Brilliant work, Thanks.

Will we be notified if the extension for Scratch and micro:bit becomes available for the Pi4. I really love this toy and would love to implement the Pi as a mini PC where you can use scratch 3 to code your micro:bit in an offline environment.

I second this. Usually, software needing to create big temporary files and taking care of the user's system disk (especially when it's an SSD) allow to specify a folder located on another partition. AF Photo is a good software but things that seem obvious for other similar software and that are really simple to implement (like a workspace manager and a user defined scratch folder) are merely ignored. This is strange.

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I was gonna build a new computer system and I wanted to set my 2nd m.2 stick to a reserved scratch disk for performance purposes. What was my surprise when I saw there was no options to set this out in AF!!

My primary drive is for my operating system... I have other (much larger) drives for my programs, files, etc... and one for cache / scratch space. Working on a large document in both Designer and Photo, it's sucking up three gigabytes on my primary drive because I can't assign that temp space to a drive where I have terabytes of space. Like I can in Photoshop and Illustrator!

I really love the Affinity suite, but I'm probably going to have to move back to Adobe products for certain things, in part because of the lack of an assignable temp / scratch drive.

Please add this option! Folks have been asking for a while now, apparently...

I bought the V2 suite, currently working on AP 2 on a 160Mpix panorama with few adjustement layers and I find the software quite sluggish and buggy.

It also crash/freeze a lot (while moving layers, masking, merging), and I noticed that it uses 60GB of my C: drive.

I would like to try to use another M.2 SSD as scratch disk.

Thanks !

I'm putting together a new PC (have been Mac guy for 10+ years) and the specs are X99 board, i5930K CPU & I ended up with a Samsung 950 Pro M.2 ~ 256, an 850 Pro ~ 512, and an 850 pro ~ 256 (long story). I will use spinners for files (RAW images, photos, etc.). My question is specifically regarding a boot drive, Photoshop scratch disk and perhaps the Lightroom catalog file. I have read a ton online but this question is still looming. Which configuration would be better, 1) putting Windows and apps on the M.2, and Photoshop scratch on the 850 - 512, or 2) - the other way around? Also, wondering if putting the Lightroom catalog file on the remaining 850 pro ~ 256, by itself, would matter at all. Thanks to anyone that has a clue about this.

oh, yes I know. I wasn't really asking that but something a lot more difficult. Essentially trying to learn which SSD would be better for scratch (950 Pro M.2) or (2.5" 850 Pro SSD), and which one of those two would be better for booting and applications. Moreover, I have a third, smaller SSD, and was also wondering if giving Lightroom full control of that for the LRCAT file has any advantage. Thanks for your response.

Photoshop uses random access memory (RAM) to process images. If Photoshop has insufficient memory, it uses hard-disk space, also known as a scratch disk, to process information. Accessing information in memory is faster than accessing information on a hard disk. Therefore, Photoshop is fastest when it can process all or most image information in RAM.

I went with the 6700K mildly OC's at 4.6 GHz and 32 GB of memory. I had a bunch of Evo 850s so I used a 256GB for the OS and pgms, a 500GB for my photo working set and another 250GB for catalogs, caches, scratch disks, etc. I use a couple of WD Blacks for intermediate storage and 4 3TB WE externals for long term storage.

I would get the i7-6700k and with the price difference buy a Samsung 950 Pro M.2 512GB and because the M.2 950 is way faster than the 850 Pro I would leave everything(boot/APP/scratch/catalog) into the M.2 else the RAW/photos, to avoid the Samsung 950 Pro throttling down because of high temperature, add mini heat sinks.

With the i7-6700k I would also do a moderate overclock to 4.5Ghz(guide here), to cool the CPU the new Cooler Master MasterLiquid Pro line(long life pump).

Thanks for the responses, much of this has been helpful. I am stuck, for lack of a better way of putting it, with the hardware I have now. I am also finding what several of the comments have stated here, that being the speed difference in real world terms (950 or 850) won't be overwhelming. I think a couple of the main points - putting the Lrcat file on an SSD and Ps scratch on one as well, I will absolutely do, as well as Windows and apps. I also read prior to windows 10 you could not boot from m.2 without other issues being resolved, but don't think that is a problem any longer. I'm not 100% but I'm thinking at this point I will have Windows and apps on the 512 850 pro, and let the m.2 be the Photoshop scratch disk. I also understand the amount of RAM factors greatly in Ps performance. Since I have yet another SSD, a 256 850 Pro, I will probably put the Lightroom catalog files there. The bulk of my data is on the spinners, 4TB WD blacks. There were slightly odd circumstance with regard to how I ended up with the extraneous SSD's (including the M.2) so I was simply attempting to make sure I put the right files on the appropriate SSD, if it mattered.

IMHO if Photoshop scratch disk activity is truly a bottleneck then more RAM could well be a better solution than a faster disk. Especially when even the slowest RAM is thousands of times faster than even the fastest SSD. 2351a5e196

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