. You can accept default values but choose none for certificate. Leave the IP as it is (10.5.50.x). If you change this IP, the LOGIN and LOGOUT links will not work on your splash page.

In the hotspot profiles (IP > HotSpot > Profiles) choose your hotspot profile and click the radius tab, check allow radius. Then click the login tab and de-select cookie, allow https, http pap and chap.

NOTE: In case you are installing multiple routers in the same location, you should use different NAS IDs. For the second routers you need to add '_wds_1' to the NAS Id, for the third router '_wds_2', etc. So for example if you want to install the second router in location 3, the NASID should be set to 'globalhotspot_3_wds_1'.

12. Extend the shared-users limit in your hotspot profile.

Sub-menu: /ip hotspot user profile

or go to IP > Hotspot > User Profiles > default > Shared-Users

Change shared-users to 5.

UPGRADE WARNING: In case you upgrade your router with new firmware you have to hardreset your router after the upgrade and reinstall it with our script. If you have special network settings you can export the settings and import the settings after the reset. 2351a5e196

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